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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Big deal, while that little--and heroic--9 year old got his hand burned those two McCain supporters that were plotting to murder Obama are getting a@@ rammed in jail right now.
  2. As opposed to McCain supporters that are making assassination plans
  3. She can use the stimulous check to pay it
  4. The Crowd can't help it! http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/
  5. What do you mean? That because there was a legal aristocracy the people reacted to it by trying to enforce equality?
  6. Liberals might be disappointed with Obama. Yes, that's a chance we are taking. No doubt Conservatives have had a hell of a let down but not just Bush but the entire Conservative movement which has turned out to be are farce. But what will Conservatives do if Obama is a great big success? Not only will their party look even more disconected and childish than it already is, but Liberals wil enjoy popular support and the gratitude of the nation. The country will swing Center-Left
  7. Looks like Iraqis want us out, jesus or no jesus: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081030/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_iraq
  8. Maybe there is a God afterall!
  9. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/?pageId=79276
  10. Same as it ever was.....same as it ever was
  11. I avoid the dentist myself and never get cavaties, but some people have just very weak teeth it seems and get cavaties really easily. Other people just are not taught good habits by their parents and their teeth are f'd up. I now wear a cage at hockey because I don't want my teeth knocked out. That would be expensive to fix!
  12. Its also a barrier to upward economic mobility. Who would hire a service employee that had totally f'd up teeth?
  13. I think its about time the government did something to enable more Americans to be able to go and see a dentist. The next time I walk into a Quickie Mart and see the slave behind the counter have bad teeth I swear I'll scream. These are the working poor and they shouldn't have to suffer like that.
  14. Ya, so? We are still here going strong
  15. What really pisses me off is that the liberal media won't even bother to ask God his opinion on this subject. Talk about elitism!
  16. Upset? We are winning. Joe the Loser can speak all the nonesense he wants
  17. And trade it for hostages? Iran Contra anyone?
  18. What really bothers me about all this is the incredibly dumbed downness of it all. Joe the plumber, Sally the secretary, Dick the Douche bag, etc. Oh, and Tito the Builder. This and "Evil Doers" and bad guys. It's like Bush ran the government and only explained what he was doing as if he was talking to 3 year olds. It just grates on the ears.
  19. Some Conservatives think Palin is the answer! http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_stump/a...in-12-camp.aspx Here's the Times: “She’s dynamite,” said Morton C. Blackwell, who was President Ronald Reagan’s liaison to the conservative movement. Mr. Blackwell described vying to get close to Ms. Palin at a fund-raiser in Virginia, lamenting that he could get only within four feet. “I made a major effort to position myself at this reception,” he said, adding that he is eager to sit down with her after the election to discuss the future. Asked if the weeks of unflattering revelations and damaging interviews had tarnished her among conservatives, he replied, “Not a bit.” Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, a conservative group, called it a “top order of business” to determine Ms. Palin’s future role. “Conservatives have been looking for leadership, and she has proven that she can electrify the grass roots like few people have in the last 20 years,” Mr. Bozell said. “No matter what she decides to do, there will be a small mother lode of financial support behind her.” In other good news for Democrats, the Politico piece also includes this tidbit: "There's a sense that the Republican Party is broken, but the conservative movement is not," said this source, suggesting that it was the betrayal of some conservative principles by Bush and congressional leaders that led to the party's decline. ... Few believe that the Republican party will respond to another brutal election by following a path of moderation, but conservatives are deeply dispirited and anxious to reassert the core values they believe have not always been followed by Bush, congressional leaders and their party’s presidential nominee. Many on the right, both elites and the rank-and-file, see a rudderless party that is in dire need of new blood and old principles: small government, a robust national security and unapologetic social conservatism.
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