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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. This actually isn't true at all. Plenty of video out there that disproves this.
  2. I'm surprised no one has even suggested Kyle knew the train was coming. Maybe wanted to disguise taking his life as an accident for his parents' sake. Especially with them donating his brain for CTE research very willingly.
  3. Whaley's probably smarter than both of you.
  4. I've always thought they should just name the All-Pro Team and leave it at that. Build up being on that list as a great honor. Add nice cash incentives to player contracts for this. Maybe have an awards ceremony/dinner to celebrate the guys named to this list. Football is way too violent to have a meaningless game like the Pro Bowl. It's just dumb. But I guess the NFL just desperately wants to cash in on another game.
  5. What's ironic about that
  6. Because every player would produce the exact same results no matter what team and situation he's thrown in.
  7. Oh okay. Care to elaborate?
  8. Taylor is not the answer. Osweiler and McCarron are clearly franchise stud QB's. We were fools for passing on them.
  9. I thought we were all supposed to admit that Taylor sucks?
  10. Not really. Those people think they're smarter than everyone else.
  11. This thread just shows how a growing percentage of Bills fans are becoming crazy because of this horrible playoff drought. It's not really an excuse to spout ridiculous nonsense in my opinion, but here you have it. My thought (and hope) is that this stir crazy attitude is more limited to the fans die hard enough to consistently post on message boards and doesn't represent the fan base as a whole.
  12. Like your posts.
  13. I'd still rather have Sammy. OBJ is a primadonna baby little b*tch who plays dirty. Once Eli leaves or gets hurt and the next QB isn't delivering the ball to him the way he wants he will flip out. He seems like the type of guy who wants to be a celebrity outside of the game as much as being a top player. Sammy is all about football, winning, his family, etc. Yeah, he doesn't hold back with some of his comments, but they've been spot on and needed to be said. He's a very confident, competitive player who wants to help his team win. OBJ wants to be a brand.
  14. Or if you're not just a random message board fan spouting an opinion
  15. You're super smart and cool! ...that's what you want to hear, right? The fact that this thread exists just adds to the proof that Bills fans might be the stupidest in the entire league. It's scary. The only logical answer as to why is that this extended playoff drought has made most of you crazy. Unbelievable.
  16. Haha yeah, that's also another reason why I've stepped away from the NBA a good bit. The entire squad is different now, and with a different coach. Definitely a bummer that the original 'Big Three' didn't get more than one championship together. Injuries are always the killer. Still shaking my head over that 2010 Lakers loss. Up 13 going into the fourth or something close to that and lose? Not cool haha
  17. Celtics '08. Awesome, really fun year and playoff run, especially with one of my best friends and I experiencing it together while our other best friend was a Lakers fan (hah!), but honestly would barely be a blip on the radar of what it would feel like for me if (WHEN) the Bills and/or Sabres win it all. The 05-06 Sabres season still stings, it truly does. We should have had the cup that year. Most fun I've ever had watching playoff hockey. Loved that team. Really felt like a curse was in full effect though with how it went down against Carolina. At full strength we win that series 4-1 and beat Edmonton 4-0 or 4-1 and probably have the confidence and experience to roll into another cup the next year and not fade down the stretch. Also, my interest in the NBA has plummeted. One of the main turning points was maybe 2010 or 2011 I'm not sure when the Celts surprisingly looked like they might beat the hugely favored Heat. Rondo drives to the basket and his face is raked by someone. No call, no nothing. Lebron James and Wade etc were getting every call and I just finally admitted to myself that the refs controlled the outcome more than in any other sport. Haven't been into it much since. And now the NFL is reminding me of that and it's not a good feeling. But I'll always watch the Bills and Sabres just because I love watching them play my two favorite sports. That's it.
  18. Pats probably know all the other team's plays beforehand
  19. I feel like this is a weird attitude--why look at it as an investment? This is a form of entertainment. It's about the experience of going to a real football game, tailgating, being with friends, family, etc. Haha an investment? Wth? Yeah it's not as fun when the team isn't as good as you want but seriously?
  20. Before I even clicked on this I knew who had started the thread. I have no idea why the mods haven't shut this troll down yet.
  21. UBBullsfan is a certified troll! Stop feeding him.
  22. Has nothing to do with karma
  23. Another in the long line of ridiculous TSW comments. Nice!
  24. This guy is a troll. Don't even respond.
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