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Everything posted by molson_golden2002

  1. Yes you do. That's why you make posts declare you are this, or are that. You have a real inferiority complex. It's obvious
  2. It is funny, isn't it
  3. His Energy Secretary seems like a good pick. I hope Obama places some armed forces at this guys disposal and gives him summary power to execute anyone that gets in his way. http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editoria...idea_at_energy/
  4. Sounds like you have some need to impress people on the internet. Pretty sad.
  5. What are you doing on-line? I thought you would be on the march banging your wooden spoon on your pot to drum up support for the Great Soda Pop Tax Revolt.
  6. Obama has already appointed several Republicans to his cabinet
  7. hopefully the recession will be over by them and capital gains taxes will obviate the need for anything else
  8. In defense of the soda tax: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/18/opinion/...amp;ref=opinion
  9. Now, if you ask me, this looks like a "failed business model." But let's bash the UAW, its more fun to pick on the workers instead of the Free Marketeers
  10. In the middle of the worst economic crisis is 80 years seems like a bad to to me I dunno, you might be right though. Just get it over with now. I dunno
  11. And I do not disagree with your basic premise, but blowing this all up now is asking for trouble, IMO.
  12. Kudlow is a right wing string puppet Would you rather keep these people working in jobs that already exist, at least for now, or would you rather find them new jobs--good luck with that? Because unemployment hurts all of us in the larger scheme of things
  13. While we are at it let's throw in some more unemployment: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081218/ap_on_.../meltdown_autos
  14. No I'm basically saying you are an ignorant a-- hole. And you are
  15. Tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber have found each other! You guys are a perfectly moronic couple!
  16. That was a mistake
  17. That's a completely different issue. And, I don't know if the taxes are here to stay or not
  18. No no. That's what the free markateers want you to believe. In reality speculators were playing a game buying up houses hoping to make a killing when the prices kept marching upwards while the banks were selling off their risk for loans they never, ever should have made and making a profit on selling these stinking debts. Ah, the wonders of a market that is self regulating
  19. Watch what other people are doing, experiment, keep what you like and never be afrid to try something different. Maybe even buy one of the muscle magazines, they have plenty of ideas in them. Make it fun by always trying something new
  20. Go grab a wooden spoon and a pot and start banging them as you march down the street, perhaps other little revolters will start following you
  21. Its called getting over the economic illness with a little help from government
  22. The disgrace is that we need to do this at all. It's because tax revenue from Wall Street is so far down.
  23. Actually--to no surprise on my part--you just misunderstood my post.
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