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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. LOL, ya, the world might learn we question suspected terrorists! Big secret there
  2. Hey, if David Brooks isn't a conservative this guy isn't a liberal
  3. The fake Liberal is leaving?
  4. We can just call this "change" http://www.newsweek.com/id/170368
  5. According to this site military advertising budget is over a billion dollars! http://radicalreference.info/node/1111 Imagine if another government agency had that much to spend on advertising, like medicare or something? What if they started making ads to promote other things, like students doing more math and sciene? Propaganda does work, why not make it work for something useful?
  6. How big is the military advertising budget? They have advertisements on all the time in prime time and all sorts of other things. Must be in the hundreds of millions of dollars they spend.
  7. Arthur Anderson is another good example
  8. Ya, who knows, Russia might attack another country! That would be a disaster!
  9. Ya, and the Clinton tax increases in the 1990's were going to ruin the economy too. Whatever
  10. and this is your brain on drugs
  11. A media job? What's that?
  12. What right wing writers do you like?
  13. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/features/kaiass..._to_dallas.html another year, another new book. So, like, what about the bullet looking so perfect after doing all that damage?
  14. Partly, but its also because no one else, and I mean no one else, is scoring. It's basically if Pomminville and Vanek don't score the Sabres don't score lately. Stafford, Paille, Hecht and even Roy just really are not getting it done. Five game losing streak with Boston, Pittsburgh and a trip to Montreal up next
  15. Now if Obama could only fix Tim Connelly http://www.usnews.com/blogs/capital-commer...nservatism.html
  16. Oh, I thought this thread might have something to do with the HSBC commercial with the anti-logging girl being arrested and the guy carrying the chain saw incorrectly bailing her out and driving home on the motorcycle. What a strange commercial!
  17. A black elected Republican? And it looks like Obama is going to try and push through comprehensive health care reform. Is that a Republican thing to do?
  18. But...but...but...he's a radical muslim, socialist, bomb throwing, commie!
  19. It's almost as if someone is intelligent, thinks and has an open mind it means they cannot be a Republican. Who is your favorite Republican "Thinker?"
  20. He's pretty impressed with Team Obama so far. And for those of you who know what "The Best and Brightest" refers to, let's hope this works out better this time. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/21/opinion/21brooks.html?em
  21. One thing Republicans have not figured out yet is that there is a new media out there. Youtube is a powerful tool of politics and the right cannot manipulate it like they do the networks. You can't threaten youtube with no access to cadidtaes, pulling advertising and rants about how unfair coverage is. Youtube destroyed Senator Allen and played a big role in this election, as has the internet generally. If this had been the old days bafoonery like this wouldn't even have been seen. The national networks wouldn't spend a second on it.
  22. We better massively increase military spending immediatly! A few more aircraft carriers to start!
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