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  1. The poor little thing!!! LOL!!!!
  2. My God! I hope they never cry! How awful! Now I'm off to rescue a kitten, there must be one in trouble somewhere!!
  3. Pretty embarassing to the state of Virginia, though!
  4. Oh? Do I look bad to you? That just breaks my little heart! Really it does, boo hoo
  5. Or when little puppy dogs get yelled at.
  6. And really, I'm not laughing at her, I'm just enjoying her misery
  7. I'm sure she will survive. Bet she has thicker skin than you give her credit for.
  8. He's using them for a political prop, so they are fair game. He used them in a real tacky tv commercial too, I believe.
  9. Sure, let's just stay and spend ourselves into bankruptcy!
  10. http://www.reason.com/blog/show/116602.html
  11. Difference is we win in California and New York, you guys win in Mississippi and Alabama There is a difference
  12. LOL, I kind of admire and laugh at the GOP wire pullers. They know just what to do to excite the ignorant mind of the poor whites.
  13. Which very well might happen! Did you see how many Senate seats the GOP has to defend in 2008? A lot more than Dems do. The executive race is wide open! But both parties will run moderates, or die. Who will GOP run?
  14. Do you think Terri Schivo's 'absentee Ballot' should be counted?
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