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Dave in VA

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Posts posted by Dave in VA

  1. Because speaking directly to one person standing in front of you and labeling from afar an entire group of people with one stroke is very, very much the same thing.  <_<




    It's what I would expect you to say. I, on the other hand, would expect the VP of the United States to maintain a bit better decorum than that. But, whatever...

  2. I agree AD. I guess the reason for my post is that I would like to hear someone..anyone..on the left explain why this is a good tactic for the democrates. I really just don't see it. Unless of course they are targeting the 9 to 13 year old electorate....they would understand such petty name calling and silliness.




    Yeah, gee, it's not like he told some Senator to go F himself or anything.....

  3. When Jane Fonda returned to the Vietnamese guards the notes that the POW's gave her that was her most dispicable act. I can understand Viet Vets anger but spitting in her face  permits her a small measure of sympathy. Still when you consider the anguish of the pow's and their families it takes all of my mercy to think she was maltreated. I understand she remained calm post-spittle and left without comment. That is probably a sign of guilt but it is a step toward penitence.



    She admitted that it was the biggest lapse of judgement in her life, what more can she say? She apologized for the photo. Sounds to me like she's sincerely sorry for the episode, although she remains strongly oppposed to this country's effort in vietnam.

  4. I've been in this area since 1976 and in Northern VA since 1978. Virginia is a beautiful state, it really is, but the metro area sucks in terms of congestion. Oh sure there's lots to do, but it takes forever to do anything. At my advanced age I can't wait to get out and move to a place with a much slower pace. It can't happen soon enough.


    When I moved to Manassas I did so because it was "way out." Not any more. The metro DC area just keeps expanding, with no end in sight. The area seems to be "bullet proof" in terms of recessions or economic slowdowns because of the large govt (and related industries) presence. KNow that your little slice of heaven today will be smack dab in the middle of all the bustle tomorrow. Or, your little slice of heaven will remain a little slice of heaven, but it'll be 200 miles from DC. Pick your poison if you must.


    Good luck.

  5. <snore>


    What a lame episode last night.  I've been a regular Idol viewer for two seasons now, but this episode made me question why on earth I waste my time with this show.


    What's next -- commercial jingles?  Hymns?  Gregorian chants?





    Isn't that true? It's like watching a train wreck. My wife loves this show. Irritating would be the nicest thing I could say about it. Last night they had a bunch of KIDS singing, what, show tunes? Now there's something those kids can relate to. Geesh. I refuse to watch any more of this. I'll be upstairs on my computer looking up used car ads from here on out. She can watch it if she wants to.

  6. WalMart's deli section also has a very good fried chicken... as good as KFC and about 1/3 the price (seriously). . .



    There's just something about "wal-mart" and "food" that doesn't fit together. It's like drinking Genessee when you want beer.

  7. can you give some idea of where the store is?  i get down that way from time to time...



    I'll give it my best shot, but I'm not all that familiar with the area since every week there are 300 new condo complexes on what was once undeveloped land. It's near the intersection of I-66 and Rt. 50, sort of "across the street" from I-66 and Fair Oaks Mall (although I don't think you can "cross" from the mall to this area. More specifically, it's off of Lee Hwy (rt 29) on Monument Drive, right next to the massive Fairfax County Government Complex. Mapquest the addy for more specific directions:

    11620 Monument Drive, Fairfax, VA.


    Hope this helps.

  8. Nice.  Do they have Saranac Root Beer?  LancasterSteve has me hooked on that stuff.




    Don't know. I was going to look for some familiar hometown stuff but it was a case of sensory overload. Had to leave. I'll be back though looking for the hometown stuff.

  9. I know this was a topic of discussion a couple of month's ago (server won't let me 'add' to that discussion) but yesterday was the first opportunity I had to visit this new store. Let's just say I was completely blown away. I've been in a Wegman's before (although not the one out by Dulles) but this store is almost surreal in size and offerings. You could spent an hour or more in the prepared food area alone. I could go on and on but I won't. I will say, however, that if you live in the area, do yourself a favor and trek over there. Go hungry, and have fun. By the way, parking isn't that big of a deal. Sure there are a million cars in the lot, but the lot is bi-level and huge. Took us all of 3-4 minutes to find a place. Wegman's will put a serious hurt on the more established chains in the area, and I say good!

    Ned, this is particulary for you.

  10. What is rarely mentioned in history books is that he was a major player in bring down Communism in Europe, and most especially in Poland.




    Yes, you are absolutely right. I'm no student of history, but I would have to say that his actions in Poland were absolutely the beginning of the end of Communism. Many give Reagan credit for Communism's downfall, but the Pople was stirring that pot before Reagan could. For this we all owe him a debt of gratitude. I'm not a Catholic, but to me this Pope is truely someone special. May God ease his pain in his final days.....

  11. Questions about your finances, the state of the world, whether your spouse deserves you?  Fire away, it's Free Advice Thursday!



    This has been driving me crazy: Whoopi or Oprah?

  12. When my kids were little and we'd get these calls, I used give the phone to them and let them talk to the telemarketers. That was great, free entertainment.

    Nowadays, as the boys are all growed up, I have caller ID. End of problem. I also think my son registered us on the do not call list, but I swear they keep calling anyway.


    Those of you with little ones, I strongly urge you use the method of letting THEM talk to the telemarketers. You won't regret it. :doh:

  13. I can't believe I'm responding to this, but...


    OK, the kid I'm rooting for is from my neighborhood -- Travis Tucker. I don't know him personally but I once saw him sing a duet with his father (who he mentions is his idol) and let me say, it was one of the most moving events I've ever witnessed. This young man can flat out sing. When he was in High School he was quite an all around kid, and I'm sure he still is.

  14. We had a Caravan when our kids were little and I thought it was a great vehicle. We never had a lick of trouble with it, however, others that we know had plenty of trouble with theirs, mostly transmission issues. Didn't matter if it was Dodge or Chrysler either -- they're all the same. One friend put 3 transmissions in his (although one time it was brought on by 'operator error'). If I had it to do all over again, I'd look at Honda and Toyota minis, and probably get one used since the new ones are quite pricey. There's a ton of room in a Caravan, and it's real flexible room to, because the seats can be removed if you need to haul lumber or furniture. Happy hunting.

  15. Oh boy, do you ever bring back memories. I went to G-town back then, and every single game at the Cap Center. It was just nuts, each and every game. Wayyyy too many memories to list here, but who can forget Louie's sweater, the relentless taunting of Boeheim, and on and on. Each game was a war, the likes of which I'd never seen in college hoops. Michael Graham was a flash in the pan -- carried on his illustrious career at UDC..

    Personally I couldn't stand John Thompson. I had a chance to see him speak on more than one occasion and I remember at one Alum banquet he made what I thought at the time was a pretty insulting speech to the well-healed, monied alums (not me!), and it went over like a lead balloon. Good thing there was plenty of booze at the event.

    Well, those were the good ol days. I won't ever forget them, but I haven't liked college ball since then. Thanks for taking me back to a past that was something special for me. HoyaSaxa!!!!

  16. Please, no comments that he's a gas-bag, I was simply wondering where he is these days. His last column on the Empire Sports website is ancient (maybe having to do with Empire's financial situation), the BuffNews site says there aren't any columns by him, so.............where IS he? Has he moved to another website, or has he retired?



  17. Well in my opinion, a weak dollar is a very good thing for the US economy. It allows our manufactures to compete overseas and encourages tourism.


    piss on the strong dollar policy, I say watching japan, and france making less profit over here is a good thing. As for china, well there is no reailty to their currancy valuation anyway, so I will not even bother commenting.



    Here's a little less rosy assessment (I hope the link works). The argument over devaluing the dollar is, unfortunately, not as simple as saying "piss on the strong dollar policy", rather it's something that can come back and serious bite us in the ass.



  18. Baseball......YECH.......I think she's doing us a FAVOR!



    Watch it with that smart aleck reference to taxes, bub, or I'll be camping out at your lobbyist luxury condo in Arlington for the game on Sunday. You know that wouldn't make Mrs. Flanders happy....


    Honestly, what in tarnation did you expect from the DC Gov't? This is the only body politic that could make the City of Buffalo govt look competant.


    Talk to you later..

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