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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Agreed. The thing with Patriots fans is that they didn't start coming around until 2001. Then all of a sudden they're diehards. I remember the majority of Pats fans I asked in '01 couldn't even name the starting 11 on O or D. Pathetic. Ya the Bills are in a seemingly never ending quagmire but one thing is certain. Bills fans are born die hards and remain that way their entire lives.
  2. If it was 5-7 years ago, even maybe 4, I'd love to consider giving Fewell an opportunity to prove himself like Singletary or Raheem Morris. He's already doing things the way I'd love the Bills head coach to do them. Unfortunately, we HAVE to sign a big name this time around, but maybe Fewell will get a chance somewhere else if he does okay down the stretch.
  3. It was also the fact that part of the reason the catch was possible is b/c the throw had so much mustard on it from such a long way. If Flutie's arm isn't so strong, he can't get the ball back to his receiver who was somewhat behind the coverage b/c the defenders didn't think the ball could get to that spot. A shot in the dark is a heave into a crowd kind of like the Steelers/Colts throw in 1995 when Harbaugh almost connected witht the right bounces. Flutie's pass had eyes, and speed.
  4. Agreed
  5. What about the guy from Stanford?
  6. That's a good point and the Lions still suck but Stafford looks pretty good and is actually kind of elevating the team's play.
  7. However, Stafford does look good and with a new coaching staff, they seem more prepared to turn the corner than some other teams in the league. But your right. You have to wonder how much of those missed picks were Millen's fault as well.
  8. Are you sure you don't have those numbers flipped? If he can bench 550 his squat would probably be 700ish if not more. I know that Donald Brown, the former UConn running back now on Indi, squatted 600 in college. I remember they said Travis Henry could bench 500 in his prime, so I could see Orakpo doing 550. But his squat has got to be much much higher I'd imagine.
  9. I played pop warner football for 7 years and I honestly think I've had better coaches than Dick Jauron. Obviously I've never played under Jauron but I'd wager that one of the coaches I had would do no worse than Jauron, I mean, how could you. You could just hold no practices and tell the players to just show up on gameday, and they would produce the same thing.
  10. It's not that he doesn't throw to the wide receivers it's the fact that he NEVER throws the intermediate routes. Watch any good offense and qb, they excel in this area. Trent doesn't even attempt to let routes develop and only throws to wr's when its a little hook, out, or screen.
  11. I think that the poster means that a good QB seems to be able to overcome these things. Yes, what you've laid out is 100% true, nobody can deny it. However, I think it's likely that a different QB can do more with this than Trent is doing. On a side note, a michael vick/seneca wallace type QB would probably actually be better for this team right now b/c the offense line is so darn bad. Not that it matters now anyway.
  12. that would be sick, it's such a good show. Obviously Jauron won't be here next year but it would be cool to see how the coaches think and prepare for every game.
  13. We also could have jumped up to get Big Ben, and he almost fell to us anyway. But how would he have fared in Buffalo? I doubt he'd be the superstar he is today.
  14. I know exactly what you mean. But the thing is, just watch literally every other offense save the Redskins and you'll get plenty of the middle of the field. I'm constantly asking myself, "Why can't the Bills do that?" It's like the coaches have trained TE that the middle of the field is a INT waiting to happen. WTF. why is the middle of the field so damn scary for TE?
  15. I'll give Wood a break since he's a rookie. Jauron is not. It's mind boggling. I have stopped watching a Bills game early only two other times in my life and today I left after the punt on 4th and 1. The one thing that could lead to Jauron being fired is that we now have a guy on the team (T.O) who won't just sit there quietly while his coach f*cks everything up.
  16. Haha have to say one of my best friends has had multiple contact with Brady (I know I know but he's one of the most trustworthy people I know) My friend worked at Lake of Isles golf course in CT, the Foxwoods course. Apparently Brady used to come in a alot and was quite the arrogant prick. Take this with a grain of salt, I cannot confirm this with my own eyes, but this is something I've heard from a very reliable person. Kind of funny though, pretty much what I'd expect Brady to be like if this is accurate.
  17. I get your point of view and th OP's point of view but your just making dumb nonsensical comments just to be annoying
  18. What is with everyone and Donte Whitner? He's a solid player to have on your team. Who cares if he was taken 8th overall, at this point it doesn't matter. He makes alot of good plays, at least 5-6 big tackles/plays not 1 like the OP said. Not every Safety taken early is going to be an Ed Reed. Seriously, he is not going to be replaced or cut any time soon. We have more pressing needs, like LB and DT
  19. Hideus special teams?
  20. I know GB's D is pretty good but that was what hurt them last year, they're Defense was awful. It doesn't matter though, I think we all want our Offense to be able to play well against a good defense.
  21. I know, people really forget just how bad our offense has been in the last 8 or 9 years aside from the first half of 2002. I mean, just think how good Moulds would've been if Indy drafted him and not Harrison? Evans will never be cut, I have no idea how anyone can think that is possible, ever.
  22. It's funny you should post this today I was actually just watching clips of it. I said to myself, "how can any idiot not realize that it was a forward pass?" Wycheck is behind the 30 when he throws it. Dyson, clearly past the 30 yard line, I don't think that is disputed at all, catches it. What makes it tough is that Dyson leans back to the right and moves his hands to the right to catch the ball, meaning it was incredibly close to being a lateral, while appearing to be a forward pass based on the physical location of the two men relative to the 30 yard line. Was it a forward pass? Official opinion: Too close to call. It is not clear either way so no one should be a D*ck to anyone else for believing one or the other. What is clear and what I still believe today: There was NO way in hell that the refs were gonna take that away from the home crowd. If that game's in Buffalo, could be a different story, we'll never know. All I know is that the refs knew beer bottles, debris, and who knows what else would have rained down on the field if they took away the TD. In conclusion, I agree. Let's move on. Let's make the F***** playoffs for once this year and do some damage. (On a side note, I was also watching highlights of the 05-06 sabres and still cannot believe that team didn't win the cup. It still hurts me unbelievably bad) Maybe for once something great will happen to the city of Buffalo. We can only hope.
  23. I've been rewatching the tv show the X-files and for anyone that hasn't really seen it the main plot line is really Mulder's attempt to uncover who is behind all of the government conspiracies and cover ups and how it is possible that a person or a group of people can have so much control. There's always this one guy who is constantly smoking ciggarettes and Mulder finds out he is part of the government group that covers-up all sorts of things. In Season 4 there's an episode about him and in a meeting he and the rest of his conspirators are discussing current events and issues around the world that need attending to. He then goes on to say: "What I don't want to see is the Bills win the Super Bowl, as long as I'm alive that doesn't happen." another guy says "that could be tough sir the Bills want it bad this year." He says "so did the soviets." he goes on to say the 1980 Soviet/U.S. Olympic Silver medal game was fixed. It's funny because you learn in the episode that this man is in fact the one who killed Kennedy and Martin Luther King and successfully set up the men arrested. Just the fact that he has this level of control and uses it to screw over the Bills. Very very random yes I know but just kind of funny, especially to those that believe there are a group of conspirators that never want to see the Bills or Sabres win a Championship.
  24. Also, did anyone else notice how calm and collected he stayed when Arizona, up 21-6 and on fire, got the short kick that never went out but was ruled OB on the field and was unchallengeable? Even Dick Jauron might have come out of his comatose state after something like that but Whisenhunt just seemed to say to his guys "nothing we can do boys just get out there and keep doing what we're doing." No whining no complaining, just got the explanation from the ref and took it like a man. Not to mention his young team lost a big lead during the NFC Championship and was able to put together a great drive to take it back. Very impressive
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