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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. I'm sorry a Conservative Republican network reported a Conservative Republican operative had said that Palin was an idiot. Happy?
  2. More bad news: Salon.com
  3. Paul Krugman has been yelling for years that we pay more than anyone and get less in health care. I have the feeling he won't be singing that tune much from now on.
  4. That didn't stop Edison from trying to get DC accepted as the main system. He would set up demonstrations to fry stray cats, old farm animals and whatever else people would come to see fried. ZAPP!!! He actually tried to scare people into thinking AC was unsafe.
  5. That's tough. Must be a pretty lonely thing to deal with. I worked with a kid once that had been treated so badly in foster care he just couldn't sleep because he would just start dreaming about the abuse when he did. Kid walked around in a constant fog
  6. Isn't it a shame that the government hasn't stopped people from dying?
  7. I was thinking we could go take out a few more credit cards and max them out before the 100k gets here. Then you can pay it down. Think of the boost to consumer spending!
  8. Who cares about all that crap! The real question is: Can I buy Viagara on this plan?
  9. So, is the Fed just pumping in money right now to cushion the deflationary aspect of the fall in housing and everytrhing that followed? And you are saying that as we find the bottom the fed should pull the money back out or else we get hit with a massive wave of inflation?
  10. And what about in the years following?
  11. Ryan Miller in goal, as per WGR a few minutes ago. They also said we haven't beaten the Blues in 13 years at home
  12. So can this problem really be "solved." Or are we just seeing an attempt to cushion the blow? I see that consumer spending is taking a major hit now. How much money would it take to pump that up along with paying the debt consumers already owe? It looks to me like things really are going to get worse.
  13. Tall people are superior to short people Tall People > Short People
  14. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008...tors-los-alamos
  15. In the Air Force? Dude, we didn't exacty live in a foxhole
  16. The dreaded "Trickle Up" theory of economics! Great question. It's either that A) it wouldn't work fast enough B) The banks would rather just take the money themselves and they have the influence to make that happen C) Maybe it has something to do with inflation(?) D) People are worried illegal immigrants would get something free
  17. Oh, ummmmm....ya, that's what I meant
  18. If we bombed the factories with B-52's it might be better. They would have to start all over again which would be a good thing. This throwing money at them all the time will not solve anything
  19. Playing the St. Louis Blues, and the Blues have been singing the Blues a lot lately.
  20. Seems to have worked for Toyota and Honda
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