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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. I have to agree the refs last night took over the game wayyy too much. My buddy is a colts fan I can only imagine how POed he is with the overtime calls. I mean, how could those refs make those calls in all good conscience? How do you make those drive extending calls in overtime? Even though I didn't really care who won between those two teams I just felt sick for Dungy and Peyton not being to do anything about it and having to end the season, possibly career (Dungy?) with calls like that Very iffy reffing
  2. Obviously the problem though is what if a tremendous amount of season ticket holders cancel and the Bills attendance goes from top ten to bottom ten. It's just going to make it that much more likely that they will move. I'm just saying this, i'm tired of the product on the field as well, but could this do more positive for the team than harm?
  3. The thing is until we get a very good defensive line our secondary is going to look bad no matter who is in there.
  4. What is just the most frustrating thing about this Bills team may be the fact that they are utterly terrified to throw the ball down the field. I mean, even the announcers have said it. We have nothing to lose! Why why why why are we not throwing the ball down the field? It's like they train our QB's to think if Evans or Parrish is not wide F***** open then check down to the RB. Let our receivers make plays on the ball! They have to be the mos frustrated group of WR's in the league. Our QB's are trained to play scared. It's like watching pop warner football, so predictable.
  5. I thought Schonert was an OC for the Bills when Wade was here, or was an OC for another team at some point?
  6. Honestly though, if our run D does not improve this season Willis will probably have a good game against us.
  7. His name is tim Connolly, not donnley.
  8. I'm really not trying to be a jerk, but in all honesty this is probably the most unintelligent thing that I have ever read or heard. It's almost not worth responding to, it's so stupid, but this has to be said. There is a new rumour that Tiger is creating an all star tour? Let me guess, you saw First and Ten a couple days ago. The guy that said this said Tiger could do it if he wanted to, not reported this could happen. "It is reported that Tiger doesn't tip well" Let me guess, did one of your equally intelligent friends say this and your just repeating this? There is no proof that that is true. Do you really think that Tiger won't meet the required 15 tournaments? Well, you probably do since you wrote what you did above. He'll most likely end up winning the Fed Ex cup. You say how do you skip Pebble? Well, ask Sergio, Ernie, and Retief as well. It's a little thing called a vigorous travel schedule. Let me guess. You have a high handicap and the fact that Tiger can be upset over a missed 20 footer rubs you the wrong way? Well, don't blame him for it. You also have no right to call Tiger a spoiled child and if you knew any FACTS about Tiger's life you would know that he has never been remotely spoiled. It's not Tiger's fault that he has a supermodel wife and you don't, unbelievable golf skill which you don't, and lots and lots and lots of money which you don't.
  9. I have to disagree with you there. Phil is one of my favorite golfers, and is clearly a great person, family man, and overall nice guy. But just cause Phil is like this doesn't mean he is a better man than Tiger. Tiger is also all of these things, but he also happens to be the best golfer to ever play the game(when he finishes his career) Tiger has his Tiger Woods foundation and spends a lot of his time doing great things for many people, mostly children. I'm not saying that Tiger is better than Phil or vice versa, but you can't say that about Tiger. It might be his intimidating presence on the course that makes people think things like this, and most people identify more with lefty because he's such a people person. It should just be left at the fact that they are both great people and great golfers.
  10. I just don't see how you could make such a bet when your team has a qb like Grossman. As close as the game was late into the third I don't think anyone in the country thought the bears were going to win. How do you gamble something like that, and also, whoever he bet against is being a real douchebag making him go through with it.
  11. You know what I want to see? The Colts losing by eight and driving very late in the game. Peyton throws a terrible interception to Samuel but then out of nowhere Harrison hits him and he fumbles. The Colts then score and get the two pointer, eventually winning the game in heartbreaking fashion for the Pats. Just for once for them to know how it feels, to not get every break possible.
  12. There's no arguing it's going to be a tough schedule next year. It seems all the teams we are playing next year were in the playoffs this year or on the cusp. There's no doubt we are going to have to earn a playoff spot next year, no free rides like the Jets this year. Can we do it? Yes. With a positive offseason we could beat any of those teams away or home. The guys are really going to have to bring it next year, and we are not going to have the luxury of hiding our deficincies behind an easy schedule. Our record is probably going to very accurately reflect our talent level next year.
  13. Just think we could've drafted Fred if we didn't trade our pick to Jax for Rob Johnson. Out of the available running backs, I actually think there are some pretty good players. Najeh Davenport could be awesome being the #1 guy behind a consistent line. Brett Favre always regarded Davenport very highly. He said that Najeh could be an 1800 yard back as a starter. Also, Chris Brown is pretty good.
  14. You can really tell how competitive JP is, which is an underrated attribute in a QB. I hope this team can respond in a positive way next year, even though the offseason is so long for the NFL. Hopefully they can react like the Sabres have done this year following last years heartbreaking loss in the CF's.
  15. Let's just say that he had room to take a comfortable step towards the backline. It was about as big a second step as he could have taken in order to get his foot out of the endzone. It was a perfect play, and though Royal screwed up so bad it probably will end up costing the Bills a playoff spot (as everything else seems to be falling into place) Royal is still a good player and should not be released as people have already said. He has been a good option for JP this year and will continue to be next year if given the opportunity.
  16. It's because the fourth down play just looked like such a bust, people are just flabbergasted, but don't realize that Lindell does not have the leg to make that kick, even though he is really a good kicker. If it had been a normal type play or we had fallen just short, though just as heart broken, would think a little more about how long that kick really was. That play just looked so broken it leaves everyone scratching their heads and tearing their hair out. The play that pisses me off the most is passing on third down when Willis is ripping off big chunks of yardage to the outside. (Or the play where a player showed the worst sideline/backline presence in any play in the history of the game (Royal)) I hope JP is good and pissed, and all of the young guys are so we carry some attitude over into next year and start the year off right.
  17. One of those wieners is doing great as a starting RB for Pittsburgh
  18. Willis actually had 150 on the ground and we had like 480-495 total yards.
  19. I agree, just cause a team has kept the same traditional design of their jersey for years doesn't mean its great. The Dolphins jerseys really are plain ugly, the patriots are bland, the redskins are okay, and the Seahawks are quite possibly the most boring jersey ever made. At least their old ones had some personality. They look like the teenage mutant ninja turtles without clothes on, for goodness sake. Not saying the Bills new jerseys are good. I personally like the blue on blue, the other mixtures are okay at best. But we could do worse. Tennessee is pretty bad, their jerseys look like yoga outfits.
  20. It would just be so unbelievably awesome to see the Bills in the playoffs again. I can't describe how happy and excited I would be. I know the likelyhood of them advancing out of the first round if they somehow pull a miracle to get in is not very high, but it would just be something for the stars to align for once for the Bills and their fans.
  21. I know that the Pitts game in 04 was bledsoes fault but why Clements? All I remember from that game from nate is him picking off Maddux for a score. I'm just wondering, did he fumble or something on another play? That's all I vaguely remeber.
  22. I don't understand how you can say the play to Evans doesnt count. How? It was a very well designed play that was perfectly executed, J.P. doing a pump fake that corresponded with Lee's cut move to bait the safety. It was a perfect play. Just cause it was a long touchdown doesn't mean it shouldn't count. It was like all of eli manning's td's to Plaxico where he just chucks em up for Plax to go and get. It was a good gameplan with good execution from J.P. Stop being an idiot
  23. That's a great point. I watch the simpsons at 6 and 7 most days because they are the old ones, ( a lot of those written by Conan O'Brien) I can see the same eipisode tons of times and still laugh. The earlier to middle episodes of the Simpsons were and still are awesome. I also agree that the new ones are beyond terrible. The reason that Family Guy doesn't have much rerun value is because it isn't that great to begin with.
  24. I don't know about that. It's the same thing it was before it was cancelled. Also, its still as popular as its ever been.
  25. Just because we get a field goal at that time doesn't mean we end up tying the game at the end. Things that happen or don't happen in the middle of game don't just magically affect the box score at the end of the game. One play changes the entire course of a game. If we make a field goal there maybe the Chargers do something different which leads to some other outcome and so on. It doesn't make sense to say that.
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