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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Via Salon: Since then, though, some people -- conservative blogger Michelle Malkin among them -- have begun to question Todd's account. And the Web site TMZ.com says it has sources inside the Pittsburgh police who say "they have serious questions about the authenticity of the alleged victim who says she had her face cut by a politically-motivated attacker." The site also reports that it has been told "there are several things about the alleged attack that don't add up." Police reinterviewed Todd Thursday night, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports; the questioning lasted at least five hours. And the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says investigators plan to administer a polygraph test to Todd, reportedly because her statements conflict with evidence from the scene where she says the attack occurred. A post-attack photo of Todd that the Associated Press says was not taken by police has been circulating on the Internet. Based on that image, some people on the Internet have been asking why the "B" on Todd's cheek is reversed, as if she did it to herself using a mirror. Others have brought up an incident from the late 1980s, when Morton Downey Jr. claimed skinheads had painted a swastika on his face. His story was similarly questioned because the swastika was reversed. The photo also shows Todd with a black eye. Salon showed it to Jennifer Province, an emergency room nurse, who says she believes the black eye was faked. The color of it is wrong, Province said, and there's less swelling than typically seen. This isn't the first time this year that Todd has claimed to be involved in an election-related incident. Earlier this month, she posted to YouTube a video she shot of a janitor at New York's Queens College. In it, she says, "This janitor took down all of my signs ... and tore them apart ... I am really perturbed. He closed off the bathrooms and is making it very hostile." Salon was able to find some of Todd's personal Web pages, which we're not linking to in order to protect her privacy. What appears to be her MySpace page, which gives her age as 23 rather than 20, is private. But the quote at the top of it is visible -- it reads, "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her cloths [sic] off, but its [sic] better if you do." Diane Richard, a spokeswoman for the Pittsburgh police, was not available for comment. Update: Shortly after I posted this, WTAE updated its story on the incident with additional comment from Richard, who said, "We have learned that the victim's statement has a few inconsistencies in it and her statement has changed." According to Richard, Todd now says she isn't sure if it was her bumper sticker that enraged her alleged attacker or a campaign button she wore on her jacket. (Separately, the Post-Gazette reports that she did not originally tell police about the bumper sticker at all.) She has also reportedly added new details to her story, saying she lost consciousness during the attack and also that she was sexually assaulted. "She indicated that when he had her on the ground he put his hand up her blouse and started fondling her. But other than that, she says she doesn't remember anything else. So we're adding a sexual assault to this as well," Richard said.
  2. I;m down near Jamestown, but if come after me I'll run in racist PA!
  3. Think about that. The GOP has alienated the tenth largest economy in the world!
  4. I know it! I've figured it out! Is it Haspanic Americans?
  5. This is the best thread ever
  6. The "underground economy"? I can't see how that fits in with the clues though
  7. I just find it so amazing how any criticism at all of the settlers in Israel is immediatly taken as support for the Holocaust.
  8. Atlantic ocean fishing?
  9. wow. the force runs deep
  10. Or Cuba, lol. No I think the hint means something else, but I don't know what
  11. From Wiki: Rankings from different sources [edit]The World Factbook According to The World Factbook published by the CIA, if California were an independent state, it would have had the tenth largest economy in the world in 2007.[11] [edit]California Legislative Analyst's Office According to the California Legislative Analyst's Office, if California were an independent state, it would have had the eighth largest economy in the world.[10] [edit]California Department of Finance According to the California Department of Finance, if California were an independent state, it would have had the seventh largest economy in the world.<ref="worldranking"/>
  12. So is that other POS Bachmann, the one that wants congress investigated for un-American ideas
  13. Speaking of wacko religious nuts: http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/world/5097155...h-in-west-bank/
  14. California was 5th last time I checked. Give us a hint
  15. The illegal drug trade?
  16. Those Bob Barr supperts are nothing but animals!
  17. National Debt: $10,000,000,000,000
  18. Election day is November 4! An even number day! And that's the only day that counts! Welcome aboard the Obama train!
  19. How dare you compare Christianity to a fake religion like Islam!
  20. Libraries are nothing more than Socialist Salons that leach off the government for their unhealthy existence! If you want to crush communism, especially Islamic Communism, start by closing the libraries!
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