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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Mine is "decimated" as in "decimated by injury". This is used so often, and I believe it's rarely used how the word is actually supposed to be used. Decimated means something is reduced by a fraction (ie. a decimal) not completely wiped out until there is just a fraction left. This is how it is almost always used. So in actuality, "decimated" refers to losing a small part of something, not almost all of it. I honestly don't care that much but I've noticed that this is how the word is almost always used. However, lots of words take on additional or even warped definitions over time based on how populations use them.
  2. Jeeez what is your deal? I didn't get that the OP was trying to be an a**hole, just making an observation. You took this up a couple notches too far.
  3. PED's usually stay in the body for a while even after stopping. Theoretically he could have still been getting benefits from the PED's he was caught using the season after he was forced to stop using them. Then once it clears his body and he's no longer putting new PED's into it--that's when the bad effects kick in like injuries and lack of burst and power that his body was capable of while on them.
  4. It's not blind faith. It's just understanding that being a whiny little b*itch on an internet message board is not going to do anything. It really won't. If you want to discuss things that you think are negatives, then learn how to discuss it without being unneccessarily harsh and antagonistic.
  5. It helps them get through their daily lives. Like a bully who picks on some kid because it makes him or her feel better. Same concept.
  6. I don't own this team or anything other team. And neither do any of you. That's the issue. People need to let go of this control issue. There's nothing we can do. Complain and whine all you want--it doesn't accomplish anything. And there's a difference between criticizing intelligently and just being a whiny a**hole. Mike in Syracuse made a good thread/point today. Learn how to respond in a constructive manner. It will make the message board much more fun to use.
  7. It's annoying as hell to listen to But there's many posters here who do ONLY this. It's so F****** annoying it's not even funny. And I know they're all going to come out and respond to this with their typical bullsh*t if they read it. I swear, some posters would rather be validated and have the Bills continue to flounder than have a great season and be wrong. -Seriously, don't any of you people have lives? Do you have anything better to do than constantly F****** talk sh*t about the Bills players and how pathetic the franchise is? I live and breathe Bills football, and them missing the playoffs every year kills me. But how do some people spend hours and hours here just spouting the same negative thoughts? I understand people want to vent but many take it much too far.
  8. I don't know about that. Gailey and his staff have their own agenda and we'll see when the regular season starts. But being overly negative and panicking so fast is not the "best summary I've seen here in a long time" it's actually the norm and serves no purpose really. I guess if complaining and being negative gets you through the day, that makes sense. But maybe people should just be a little patient and wait for the regular season.
  9. I'm probably reaching here, but how wild would it be if Gailey's plan is to not give the Jets even one thing to concretely gameplan for? Other than last season's tape. That may honestly be the case. But, if so, the worry has to be, as others have mentioned, the inability to switch it on out of the gate. The hardest part of our schedule is the first half. If these guys don't get mentally in the game we could build a hole for ourselves early. I think this is the main concern. If healthy, our offense showed alot last year. They should at least be ranked between 10-15 this year. But...can our players turn it on week one? Against a team that has owned us.
  10. This is also my gut feeling (and hope). The thing is, I've never heard of a team kind of bagging it during preseason though. That's what it honestly looks like. And most people who have played contact sports know that playing at 75% speed is a good way to get hurt, especially when the opponent is going hard like Minnesota was. However, we have made it through two preseason games healthy, so it is working. But last night was the first flicker of worry that I've had this offseason/preseason. They looked pretty damn bad, aside from Freddy. So, I agree with you, but I'm also hoping that this is correct.
  11. Good argument. Really a well thought out rebuttal.
  12. He didn't have a knee problem though, I don't think. Achilles/heel/foot. Those can last too I'm sure.
  13. Hey guy - you might want to learn a little bit more about preseason and football in general before posting. It has been covered in countless threads already as to why the offense did what they did in the Redskins game.
  14. It's got to be Young I think. He'll probably take the entire season to get comfortable with the playbook, but his ability to be something of a gamer and make plays with his feet makes him a better option than Thigpen. With more reps I feel Young will improve.
  15. I actually think Vince Young may not be that intelligent. Not stereotyping. I think he'll win the backup job because he's shown he's a winner and with some reps will probably get his confidence back. We honestly may have to simplify the playbook if Fitz were to get hurt and Young had to come in. I think Young, with the coaches and teammates supporting him, will do fine. Paintmyhouse has to be Trent Edwards, he just has to be. Or maybe he was a classmate at Harvard who Fitz beat on a test or something. Although, paintmyhouse seems like an idiot so I doubt he went to Harvard
  16. It's hard not to check down in the NFL
  17. I don't have any doubt that the Bills can and will compete for the AFC East crown this year. As painful as last season was, and it hurt really bad for all of us, it was a huge positive in that it helped develop the depth that we lacked last year. Now our whole roster has more significant gametime experience. The huge advantage the Pats have over us is that they have so much experience with winning and have a confidence that can only be developed through that. It will be hard to break their death grip on this division, but we will be competitive longer into the season this year for sure. I think the Bills are positioning themselves to take over as division leaders in the coming years. Every season that Brady goes through brings him one closer to fading as a superstar and his retirement. The Pats are such a well run organization that they will be competitive every year. However, the Bills are building into a good football team...finally.
  18. It doesn't have anything to do with being petty. Some people just value the lives of living creatures more than others and won't ever forgive Vick for the atrocities he committed. Some acts are unforgivable.
  19. If it was something like that, it was probably from kissing his (smokeshow) wife after his name was called. She probably had it on.
  20. This is true. A lot of people on here just assume that Fitz is doing nothing at all to improve his fitness and arm strength. He's probably working incredibly hard on it. He's a professional athlete whose sole goal is to be as good as possible at his job. And I'm sure that Gailey and the entire organization have each player on a specific program tailored for their improvement. Fitz is a gamer who was born with high intellect and about an average QB arm. In following him throughout his career, I've noticed that his arm has gotten significantly stronger. Did we all forget the 15-30 yard strikes he was throwing weeks 1-6 last year? Not just quick slants or outs, but ropes down the middle of the field. As for his deep ball, just take a look at Fitz highlights on youtube. Yes, I know that they don't show the 'lowlights' but look at these deep balls he throws. Pretty damn good. Can he work on them? Yes, but who couldn't? He has more than enough arm strength to make every throw and like I said, he is surely busting his ass to improve the muscle strength in his body and arm to get more explosive in that area. Fitz's positives: Extremely intelligent, tough as Sh*t, a great leader, ability to get hot and bust open the stat sheet, comeback ability, composure, solid on all routes. Anyone that says his arm is weak is exaggerating. As I type this, he's probably working on that area right now. I'm so happy that Fitz is our QB. I wouldn't trade him for anyone (obv there are superstars out there but I'm being logical) I said a few months ago that Fitz will be a pro bowler this year. I stand by that.
  21. I'm surprised no one has said this yet. What about the infor Chad could give us on the Pats offense? Obviously things change year to year, month to month, week to week, etc, but not that much. He'd be worth it just for that. Then cut him in August.
  22. What is this even supposed to mean? I didn't say do you know their stats I asked did you see pictures of them. Eli looks far from strong or cut especially compared to Fitz. And these stats show that. 6'2" 225lb is actually a sturdier build and shows Fitz has more solidness than someone 6'4" and 218.
  23. Have you idiots seen a picture of Eli Manning? Or his brother for that matter? Fitz is much bigger and more fit than Eli...who just won the super bowl.
  24. Easley is much more talented than D Jones. I was at UConn when he was there.
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