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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. WOW, JUST WOW!!! You right wingers are awesome at comic relief! And it wasn't just the moron in the background, it was Palin arguing we need to get government "off our back" simply because they can't milk more money off the oil companies.
  2. Wow, just wow! Palin 2012!!! Please!
  3. That's the difference. Who the hell would buy a car from a company in banckruptcy???
  4. I knew Bush was a filthy socialist! This is spreading the wealth at its worst!
  5. Do that and consumer spending will collaspe and take the rest of the economy with it.
  6. The Bush gang is actually coming around to using the $700 billion stilmulous for what Dems and many people including myself suggested they should, namely, bailing out consumers. We'll see how it goes.
  7. Well, $6 billion is a lot of money and will probaly bust the budget! What an a-hole Bush is
  8. Actually yes. You live, you make mistakes and learn. I don't really think the Sec. of State needs to super women or anything. Its a tough job, yes, but she is smart and will do fine, IMO
  9. They want $25 billion now, and will probably ask for more, probably much more. If it was only $300 billion I'd do it in a heart beat. We have thrown when all is said and done $2 trillion at Iraq and all its costs, a $700 billion bailout of finance, I think we can save our own industries with this investment.
  10. I'm not saying its the answer, but I'm willing to try. It will cost alot if we go the "anti-government" route anyway, so let's try. I realize its a tough up hill fight, but I'd be willing to do it to preserve our industrialbase, jobs and the economy as a whole. There are foreign comapnies out there using southern scum to do their bidding for them and leading the fight to kill jobs in northern states and I think American jobs are worth fight for.
  11. If their representatives are going to act in the interest of foreign industrialists then I'd punish them right back.
  12. I think we should bail them out. And then experiement with a government controll board situation. It's worth a try. Just letting them fall can't happen. I notice our southern "friends" with their foreign car companies are trying to kill those American companies. Very interesting and I hope favors are paid back with interest.
  13. She will probably be pretty good at it
  14. I see it everywhere. Less warmongering, more enviromentally conscious. Europe has led and we are following. I guess our dismally failed economc model caused a lot of this Not everyone likes this: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/...n_socialis.html
  15. Let's hope! If they are its an excuse for a wider war! Joy!
  16. Exactly, you want to give the military a free pass to do whatever it wants, I think that's wrong. Under this thinking Cambodia got bombed by us. The world is a complicated place
  17. Was Obama's "outsider" campaign BS? Ya, so what? What this country needs is a really good politician. Lincoln was an incredibly great politician and he had to be.
  18. I am glad that you recognize that the left believes in the law and the right doesn't, because that is exactly what you are saying
  19. I actually have no problem with that. As for Tripoli, the Barbary Pirates were attacking our ships, so that is different.
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