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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Oh that, well it was a very nice answer, thank you for it.
  2. Wow, wouldn't that be amazing if the Titans go through the regular season undefeated and lose to the Giants in the Super Bowl? LOL!
  3. Thanks for the ideas. Love the sending the crap back advice! And I think I will buy a shredder
  4. I get inundated with this crap and don't just like throwing it out because it has my name on it. Sometimes the credit card applications scare me because I think they have info on me in them. I usually burn the stuff out back but I have so much of it I don't know about that. What do you guys do? I think they should either outlaw junkmail or make the companies that send out all this trash pay a higher postage fee.
  5. I can't believe you knocked on this women's door. What's wrong with you?
  6. OMG, I hope Bush doesn't get any crazy ideas!
  7. No doubt. And let's not forget that the Great Depression was not ended by the relatively small amount of money spent for the New Deal, but by the massive amounts spent on the war. It is better to go big now.
  8. I've heard Bush is holding up the Detroit bailout to get a f'n free trade deal with POS Columbia? Bush was all behind the bank bailout, providing leadership on that issue, but he is MIA now. Obama needs to explain--yet again--what deep sh-- the country is in. Consumer spending is plummeting, unemployment is rising, bankruptcies are increasing at alarming rates and having the Big Three file for bankruptcy will only make matters worse. I don't like having to do it, but from where I sit it sure looks like a necessary step to keep the economy from going completly down the tubes. I mean who would buy a car from a bankrupt company? All those auto workers without work will not be good for the economy at all. If this was a normal time I might consider letting the big three get what they might deserve, but not now. Just can't take that hit. Folks, this really could be the big one.
  9. That vile Welland Canal! Ya, that bypassed us pretty good. A few summers ago I took a tour of Buffalo outer and inner harbor. The outer harbor was nice, going by the Peace Bridge and seeing the open water and all, but then we started up the Buffalo River to a land that looked like the Planet of the Apes. The infrastructure is still inside the habor but a real "dead zone" gets reached way back inthere where the old grain elevators are. The area is completely covered in undergrowth and the elevators are just sitting there unused and looking like monuments of a dead civilization sticking out of the ground. Really bizarr to see that. As I remember, our tour guide said that only one commercial boat *ship* had come into Buffalo harbor that year, if I remember right. This had been one of the busiest ports in the world at one time.
  10. Thanks, that was interesting. I can't remember the last time I saw a ship out on Lake Erie, though.
  11. Scott, still holding your breath?
  12. I guess I could have started a post on Bush speech yesterdy where he said the economy was getting better, but that reminded me of one of his Iraq speeches circa 2004
  13. And don't forget Rush! Running off to some vacation with the guys with lots of Viagara!
  14. And just think, we got there using Voo Doo Economics!
  15. great david brooks op-ed on this http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/14/opinion/...amp;oref=slogin
  16. I bet we discover life on another planet a thousand years before we are ever able to travel out and meet the neighbors. Space is so f'n big. Its a good name for it.
  17. See, to me that's not a problem but something I'd like to see happen Just the thought of scaring my neighbors by telling them that I smell radiation in the air would be worth the price of admission.
  18. Link? I heard that was bull sh-- but it was from Olbermann so...well, so
  19. I remember my TI telling us almost those exact words. The military was a very good experience for me. Discipline, hard work and just meeting so many different people from all over the country. It was a multi-cultural experience that the guys who were my friends that didn't leave Buffalo didn't get.
  20. She sure is in front of the microphone a lot lately
  21. Joe the Senator should be welcomed back. No need to start off administration with a pissing contest.
  22. Just like all the new military equipment we will buy. You know, the nuclear submarines we need to save us from terrorists armed with box cutters
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