I've heard Bush is holding up the Detroit bailout to get a f'n free trade deal with POS Columbia? Bush was all behind the bank bailout, providing leadership on that issue, but he is MIA now. Obama needs to explain--yet again--what deep sh-- the country is in. Consumer spending is plummeting, unemployment is rising, bankruptcies are increasing at alarming rates and having the Big Three file for bankruptcy will only make matters worse. I don't like having to do it, but from where I sit it sure looks like a necessary step to keep the economy from going completly down the tubes. I mean who would buy a car from a bankrupt company? All those auto workers without work will not be good for the economy at all. If this was a normal time I might consider letting the big three get what they might deserve, but not now. Just can't take that hit.
Folks, this really could be the big one.