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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Why? Because your Dear Leader Bush will be leaving soon?
  2. HONK! HONK!! Sounds like fun! I'm voting fter work in a Republican district, lol
  3. If Obama is President at least we have a chance!
  4. Now its time for the real poll to be taken. What a beautiful day here. I'm taking the motorcycle into work. Go Obama!
  5. Higher prices will lead to more conservation and lower prices!
  6. Ya, we should stick with the market worshipping, big debt building policies a-- hole
  7. Doesn't sound much different from Strom Thurmound's last years in the senate or Reagan's in the white house
  8. People confined to wheelchairs are un-American!
  9. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/sfgate...p;type=politics
  10. Where is the birth certificate of that last baby?
  11. Paul Krugman is on about this. He's asking what the Republicans will look like after the election. He claims that its mostly the moderates that are getting beaten and that what will be left of the GOP will be the most Conservatives members. Will they just turn in the obstruction party? Will it be Rush Limbo's party? Krugman:
  12. Speaking of strange associations, check this out: http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/100..._yard_sign.html
  13. Doesn't seem to be bothering the Democrats one bit I wonder if the Rump Republicans will "reach across the aisle" or hunker down and spit venom at anything the Dems attempt to do. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/03/us/polit...amp;oref=slogin
  14. We don't want to kill Republicans, just beat them at the polls
  15. Its the last friday before the Obama riots happen!
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friday
  17. I was going to add that I love everything about Christmas, Santa included.
  18. Oh, I'm an extremely devout Christian and think Holloween is a pagen holiday and celebrates devil worship and witches and all that. Yes sir eee, I'm a real church dude.
  19. Ya, I guess I just remember the argument being made to move them.
  20. If I am not mistaken, and I may be, haven't the Marines been maily moved to Afganistan?
  21. Liberal media picking on motorcycles again!
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