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Posts posted by ko12010

  1. On NFLRadio yesterday during drive time, they were counting down the QB's with the most TD passes over 20 yrds. and what that has historically meant. 1st Place? TIE @11 each for Russell Wilson and, yes, Tyrod Taylor. The broadcasters were shocked.

    Haha. Nice way to show your audience that you aren't doing your homework and due diligence on what is happening around the league.

  2. Great quote. Hey, hope Rex wasn't holding back this season so as to not make his brother look bad - kidding, of course. I do hope Rex gets more aggressive with this defense in the weeks leading up to what is hoped to be the Bills' first playoff appearance in a very, very long time!!! They can do this if they lock-in on every opponent the way they did the Texans. Good idea to at least bring in Rob as a temporary consultant to help with valuable input on the upcoming three opponents. Go Bills!

    I just always remember being most worried about facing Rex's defenses with the Jets. They always seemed to generate the most pressure--with a lot of blitzing--yet our QB's seemingly had nowhere to throw the ball. And they were physical as hell.


    So like everyone else, I'm just so confused as to how Rex with our personnel (especially the starters) could be so mediocre. Just seemed like the absolute perfect marriage for a top defense. I'm leaning toward our players not being as good a fit as the ones he had in NY. But I still don't get it. So disappointing, because we could and should be right with the Pats for the division title race if our D was even close to what was predicted.

  3. The offense is definitely better. Tyrod Taylor is much better than any of us thought he would be.


    The defense is definitely worse. Don't forget Aaron and Kyle Williams have been out most of the season. That is a big loss. Plus, I think the LB's over-achieved last year too.


    Team disciple is definitely worse. It's reflected in a ridiculous amount of penalties . Marrone ran a tight, Ryan a loose one.


    Bottum line is Rex has had more talent on offense and less on defense due to injury. The schedule looks favorable to make the playoffs but the Bills are just an average team folks.

    Speak for yourself!

  4. They have been mediocre at best, and much of the time below average. Little pressure, few sacks and lack of big plays. The good news is they are not NO. But coming into this season they were being touted (rumblings at least) as one of the all time most dominant.


    Even when they make a play I'm waiting for a yellow flag.


    Sunday at home Houston put up over 400 yards and almost stole the game.


    That being said what bothers me the most watching the Bills D (and many in the NFL) is how they react when they make a play. No one like Barry Sanders anymore "Act like you've been there"..... Every play they make they over react and fist pump and make a big deal about.


    They did not play well and if not for a couple of big hits knocking the ball out and the last Houston drive they were mediocre in Ralph Wilson Stadium against a below average offense.





    I was a big supporter of EJ but that went away real quick after the Jags game. I now think that he’s just too mentally weak to ever become a franchise QB.

    The difference between EJ and Tyrod is that Tyrod is in his fifth year. He has a different bar to clear than EJ did when he was playing regularly. By the 10th game of your fifth year you should be getting close to your prime performance level. What I’m currently seeing is a level of performance in Taylor that’s similar to Fitzpatrick which is very concerning for fans viewing his performance through that type of lens. We don’t want that middling level, we want more than that.
    Having said all that, I want Tyrod Taylor to become “THE MAN” tomorrow. I think that he really needs that signature game where he grabs this team by the lapels and takes over the game with his arm and legs. If they lose tomorrow and Taylor was part of the problem in a “must win” game situation, fans will be left with the feeling that the chances Taylor is the long term answer is slim because he's been in the league for an extended time a already. Basically he’ll start being looked at as the flashy “capable but limited” Fitzpatrick QB model. We are ALL Tyrod Taylor fans tomorrow. I hope that he can cease the moment. Bills fans need to see him do that.
    C’mon Tyrod, be the man tomorrow!


    Uhhh yeah maybe if you have been a starter that entire time.

  6. I know that it was discussed on the board at the time, but when Watkins got called out of bounds in the Patriots game with 2 seconds left, we missed the hail mary try at the end. I know many said that it would not matter and that we wouldn't complete that pass, but it happened last night from even further away. Granted the QB was Aaron Rodgers, but you never know with these things. That game firmly put the Pack in the playoffs. A win that night has us at 6-5 with another AFC win, maybe with the momentum to beat KC last week. The Pack might not have even earned that hail mary opportunity - debatable call at the end. We absolutely did.

    Including the head of the referees, Dean Blandino. Haha :wallbash:


    Well, Dean, as we saw last night, that's not always true.

  7. Big deal, pulled from Monday night. They weren't pulled because the league is punishing them, they were pulled to avoid the negative publicity that would come during the telecast. Better to put them on some inconsequential regional game.



    I said a few weeks ago, half jokingly, that maybe the refs were screwing up on purpose in an effort to get full time positions with the league. With each passing week I am wondering if the joke is on me.

    I don't think they want full time positions. They have a sweet gig going here. Part-time work with great pay and almost no accountability.

  8. 898 replies to a pure opinion post presented as fact (very common around these parts) declaring that a QB who is by far our best prospect at the position since Kelly 'sucks.'


    I honestly used to think Bills fans were a bit smarter overall than other fan bases. Definitely more loyal, but smarter as well. It's just not true, unfortunately. The blatant stupidity that rages on this board is incredible. And also embarrassing that many posters here call themselves fellow Bills fans. This place has become more for spewing irrational garbage and baseless venting than engaging in stimulating discussion about the NFL and the Bills.

  9. The refs are llike baseball years ago. The phantom step on 2nd base on a double play, the strike zone gradually moved lower and outside to where it became a joke. The catch rule has never been the same since Megatron got robbed on that EZ touchdown. Im over 50, and can easily say I like what was called a catch when i was younger. Now nobody can really explain it to you where it makes sense. And you cant have different rules for different players. This QB will get the roughing call this QB wont, this DB with get the PI while another with a better rep wont. With only 16 games some of these calls can be season altering.

    Pretty much now like the NBA with rules, which is a horrible thing imo, because the NBA became unwatchable for me a while ago.

    I would take my chances with those guys over what the league has turned into now

    The scabs made the big blunder in the SEA/GB game, but other than that they were absolutely no worse than the regular refs. The reason many were angry was because the calls were actually evenly distributed--the reputation calls for high profile players and teams weren't happening.

  10. If you go back to all the other QB's we've had for the past 15 years they've all had worse flaws. Remember all the interceptions with Fitzy (never sure which Fitzy would show up)? Remember driving the field w dink and dunks w Orton, only to find we simply cannot get into the end zone? Remember Losman (or was it Trentative), running out of bounds on 4th down? Piss and moan is all this board seems to do. Is it evenly remotely possible to look on the bright side and recognize all the positives our current QB brings?

    Don't even waste your time with these people. It's what they want.

  11. That's hard to find around this place. Look at the Tyrod sucks thread. Best QB we have had in a long time and people want to run him out of town.

    It's really unbelievable. This message board is truly a magnet for the most negative, miserable, pessimistic (oh no, I'm just a realist!) people who call themselves Bills fans. They come here to feed their negativity and stroke each other. So sad. There should be a separate forum for rational, normal people who don't react like five year olds and live and die on each play.

  12. I guess I missed all those chances that JP and Trent Edwards had with other teams.


    I agree, there aren't a lot of great QBs out there. But, I also believe that there would be more of them, if teams had the luxury of brining them along over time, rather than plugging them in a franchise saviors. That used to be the norm... now it is a novelty. These guys are all good athletes, but they play in vastly different systems in college...look how many people have been calling Cam Newton a disappointment, or a bust...he is one of the rare guys who got enough time to grow into the job, and now he is playing lights out. There were people, just a season ago, here on TSW, who were saying that he is innacurate, and were comparing him to EJ, in that regards...said he would never be a real NFL QB. Now we see him standing in the pocket, threading needles, reading defenses, and playing at MVP level. I bet very few would have predicted that a year or two ago.

    But I thought Kevin Gilbride said Newton isn't accurate?

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