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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Yep, me too. As far as we fell, they did the same, not that they got as high as we did, but still. Jax was damn good. Anchored by Boselli, Fred Davis/Natron Means, and Brunell. They had a good receiver, too, I believe. I liked the team. Obviously Bills have always been my #1 but I did like Jax. Brunell was my favorite QB other than Kelly
  2. I wonder if they even frickin care. We get screwed every week, and that's not conspiracy theory talk. Refs cost us last week, too. Hard to get over this sh*t when the refs have so much potential influence over the outcomes of the games. I'll never get over the one New England game last year. 115 - 45 penalty yds in the first half, or somewhere close, and we still almost won. Insane
  3. Haha, my first thought. Was thinking the poster was making a Terminator joke or something
  4. Exactly. Whether the hold started before or after the kick was iffy at best. No reason to call that there. If anything, if it's that close, call it as after the kick and let them have 4th and 13. These ridiculous calls are what get fans and teams so upset. No reason to call that there and it seriously almost cost the Bills a win. The zebras need to think smarter on their feet. I know it's a tough job for them to be super accurate, but they need to improve. Absolute joke. If we lose that game, the season's in jeopardy, and because of the youth of this team across the board, I don't think that's an exaggeration.
  5. To be fair, it looked like EJ missed Woods and Stevie, both pretty wide open in front of him in the EZ
  6. I agree with the first part, but we didn't get one back on the PI. That was a legit penalty. This bogus holding call wasn't.
  7. That one struck me as way, way over the top intentional. A full launch when the QB was already well out of bounds, grabbed him up around the shoulders/head/neck and ripped him down. Could've been a serious injury to a rising star QB in the league.
  8. I agree about Fred--love the guy. Love Stevie and Wood, too, and Kyle Williams. Guys who actually have loyalty and aren't mercenaries. Nice to see. About Fred, though, I don't think he got stiffed for money throughout his career, opportunity, maybe, but not money. He had a long, hard journey to make it big time coming from Coe College, and Buddy held to his word and paid Fred even though many people thought he was getting too old to deserve it (I wasn't one of them). I think Fred worked his ass off and got rewarded fairly.
  9. Well, we are going to need basically all that money we didn't spend on Byrd and Levitre to resign guys for next offseason, and of course, some of that has already been used for Wood. I liked Levitre too but Marrone is an Oline guy, so I trust his judgment, and Brown did pretty good last week.
  10. Idk, I've seen some unbelievable threads started by members with posts well in the thousands.
  11. Just curious, did Clay Matthews end up getting fined for his superman flying tackle of Kapernick out of bounds? Surprised he wasn't suspended for that.
  12. Does anyone ever think just for one second, that maybe those other players wouldn't necessarily be so 'great' if a different team had drafted them? People think all players' skillsets translate exactly the same from one team to another. Usually they don't. It's too easy to just sit back and say oh we took him and look at the great guys we could've had taken after him. Some misses are obvious (Maybin) but with Dareus we got a solid player who should become much better. We also changed staffs and schemes. Not making excuses for him, but stop with the second guessing here. Give it some more time
  13. I think we seriously need to stop gauging the success of our players strictly by the widely acknowledged stats. The defense did great last week, which means the guys on the field did well. Yes, the run D could be cleaned up, but if Dareus was getting double and triple teamed all game, how can any of us criticize him for not having gaudy stats? The guy(s) getting double and/or triple teamed are playing a vital role, freeing up the other guys to make the highlight plays. I recall Dareus having a great drop back and knocking down a Brady pass on an important play. Someone who has NFL rewind or all 22 or whatever would need to go in depth and watch Dareus all game to see how he really did, plus they'd need to have a really good handle on our scheme(s) employed throughout the whole game. Dareus is still very young--I'm shocked by the amount of Bills fans who are ready to write this guy off at the beginning of his third year.
  14. That's why I simply don't know how people can brush this stuff off, like it's no big deal. It's so frustrating. Like all cheaters, I think one day they will be fully exposed.
  15. Yeah, like I said, try reading the book, the only real investigation into the matter. Or just continue to roll out company lines. Not too hard to figure out which one you'll choose
  16. Haha wow that is hilarious I seriously can't stand those who say "Spygate was nothing--everyone was doing it, the Pats just got caught" or "Mangini just snitched on them". It was so, so much more than that and I truly hope that it gets broken wide open one day, hopefully before Brady and Belichek get into the HOF. Just unreal. The people who spout those company lines should seriously read that Spygate book. The only person to really investigate what happened. Again--and this is in the book, although I heard it before I read it--there was simply no reason for Goodell to destroy the tapes/evidence, no reason at all. That In itself should make every NFL fan angry as hell. That's a slap in the face to everyone who shells out their cash to contribute to the NFL. And this has absolutely nothing to do with the Bills, although it's probably not a coincidence that the fans of teams who also were doing well during that period probably care less about all this.
  17. Exactly, how can any fan of the NFL not understand that the Spygate sh*t was swept under the rug to protect the NFL as a business. This book is what should have been reported by the otherwise always relentless media. All this stuff should have been plastered on ESPN and there seriously should be asterisks on all the Patriots superbowl wins and all of their wins in that time period. Belicheck and Brady should NOT be allowed in the HOF
  18. Harshly, too, which is why it's so infuriating that so few details were released, yet ESPN basically did 24/7 coverage on the bounty scandal all summer. Someone in the thread already gave the answer to why this was. Fully outing the Patriots would've been bad business for the NFL. New England had become the golden team of the league and business would've been significantly hurt by going after them and releasing all the details like what was done to the Saints.
  19. Agreed. As intelligent and experienced as he is, he comes off like such a loser in his press conferences. I've watched all of Marrone's since he was hired. He does a great job with the press. Now, before people say "I don't care about press conferences as long as he wins!" I'm talking strictly about media relations here. Belichek is a sore loser, little baby when they lose. There's something to be said for that no matter how successful he's been with New England
  20. Yeah, the plane thing is overboard, even jokingly, but I agree with Johnny's other post. It's annoying how even questioning Spygate gets you instantly labeled a conspiracy theorist. Think about the penalty the Pats received--$500,000 and a 1st round pick!! That's stiff. So...why didn't we get the full details? It's frustrating. Also, just bringing up Spygate and questioning what the Pats did/didn't do doesn't mean you're saying ALL their success is attributed to the cheating. I'm not saying that at all. Just as a contributor to the multi billion dollar business that is the NFL, I feel I deserve real answers and concrete details, not for the commissioner to gloss over it and then get rid of the evidence. It's crazy. Think about how friggin long they went on about the Saints thing with the bounties. Even the T.O fake suicide thing got more air time!
  21. If anything it's totally the opposite. Plus there were reports that they were doing other things besides taping. And for some reason, Goodell decided to destroy the Spygate related evidence, which is just plain weird imo. The public didn't get the full details of what happened, and it's people like you who allow things like Spygate to be swept under the rug.
  22. You missed the point of what he's saying. Lumping the 13 years all together doesn't make sense. Each regime should be looked at individually, meaning Marrone and the people in place for THIS season shouldn't be catching flak and frustration from the regime's of the past. It's not hard to comprehend this.
  23. It's blowing my mind how many people are seriously not understanding this. It's as simple as it gets. As Marrone said in his presser, it was lack of execution that hurt us. The most apparent play being the Stevie drop. That makes all this second-guessing go away. Good thing no one with this name is in the organization. Tired of people not being able to spell our players' names, too. It's not Marcel Darius, it's Dareus. It's not EJ Manual. I'm not one to harp on grammar and spelling, especially on the internet, but if you're going to call someone a tool and for them to be fired, spell their damn name correctly.
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