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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Oh, I see what you are saying, those with the most should pay the most. I like that! It's a nice place to start. I'm glad you have come around to believing in redistributing income, because that's what you just supported.
  2. So we are not paying an equal amount, how is that fair? Hint: It's not. Nothing in the world is really fair.
  3. How is paying any percentage of your wealth or income equal?
  4. That would depend on the price of gas. If for whatever reason it shoots up to 8 or 10 dollar a gallon, you will make up the cost pretty quickly
  5. Go Rush, Go!!! I hope this guy stays a major, nay! THE major force in the GOP. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/11/us/polit...amp;oref=slogin
  6. If we had national health care the Big Three would have a big burden lifted from their shoulders
  7. http://www.startribune.com/politics/nation...L7PQLanchO7DiUs
  8. Ambitious! Bold! Even obturationist! No, not obturationist. But, it is pretty big. Price tag don't bother me at all. But what will the coal industry say about this? Byrd and Rockefeller sure won't be jumping to get on board this. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/09/opinion/...t=cse&scp=2
  9. Because the election is over.
  10. Beer prices haven't changed
  11. He's loonier than usual! Is Rush Limbo--and right wing rdio in general--becoming a major liability for the Republicans? http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/a...,0,800478.story
  12. One final anecdote from that Newsweek series: The day of the third debate, Palin refused to go onstage with New Hampshire GOP Sen. John Sununu and Jeb Bradley, a New Hampshire congressman running for the Senate, because they were pro-choice and because Bradley opposed drilling in Alaska. The McCain campaign ordered her onstage at the next campaign stop, but she refused to acknowledge the two Republican candidates standing behind her. http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/a...chronicles.aspx
  13. Maybe, maybe not, but it sure as hell isn't politically viable. It would be kind of funny is Dubai stepped in and bought the big three though.
  14. Nice to see Jochen back! I love that line, Hecht, Connelly and Pommer. I was thinking they might be our best line, but that Vanek playing all by himself might be a better line than any in the game. Some of the moves he was making! That play they had to review, what an amazing play! Vanek has really come of age. Super star!
  15. I just don't see how this will not be something that keeps happening over and over. The trucks won't sell for value and American cars can't compete right now with Toytoa, Honda and the rest. Toyota is living resonably well with the idea that you don't sell a person one car, you sell them a life time of cars. How GM, Ford and Chrysler change that I have no idea. So unless gas drops to $1.50 a gallon I don't think the car companies will be off the public tit for years. And one of the battles going on inside the Democratic party is who gets the leadership position to change Detriot, John "Detroit" Dingle or Waxman. Which one of them will hold the car comapnies feet to fire more?
  16. I can't open the link. Is all as she did was wear a button? Or is there more?
  17. http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/...L7PQLanchO7DiUr J
  19. More oppression in the People's Republic of NY! http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/07/nyregion/07bags.html?hp Didn't we fight a Revolution to stop things like this? Or something like that, lol
  20. How long does it take to go shopping at a super expensive luxury clothing store? Probably not too long. Obviously she was doing something with her time when she should have been prepping for interviews, becuse she sure as hell wasn't ready for them. Who is the president of Africa, btw?
  21. Hello Ron Paul Loon! How are ya? Imagine a world with that anarchist in charge? Ya, me either! People have too much sense to let that wack job run anything.
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