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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Nonesense, he was the GOP frontrunner for the Presidential nomination and his advice carried weight, so much in fact that his view was supported by most Americans in the next election. Anyway, looks like it just might be the UN to the rescue! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061119/ap_on_..._iraq_kissinger Isn't this a scream! The hated UN being asked to clean up Bush's mess. Or is your view that Kissenger and Baker are not President so they don't carry any weight?
  2. Brilliant! I forgot that people who are not President cannot talk!
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/19/world/mi...?_r=1&hp&ex=116 3912400&en=67a1f1d2a105c7f4&ei=5094&partner=homepage&oref=slogin BAGHDAD, Nov. 18 — Capt. Stephanie A. Bagley and the military police company she commands arrived in Iraq in December 2005 brimming with optimism about taking on one of the most urgent tasks in Iraq: building a new police force. Now, as the 21st Military Police Company approaches the end of a deployment marked by small victories and enormous disappointments, Captain Bagley is focused on a more modest goal. “I just want to get everyone home,” she said. In the past several weeks, Captain Bagley, 30, barred her troops from foot patrols in the most violent neighborhoods and eliminated all nonessential travel. “I’m just not willing to lose another soldier,” she said. The local police force in her region, as in much of Iraq, remains undertrained, poorly equipped and unable to stand up to the rigors of this conflict. It offers little resistance to the relentless Sunni Arab-led insurgency and has at least partly come under the sway of wily Shiite militias. Casualties are high, morale is low and many police officers do not show up for work. Captain Bagley, a West Point graduate and the daughter and granddaughter of military policemen, said she has come to realize just how little she and her unit knew when they arrived, and just how much was stacked against their success. The company’s challenges crystallized in a moment late last month during a routine assignment. Some of her soldiers had gone to the Baya Local Police Station, one of 18 local stations in the troubled southern outskirts of Baghdad where her unit has worked this year. They were picking up a contingent of Iraqi policemen for a daily patrol of Dora, an especially violent neighborhood here in the capital. On these patrols, the Americans, swaddled in Kevlar from head to hips, travel in Humvees and other armored vehicles. The Iraqis, wearing only bulletproof vests, ride in soft-skinned pickup trucks and S.U.V.’s, the only vehicles they have. The Iraqi policemen begged the Americans not to make them go out. They peeled off their clothes to reveal shrapnel scars from past attacks. They tugged the armored plates from their Kevlar vests and told the Americans they were faulty. They said they had no fuel for their vehicles. They disappeared on indefinite errands elsewhere in the compound. They said they would not patrol if it meant passing a trash pile, a common hiding place for bombs. The Iraqis eventually gave up and climbed into two S.U.V.’s with shattered windshields and missing side windows, and the joint patrol moved out. One Iraqi officer draped his Kevlar vest from the window of his car door for lateral protection. During a lunch break, the officers tried to sneak away in their cars. Later in the day, back at her command center on a military base in southern Baghdad, Captain Bagley said the pleading and excuses were common. But she did not blame the Iraqis. They are soft targets for the insurgency, and scores of officers have been wounded or killed in her area during the past year. The police stations’ motor pools are so crowded with ravaged vehicles that they could be taken for salvage yards. But hey, if we don't stay it will be WW3! http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/789466.html BTW, Nixon said the samething about Nam in 1966
  4. I was watching the Sabres game, thank you very much.
  5. Imagine if a Vet like Kerry did that? But no, the AWOL Bush did it. Don't think Hannity or Dildo O'Reilly will raise much of a stink.
  6. I'm just happy that Bill O'Reilly has woken America up to the danger that Christmas might be banned! Happy Holidays everyone!
  7. He travels to Vietnam of all places and declres that the lessons of that war should be listened to in regards to this...ummmm...war. Holy crap! What color is the sky in this guys world? What lessons? That if we leave they will never develop a stable government that attracts investment? Oh wait, that can't be it. That third world nations need us there to....no, that's not it. What lesson exactly does he want us to learn? Quagmires are good? At least he can say he did go to Vietnam, I guess. And check out this picture of Hanoi Bush! Jesus F###king Christ! http://news.yahoo.com/photos/ss/events/pl/...?sp=-1&lsp=3000
  8. You know, if you wanted to say nothing, you simply could have resisted the urge to post this mindless drivle. The only loose connection to a set of ideas or thoughts I got out of this was that you think all government bad, which I disagree with strongly, government is a positive force in this society. I also see you know nothing about Roman history and probably history in general if the title of this thread is any indication.
  9. Virtually every New Deal program? FDIC, SEC, TVA are all lasting reforms that survive and been very successful. Some of the temporary programs helped a lot to, giving the unemployed jobs until the depression was over. The Agricultural programs, say what you will, help rural residents inspite of the flaws of the system, nothing works perfectly, not even capitalism. Rome fell because of corruption? Please prove this if you are so sure. I'll do something you seem incapable of, explain myself. Rome simply overstretched its lines of communication. The Empire was simply too big to hold together, communication and travel being what it was in those day. The different sections of the Empire simply grew culturally apart, the army became barbarized as there wasn't enogh Romans to man the farthest reachest of the Empire. Also, the coming of greater use of cavalry made the Classic Roman legion obsolete, which is why cavalry dominated the battlefield for the thousand years after the fall of Rome. And the Progressive movement of the early 20th century--and before it really--did clean up many of the very worst abuses of government. Hell, welfare for all its negatives does make government more honest. Bet you don't know why. Just a guess.
  10. Hey! That's a good answer! We can make sure working people don't have enough money to feed and cloth their kids so we can kill zygotes!! Jesus would approve, I'm sure!
  11. Didn't you get the memo? All the previous immigrants that came here immediatly learned English, took to eating apple pie and started playing baseball. Don't listen to those liberal historians who say there were ethnic neighborhoods, foreign language newspapers and a great amount of tension between nativist and immigrants, that's all liberal propaganda!
  12. Good! It's too low now, I'm glad they are raising it. Those people work hard and deserve to get more money. If anyone wants to expalin to me how they will [chuckle] lose all the money to inflation anyway I'm willing to listen. Simplistic economic arguments are fun!
  13. Thanks, and maybe you do, but didn't someone already post on this thread that alcoholics were getting livers? And they put up a source, was that a false source or something?
  14. You are wrong. Corruption and graft do not lead inevitably to decay, it can also lead to reform. Hell, the Roman Republic was horribly corrupt and lasted for hundreds of more years as the Empire. And the fall of Rome can hardley be called simply a result of corruption, if that's what you think you need to read up more on Roman history. The original complaint I had about this thread still stands. You can't simply say corruption is simply typical of today, its always been around. The Northern war effort in the Civil War was riddled was corruption but we still crushed the slaveholding states. I've already pointed out Boss Tweed and the other machine politicians who stole millions.
  15. LOL, Yes, I see they are 'off the top of your head.' The TVA is still running after all these years, provided flood control and electric power to Tennessee and several other states for the first time ever. Millions of people could own refigerators, electric lights and radios for first time ever. Look at the South's economic development before and after the TVA. Night and day literally. The Federal government and the New Deal laid the ground work for the economic development of the post WW2 south. That sure was a real disaster! Interesting you picked two programs that mainly help red states, you know, the 'states rights' rugged individualist states, lol. They hate the federal government alright, except for all the good thigs it does for them. Would be funny in a way to see the farmers cut off the federal tit.
  16. You have a transplant and that makes you an expert on who gets them?
  17. So just answer my question then, what Progressive era and New Deal programs would you eliminate?
  18. More proof that the GOP is mostly a southern party grounded in the warped culture of Dixie
  19. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061115/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush One could spin a few topics off of this I guess. Does this prove the war there was wrong? I think you can make that case. It was obviously more a nationalist struggle than a communist revolution, though it was that too. Didn't have to be, but ended up that way. You can point out that Bush is 30 years too late. You can also say that the free trade agreements may be hurting some here in US but are really the best anti-poverty program the world has ever seen. Again, debatable Have a good day
  20. Observation. Let's face it, it would take a lot of work to be worse than Bush. He basically is just President because of his father's name. Have a good night, I gotta go
  21. oh, and which abyss is that?
  22. Oh, and what of the Progressive/New Deal reforms would you eliminate? Do know what any of them were even? You seem so dogmatic in a free market sense that it reminds me of college with the communist professors who would not acknoledge that capitalism had done any good at all
  23. Story of Bush W's. life. The guy has literally failed at everything he ever did, the Texas governorship excluded, but that's really just a figure head position anyway. He is a total idiot. He can read speeches and his handler keep him on a short leach so he doesn't make many mistakes campaigning, but when it comes to running the government he is just a slave to his own stupidity. Gore and Kerry may say stupid things, but at least they are above average intelligent human beings. Bush is a bimbo
  24. No, Dems will not ride to rescue, that's impossible. Bush has screwed things up so badly that it will take more than the 110th Congress to clean up. Why do you call me a partisan lemming? I'd like Rudy Gulianni to be President. Why do you throw insults? Can't you just use rational arguments? And really, you of all people shouldn't be calling anyone ignorant.
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