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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. If Israel does it its all on them to get it done. They do it, they live with the consequences. I do not favor our country doing it. Neither does Bush, I suspect
  2. This one rocks! http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/
  3. With all its neighbors! I suppose every country in the world will have nukes in the not too distant future http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...lpRujwD94P5OBG0
  4. More likely, the American auto industry will have to face the reality that it just doesn't command that large of a share of the market anymore and will have to slash a sizable chunk of its operations, period.
  5. Another reason to give our industry a break to get it over this tough time. Its happening everywhere
  6. Letterman just couldn't resist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l68Sm98JAY
  7. That is how I remember it. And late in regulation Miami was in field goal range late and Darryl Talley--also a rookie--sacked Marino to push them out of FG range! That's why game went to OT. I asked Talley about that once on a call in radio show and he said it was one of his best moments as a pro. I guess they had played the year before in college and Talley was getting his revenge. That might be my all time favorite Bills game.
  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/26/business...p;th&emc=th
  9. The engine was rebuilt after only 4,000 something miles? Or is that the miles on it since it was rebuilt?
  10. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/504141.html
  11. I don't think that's true. Joe Ferguson threw for 400 yards in the Orange Bowl in 1983. That was an OT game though so perhaps it was first regulation time game it happened in.
  12. His raid on Cadiz was incredible. Singed Phillip's beard.
  13. What if a fat person gets stuck in the escape door???
  14. Federal Reserve Park
  15. No, people that drive on a single lane road 30 in a 45 deserve that more
  16. Are the families allowed to sue the company for this? Or are they protected on the grounds that it would be a "frivilous law suit?"
  17. I'm only 6' 2" but I hate flying because its so uncomfortable. This ruling is silly, though
  18. No, its all about obtaining information that can be useful to intelligence and is admissable in court
  19. Hmmmm....I gues Dancing with the Stars didn't put you in a lighthearted and gay mood
  20. I know you are a complete douche bag and all, but that's a good question. Actually being nice to them and having the interigators getting to know them is how they start to talk, from what I've read about it. These people are lonely, pathetic people--sort of like you--and are generally influenced by this type of questioning.
  21. This is the end, my only friend....the end
  22. Tom, sleep deprivation is torture, plain and simple. It's f*** horrible and is no good for finding out information. Israeli Prime Minister Meacham Begin was tortured by the KGB that way and said it was as bad as not having air or water. I believe they use to get witches to confess this way. It may sound sort of harmless but its really bad.
  23. So that's how you earn a living RK! Makes sense now
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