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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. 1) Which part of world history? Like the Ming Dynasty or something. 2) Eat chit
  2. Ya, they have done a lot of good so far with this.
  3. Good question. How do we deal with attacks on international commerce without the right wing taking that as an excuse to attack, kill and conquer every "evil doer" in the world. I don't know
  4. I can't figure out if this was the Iroquois, Senaca or Kickapoos, but our Native Americans are not taking this laying down! http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/20/world/af...tml?_r=1&hp NEW DELHI — Days after pirates seized a Saudi-owned supertanker carrying more than $100 million worth of crude oil, the Indian Navy said on Wednesday that one of its warships fought a four-to-five-hour battle at sea with would-be hijackers in the Gulf of Aden, sinking one suspect vessel in flames and forcing the pirates to abandon a second as they fled at high speed.
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/stevens
  6. And Honda, Toyota and cars made in Canada by American companies don't have to pay health care costs because the government does that for them giving those countries a competitive edge over our companies
  7. Oh come on...its capitalism. They want to sell them stuff and will do whatever it takes, even something as small as this.
  8. Is Santa Clause in the Bible? I forget
  9. Do old Polish ladies wear crocs?
  10. I always loved that section of the Bible where Jesus and the saints decorated the first christmas tree. Touching, heart warming and inspiring
  11. Someday America will really have a Muslim president
  12. lol, no I'm not, and the crocs are really nice! I might even go so far as to say they are one of the most comfortable footwears I've ever worn.
  13. I have no idea what point you are trying to make
  14. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that if a store feels they will make shoppers feel more welcome if they are greated with "happy holidays" then so be it.
  15. And I'll tell ya, I was pretty sick of that Brady Quinn pointing the sky everytime he scored against us. Doesn't God have more to do than help people play football?
  16. Which pusies? The ones that cave to Dobson's pressure or the ones that want to seem more diverse and attract non-christians to their businesses?
  17. I can't go barefoot. I always need a pair of shoes on. I like really old worn out sneakers to wear at home. Those Crocs are nice, too!
  18. It was such a good game till the end. Oh well, there's always next week Damn, wide right of all things!
  19. HO HO HO http://www.gazette.com/articles/christmas_..._retailers.html
  20. I think you are probably right. I don't have much confindence that an "Auto Czar" will accomplish anything. I was kind of taken aback--and I shouldn't have been--by the UAW's arrogent stand that they would renegotiate nothing to help with this problem. Maybe Obama should just leave this to Bush and the out going congress and let the automakers fail and deal with the mess after inauguration. Perhaps the clean up will be better than trying to stop these dinosaurs from dying. I don't know
  21. I don't disagree entirely, but the government will have to step in and do something for all those unemployed workers because of the effect it will have on the economy. Will foreign companies just buy up the remnents? Do we really want to let this huge chunk of our manufacturing base go under? What steps do we take if these huge companies fail to ensure they don't drag down the rest of the economy?
  22. Perhaps we should give them a tax cut and deregulate them some more
  23. Is that the same can you poop in?
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