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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Should people have been buying houses they couldn't afford? No. Should Bush's SEC have been allowing finance to regulate itself? No. Is there blame to go around? Yes
  2. LOL, http://voices.washingtonpost.com/reliable-.../rs-palin7.html
  3. Paul Krugman sees this as an opportunity:
  4. Bush kicks over a bee hive. Obama is a bad president because he can't gather up all the bees. Of course, when prosperity does return, Obama can take the credit!
  5. Like what? How does one get "control" of this mess?
  6. Politicians? LOL, doubt that.
  7. Wow! The polls predicted every senate race in the country within the margin of error--except in Alaska
  8. With victory won it's time to temper expectations, that's all
  9. http://www.stickershoppe.com/sticker-shop/catalog/R88.html
  10. What does Bush running the country into the ground have to do with the options available to Obama? To quote a recent poster on this board: Wow, just wow!
  11. Ya, your boy Bush sure has run our nation right into the ground.
  12. Hell, both parties did! And Fox News!
  13. They did. The thing was McCain's platform was just as questionable so it was a wash. Politics gives way to governing now.
  14. We are F'ked, basically. These are scary numbers. http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1107/p25s11-wmgn.html
  15. Reaching out??? He tried to defeat our presidential candidate! F him!
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/07/world/mi...amp;oref=slogin
  17. Actually, there are a lot of big banks there and the financial crisis might have played a role there
  18. It took a day and a half, but the Associated Press has just called North Carolina and its 15 Electoral College votes for Barack Obama. That brings his total to 364. No Democrat had won the state since Jimmy Carter did it in 1976; a formerly Democratic state, it shifted Republican along with the rest of the South after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
  19. Oh, how 1938 Berlin of you!
  20. Why should he pay taxes on welfare benefits?
  21. I hate the shoot outs. I liked it at first but it is ridicilous. There was like one team with a losing record in eastern conference last season.
  22. From Salon's War Room:
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