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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Um, actually no, I completely disagree with you. The union of Brady and Belichek was the cause for Brady's rise to greatness. There's no doubt in my mind Brady would not have succeeded anywhere other than New England. There's a reason he was a sixth round draft pick. Yeah, he had fire, and is intelligent, but without Belichek and his system/mindset, Brady would have flamed out with any other team.
  2. I just don't get this. There simply is NO way to make this sport significantly safer. I think instead of trying to make it 'safer', the NFL needs to make it clearer that if you CHOOSE to play this sport, you are placing yourself at serious risk of injury. Make the players sign a waiver. Football is as close to the gladiator fights of old that we'll ever get. Make it clear that if you want millions of dollars and potential glory by playing this sport, you do so at your risk. These guys could stay in school, get their degrees, and do something else with their lives. And do the same thing for pee wee, HS, and college football. Make all the players sign waivers. This sport simply can not be made safer, at least in a way that will really decrease risk of serious injuries.
  3. He's just trying to get his money. It has nothing to do with playing in Buffalo. We use that excuse way too often. That mindset should be obsolete considering we bagged the top FA last year. It's about money.
  4. He's not a one year wonder, he's a good young player who could be a stalwart at safety for us for the next decade. Whaley better work something out--you simply cannot build a consistent contender by letting young talent go.
  5. I honestly think it's because of how Geno looks--mainly his face. I don't personally think he's a thug, I don't know enough about him to make that determination. But I think other people give him the thug label solely based on what he looks like. EJ just looks like a personable guy. Geno doesn't. It's not fair at all, but this may be the reason why people are throwing this label at him.
  6. I don't think him being in Buffalo factored into his unhappiness--purely the frustration/heartbreak with his relationship. Most people have heard "money doesn't buy happiness". It's probably true. Just because he's insanely rich doesn't mean heartbreak affects him any less. And your point about soldiers doesn't factor in here because they choose to sign up (I'm assuming you're talking about U.S. forces).
  7. I remember seeing this list last year and they had us around the mid twenties with Fitz. I feel like our QB position is much improved/has potential to be much better than last year. I think they just didn't know where to put the Bills' QB situation. Not enough info to go on. EJ is a rookie, VJax probably won't do anything differently than he has done in the past, and Kolb could potentially be the top guy teams were drooling over a couple years ago if we keep him protected.
  8. I totally agree. It seems like he has the perfect blend of confidence, humility, and intelligence. While I wouldn't care if our QB was an arrogant person if he brought W's week in and week out, it's nice that EJ is well spoken and gathers the scope of the situation he's in. Impressive for a 22-year-old. And don't get me wrong, I don't want a choir boy at QB if he's going to lose and be meek in the huddle, but I doubt EJ is ever going to get into the shenanigans Big Ben and other NFL guys seem to. I think he's going to be awesome. Can't wait to see him on the field. I do think Kevin Kolb will push for the starting role though. It's too early to throw the towel in on his career. He's got a lot of game and should be better protected here in Buffalo. I don't think VJax has the presence of Manuel or Kolb, though he is pretty solid. We'll see. I won't be surprised at all if EJ wins the starting job, but Kolb's experience gives him the edge.
  9. I'm just glad that whatever ends up happening with EJ, he has a much better team around him than JP, Trent, and Fitz for the first year or so. It's always boggled my mind how people bash JP and Trent relentlessly. Yeah, they failed. No question about it. But how many other QB prospects would've succeeded on the Bills during the last decade? It's been a mess, a total mess. Part of becoming a star player is being in the right organization at the right time. Every once in a while there's someone so good that they are the spark that turns around a franchise and can almost single handedly change the culture within the organization. These are guys like Peyton Manning and Adrian Peterson, guys who would succeed no matter who drafted them. But that's incredibly rare. We all have to admit that the Bills as a team were horrible during Trent's and JP's tenures. From top to bottom. But I still fully believe Trent and JP might have succeeded elsewhere--they just needed to go to the right team at the right team. It was said Green Bay would have taken Losman had we not jumped up to get him. (Too bad for him). Buffalo, Cleveland, and Oakland have been black holes for QB's for a long time now. They literally had no chance. JP actually started getting pretty decent, but our organization was so unstable. It's been painful, but I believe Buddy Nix has added some serious talent to this roster and I believe Brandon made an awesome hire with Marrone. That's what gives me comfort--whether EJ starts this year or not, he's in a good spot. When was the last time we could honestly say that with a young Buffalo Bills QB?
  10. I get the impression EJ could be the next Big Ben, only faster. Also, he doesn't seem at all like the type to get mixed up in the wrong stuff like Ben did. But if he resembles BB on the field, I'd be happy. The OP probably means Manuel's release is way more effortless than FItz's and Kelly's. You're right, Fitz was known for his quick processing ability (hence the 48 on the wonderlic) and getting rid of the ball quick. But because his arm strength and athleticism is nowhere near Manuel's, he had to put more effort into the throw. Definitely why his longer throws suffered. Manuel seems to have everything you'd want in a franchise QB. And I'm counting on our new HC and his staff to develop him into a superstar.
  11. Someone always has to go there. Clearly not what the OP meant
  12. From what I understand, Gilmore is an extremely intelligent young man. Graduated from SC in three years. I know it's a joke thread, but a gross generalization on your part.
  13. Haha, stoner love fest. Wow. How incredibly old fashioned of you.
  14. Can I borrow your copy of Reefer Madness? In all seriousness you and Kas are both coming off like complete idiots and extremely biased like the OP said.
  15. It's crazy--I used to watch ESPN all the time. I could watch Sportscenter over and over no problem. And if the Bills actually had some solid highlights, I'd tune in multiple times. It's been a few years now--but I almost cannot even stomach ESPN anymore, including all the shows like PTI, Around the Horn, etc. But Sportscenter gets me every time. I personally think it has a lot to do the explosion of social media and incorporating it into sports and tv. I just can't stand it. Also, the anchors have gotten so smug in their attempts to always make pithy remarks and it's as though Sportscenter has lost its touch with actual sports, but is now just another entertainment broadcast like you'd find on the E network or something like that. It made my decision to get rid of cable at $75/month and go to Netflix at $8/month a much easier one.
  16. It's borderline insanity how Pats* games are reffed, especially in Foxboro. It's gotten like the NBA, where superstar players and teams get preferential treatment. Some people will say "Well if you want the calls to go your way, play better!" That's all well and good but it doesn't mean it's not bullsh*t. Refs are there to be as objective as possible, and I for one preferred the replacement refs. They were not nearly as bad as people made them out to be and were actually less biased. This is likely why they got run out--the "better" teams--who have built relationships with the refs over the years--weren't able to lean on this. If they hadn't blown the Sea/GB game, I think they should have stayed. I almost smashed my computer screen watching the second Bills/Pats* game. Somewhere around 110 yds -- 30 yds in penalties in the FIRST HALF?? Ended up around 135-65 or something. Just utter bullsh*t. 3 PI calls put the cheaters on the f*ckin goal line, 2 of which were phantom calls and one that was an uncatchable ball. Gailey was right about how fine the line was between us being 10-6 and 6-10. A lot of it was his fault, and that of his coaching staff. But jeeeze, we got so screwed in that game and others. The 'bad' teams get f*cked over by the refs constantly.
  17. Yeah but if he contacted Reed's groin like he was trying to, or close to doing, it would certainly constitute unsportsmanlike conduct. Wasn't a huge deal made about a certain Lions DT for kicking Schaub in the groin????
  18. I think it kind of puts my Patriots hatred in perspective. I dislike a man involved in a murder much less than I DESPISE the New England Patriots.
  19. Belichek shows much more emotion than someone like Gailey. He may not be a Harbaugh or Gruden, but he's not crypt keeper either.
  20. Yeah good call. There's not 52 other players on a roster or anything... If Dalton didn't have Greene he'd be so much worse. Not trying to stick up for Fitz, but he never had anyone who could bail him out on jump balls like Dalton has.
  21. Don't let alphadawg hear you say that. He gave me a ton of sh*t for saying the same thing about a month ago.
  22. Darn! When are we EVER going to get a somewhat easy schedule??? Oh..wait....
  23. Yep! Great analysis of my post, buddy. Although just so you know, 'imo' means 'in my opinion'. As this is a message board, anything posted is going to be, of course, opinion. Thanks for the Reality Check though.
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