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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Haha it's unreal. That's really how all tv sports people go about their jobs. It's our fault for watching and keeping idiots like Bayless and SAS on the air.
  2. ESPN is unwatchable. I honestly get sick to my stomach viewing Sports center and will only tune in to see Bills highlights the day after. I've always thought Skip Bayless was essentially directed to really champion certain view points to create arguments with other analysts in an attempt to get better ratings. Seriously, some of the stances he takes are unreal--there's no way he's not being told to say certain things. And they brought SAS back to argue with him. I got rid of cable about 8 or 9 months ago and at first I was kind of bummed about missing some basketball games but any time I flip by ESPN I'm just reminded what I'm not missing. F*** em all. Who cares where EJ was drafted. We know what we've got and it our coaching staff got the guy THEY wanted to build around. That's all that matters.
  3. I really think the perfect example is Seattle. If EJ just 'gets it' really quickly like Russel Wilson did, and gets similar support from the D and run game, there's no reason that the Bills can't do something similar. Obviously, we've been down in the dumps for so, so long it's hard to imagine anything good happening to us, haha, but maybe it will. One can only hope. It would be so cool for EJ to show veteran poise the majority of the time, FJ an CJ to run wild, and the D to manhandle opponents and create tons of pressure and turnovers. And, of course, stack up the W's.
  4. Not trying to be wildly optimistic or anything like that, but I just want to make the point that teams CAN go from no playoffs to Super Bowl contenders in one year if things had been building well and possibly a new coaching staff comes in that gets it. Maybe a new QB, different coordinators. Obviously, all these things can add up to a worse or similar season, but it is possible. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Rams go from 3-13 to 13-3 the year they won the Super Bowl against the Titans? Again, I fully understand everything would have to come together for the Bills to have something like that happen, but the possibility is there. Also, if the Bills offense moves as quickly as it appears, we could take teams by surprise this season until they learn how to adjust to it, similar to when the wildcat was introduced and also the read option. We all thought the D was going to be solid last season, and the talent appears to be much improved, so if Pettine is the real deal, this could actually happen.
  5. Yeah, and in the 1st half, it was somewhere around 110ish penalty yards for the Bills and like 15-30 for the Pats. Just a total joke. I think PI was called 3 times where it either put the ball on the goal line and/or kept a drive going. All those calls ended up being like 80 yards gained for the Pats.
  6. Well, from what I gathered on the articles I've read, the Bills are going to try and use all of their offensive weapons roughly an equal amount, meaning the D can't focus on or have a specific defender focus on one offensive guy, like Spiller, for example. It's the threat that any one of our 5 or 6 serious offensive weapons will touch the ball on a given play.
  7. I know. Ever think it wasn't all LF's fault even if that was the case? Seriously cannot believe how solid that guy has been for how long he has after leaving B-lo.
  8. I also noticed he keeps his head up as he's scrambling/shaking off defenders, always ready to sling it if he can. People attending training camp have been saying Kolb tends to shut down under pressure and just run or throw it away. If EJ keeps his head on a swivel as he maneuvers in the pocket he may very well be like Big Ben in how he plays the game.
  9. We should ask him 5x in a row and see if we get a different answer! Lol.
  10. I'm pissed about it too. Wish he'd picked a different number to wear. Hopefully a better nickname comes along or we just...call him by his name.
  11. I'd rather have a coach who doesn't take bullsh*t from the media than one who tries to be their best friend and tries not to hurt anyone's feelings. Reporters are some of the most annoying people out there. As much as I dislike Belichek, I think it's awesome how surly he is with the media.
  12. It's ridiculous. I watched one of the latest Doug Whaley conferences. Literally just kept asking him about Byrd over and over. Morons.
  13. With so much $ invested, and so much at stake, I don't think the players have much say in the matter, at least at this point. I'd wager their absolutely encouraged to report ANY soreness or injury to the training staff and seek immediate treatment. This isn't high school or college. These players are investments on part of the organization. If anything is or could be amiss with their bodies, they seek treatment. It's that simple. If it was game time he'd be playing. But at this point, it's about immediately treating things that could turn into actual injuries when it counts, before they happen.
  14. I had a dream about the Bills too, a couple weeks ago. EJ threw for 700 yards and CJ had over 1000 on the ground. Haha. Woke up with a big smile.
  15. Hey, Internet tough guy, anyone who mentioned grammar or education was responding to a specific person's post about that particular thing. You know, on this thing we call a message board, which exists for the purpose of discussion. Oh yeah, and congrats to your Community College peeps
  16. Yeah but when you're borderline incoherent it's a problem, not to mention embarrassing for Stanford. Being able to properly communicate is the sign of someone who's intelligent and cares about how they're perceived.
  17. Or we can just change the drinking age to a more appropriate 18 years old
  18. Ralph IS Russ. He spent the $ he should've been putting into the team on engineering a new body so that he can live forever
  19. It's nowhere near as cut and dry as you're making it out to be
  20. Yep. Just a joke. Not only did Timmy essentially suffer a career ending (for all intents and purposes) injury against those f***** Senators, you're right, we lost those d men too. It was so crazy because we were getting BETTER every game almost, other than the 4-0 shutout against the hurricanes. It's amazing to see a team come together before your very eyes. I mean, we were hitting on all cylinders. Offense roared to life to destroy Philly, but we beat Ottawa, our nemesis, 4-1 with a rookie Pominville ending it in OT. Losing Connolly was a big blow--if he never takes that vicious head shot (was it that bastard, Neal?) his career would have been totally different. Guy was becoming a star. I guess when your last good veteran D-man wakes up with a freak staph infection eating his leg on the morning of game 7, it's just not in the cards.
  21. Haha, I was thinking the same thing. I remember it so clearly. I had actually fallen asleep some time during the first overtime, and somehow, like an otherworldly force was at work, I woke up seconds before Hull 'scored'. Still hurts. Although for some reason the 2005-2006 Sabres team not winning the cup hurts more than anything really, other than the homerun throwback. That Sabres team absolutely seemed like a team of destiny. Literally will never get over that. I still have nightmares about Rod B'rindamour's giant, crooked nose
  22. It's just easier for the NFL schedule makers to 'shaft' teams like the Bills because they realize how little national exposure we get (yes, I realize this is due to our futility). I guarantee as they're formulating the schedule and putting it together they have teams in mind that they'll likely place in the undesirable spots. It is what it is. It's pretty messed up, no matter if the advantage is small. I mean seriously, wtf, how many times have we faced New England coming off their bye week in the last 5 or 6 years? (Cue the 'New England doesn't need 2 weeks to plan for us' people). It's not right. But many posters are right--the only way to get out of this position is to win. No matter if the deck is stacked against us.
  23. I played pretty much every sport growing up. Lacrosse was some of the most fun I ever had in a contact sport. Basically hockey and football combined. Only played one year, but it was awesome. Lacrosse needs to gain popularity as a spectator sport though before it gets a foothold as a major sport.
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