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Everything posted by ManningColts

  1. Thanks man. You all have a great night and best of luck to the Bills.
  2. Ahhh, don't worry about him, His mommy forgot to take her birth control pill the night he was conceived. You see, he's an accident and so is his middle finger. bet he uses it alot on his boyfriend. Little basturd.
  3. Had you all made that FG it may have spelled our 1st loss. I'll be honest. I really like the way your team plays. Offense has alot of promise and your D is just outstanding. You guys and gals won't have much to complain about very soon. a Year maybe 2 and you'll be making a bid for the east. DOWN WITH THE PATSIES! Tom (Turn it over) Brady and Bellychicken will soon kust fade away. Have a good one guys and have one on me. Your team rocks!
  4. What wonderful parents you must of had when you were being reered. I bet most folks look at your 'waste of a human life' and wonder, "This is the reason why we have birth control"
  5. Well, having the Offensive talent around you is half the battle. The other half is allowing your QB to call his own plays at the line of scrimmage. PM is both QB and OC as he runs the no-huddle and thats what seperates him from all the other QB's in the league. I'm quite sue that PM is paving the way for the future where all QB's will be allowed to run their own game like it was back in the 50's and 60's where QB's were true field generals. I can remember Unitas drawing out his plays in the dirt whenever they huddled. PM dosen't have quite all that freedom but he's the next best thing to it and far above other QB's that have to run a particular play ordered in from the coach. You could say that PM is a throw-back to those good ole days. A complete joy to watch.
  6. Pittsburgh was up and coming at the time and it was only a matter of time (within 2 to 4 years after the merge that they would be a major powerhouse.
  7. Forgot to answer your last question about charter membership. When the new AFC was formed and the 3 powerhouse teams from the old NFL joining up in the new AFC Conference, new divisions were formed to accomadate the 3 new teams. New England, Baltimore, New York, Buffalo, and Miami would be the new AFC East while Cleveland, Pittsburgh would join up in the new central. With the exception of a few more expansion teams the AFC/NFC Conference is pretty nuch the same and all under the NFL umbrella.
  8. You are correct sir. Had the Colts beat the jets in 69, the old AFL would have went belly-up and bankrupt. The Jet victory proved to the NFL that the AFL has serious talented teams. It would then make a merge and bring in some great teams to strengthen the new AFC Conference. That would be. Baltimore, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Little did the NFC know at the time that the AFC would be the most dominate conference in years after the Montana/Staughbach eras.
  9. Playing against any good team will make your team a better team whether you win or lose and thats true in all sports...Hockey, Basketball, Baseball.......etc. We can all look back at our team's glory days and say to ourselves. WTF Happened? I know, we've been there with 2 back to back 3 and 13 seasons and alot of years just breaking the 500 mark but when you finally get into somewhat of a legacy era like, the Kelly, Unitas, Jones, Montana, Elway years. It does make it all the wait and frustration worth it. The Bills will be back as the AFC East Beast again. It's just a matter of time.
  10. You bet I will. I'm not one of those fans that talk smack very much except against the Jack-N-Jille Hags. I pretty much like most teams and hey, if we lose, I'll be here to chit chat.....No Problem.
  11. Oooops, your right. Add Mr. kelly to that list but our nemesis was Marino. He was the biggest pest this side of the Mississippi. Always got it to the receiver while getting sacked by some lucky throw and a bounce off a defender's head. Just a big Pest! Kelly was just accurate and hardly any luck was needed on his part. I'm glad we have a Pest now.
  12. I'm not here to say stupid things like, "Here's to a no injury game" or anything else. I've been reading your message board to try to get a handle on things or the jist of what you all are talking about in our upcoming game. Believe me, The Colts are not taking this game lightly whatsoever. They now have a 2 game lead for HFA in the AFC and want to continue it if not get a larger lead if New England, Denver, Chiefs and the Chargers stumble along the way. I think we can safely say that Pittsburgh is out of the picture with Worthlessburger doing so bad. That said, I know your all disgusted with your team and most of you already has given up on our match but anything can happen. Peyton Manning is playing with more fire in his eyes than I ever seen him and losing is no option for him. He also grew a pair of legs in the off season and has now become a mobile QB which triples his advantage over most Defenses that play him as a pocket passer. Flush him out and he'll burn you big time. He's never had that ability before so your Defense may have a bit of trouble with him. Couple that with an excellent O-Line and the best receivers in the game and you have an Offense that is unstoppable. Our Defense is slowly getting their much needed injured players back on the field and are playing better each week. New England felt the impact with 4 picks and a fumble. I know your team just suffered some painful Injuries to key players and that means other peole are going to have to step up and contribute. You never know if you have a diamond in the rough until they take the field. I do hope that no one gets injured on both sides of the ball but it seems to me that all of our home games brings alot of injuries to visiting players. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the type of turf we have at the RCA Dome. Tennessee lost 7 guys in our 1 point win over them. Another thing. Never judge any team by who they played or by how much they won. Miami is a good example of that when they crushed the mighty Bears. So is Jacksonville when they stiffled the Eagles in their house. It all boils down to if your team takes a game seriously and bring the A game or not. Yes, we hung 30+ on Denver's mighty Defense and 27 on the Patsies who just got done beating the snot out of the Vikes. But then again, the vikes are a inferior NFC Team and we all know that the worst AFC Team will normally beat up a great NFC team. (Can't count the Oakland/Seattle game, we all know that the Raiders belong in the High School Leagues). But here's to us and you and the many memories we shared together when we were in the AFC East. Note: Remember, It was the Jets and the Colts that started the AFC East and I'm sad we ever left it, but hten again, I'm glad we don't ever have to face Dan Marino type QB's again. Have a good one Buff Fans.
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