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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. No, not your I.Q.! *just kidding Wacka*
  2. Quote of the day from Dick Morris: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/...eak_for_mc.html I'll try and not count him out of this race just yet
  3. I guess we will see. Of course, the Democrats will grow more corrupt and arrogent as time moves on, so they will have to push hard on some major items quickly, like alternative energy and such. And don't count on "one party rule" for too long. I suppose the GOP could just fall back on its rural, ignorant voters and rely on them, but that doesn't make all that much sense.
  4. But what about all those people that have jobs importing stuff from China? If everyone saves their money no one can have a job that sells crap
  5. Ya, Bush blinked, that's why he was savaged
  6. Another thing I think happened is that the Dems have been able to communicate their message better because of things like the Daily Show, MSNBC, youtube and on the internet in general. The GOP had a decided advantage here earlier with talk radio and Fox news but that's just gone now.
  7. How is that any different than Nixon running for "law and order"? Reagan ran on the anti-abortion crap and against liberal judges. I just think America changed and the Republicans were able to squeeze out two more election victories as a last gasp. My theory is that this is a long term trend, with fewer voters coming of age that identify with God, guns and whatever. This election cycle accelerated this trend because--IMO--the great battle ground section of the country, the suburbs, were hit hard by the drop in home values. I know GOP wins in rural areas and Dems in city, so winning the suburbs wins elections. And it seems to me that the suburbs suffered the most. DCan the GOP win back suburban numbers enough to off set the new Democratic voters? I suppose they can, but the trend is against them.
  8. I guess that's the point then, even though it went right over your head. The electorate must be more liberal now.
  9. I sure hope it is rapid and high, but if Consumers are not consuming this sh-- can spirial down fast.
  10. Both? It's obviously following after the bad news on Wall Street, but its showing bad times ahead if people are not buying toasters and stuff.
  11. Let's hear it! How is this the Dems fault?
  12. Not to bring up more bad news, but...there's more bad news: http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/28/news/econo...sion=2008102813
  13. The current economic storm might not be half played out yet and a lack of consumer spending power is already starting to ripple through the economy.
  14. No way he pitches tonight. They will have to save him for a game 7 if necessary
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_Uni..._election,_2006 I was just thinking about how a black guy in a southern state almost won an election. This must have really bolstered Obama's hopes of winning nationally. One thing I think we can all be happy about is that racism seems on the decline in our country
  16. Does this include the AMT?
  17. Then you should be for Progressive taxation, it does that
  18. Oh gees, another "the sky is falling" thread because we are electing a decent man as president.
  19. Well, stuff like that is really working. I wached some C-Span yesterday and an Obama worker was going door to door and they interviewed this Bengals fan and he was all about Obama being a muslim and all that. And he was a good person he seemed, just really badly misinformed by Fox News. This is from today's Washington Post:
  20. This is so very true! I didn't vote for dog catcher last year and the local mutt took advantage of me and left a big surprise on my lawn! My apathy has cost me dearly!
  21. Oh, I thought Bush inherited the great economy from Clinton
  22. Ever since the country started. Back in the early stages of the nation the government started handing out "free land" that it had to steal from the Indians. That was rather expensive, but the people demanded it and the government did it. The government of this country has been handing out free sh-- since it started
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