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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. If we're making ridiculous wishes, why not wish for a better OC? Hey, let's play Madden but with coaches/personnel. Belichek as HC/OC and Rex Ryan as DC. The Rooney family as owners. Yeah, then we'd be good! Why not have Tom Brady as QB while we're at it.
  2. It absolutely is not. His 'genius' was crushed by good defenses. He did some good things. I'd say he was average to slightly above average as an OC. There were many games where people here complained mightily about the offensive's struggles, especially when the defense had a better week. "If the offense could've just done this, or that". Oh how quickly we forget
  3. I understand, but yeah, that's a couple games from 3 entire seasons. That's cherry picking. And we still lost both those games, so...yeah
  4. Again, WHY Gailey? There are hundreds of coaches Hackett could study to improve his own playcalling/philosophy who are/were much, much better than Gailey. Gailey was familiar with some of the personnel. Wow. Big deal. Why not study a true offensive genius instead of a mediocre head coach / average to slightly above average OC. You can cherry pick a few choice games from any regime / HC. But the majority of the time we were thoroughly dominated by good/great teams.
  5. Ok, well where was he when we lost to San Fran 45-3? Where was he in the first half of the laugher opener against the Jets? How about the 52-28 loss to the Pats? Or the 21-9 loss to the Texans? 12 points against the Rams at home. 50-17 loss to the Seahawks. I agree that Fitz limited what Gailey could do, but Gailey didn't adjust very well to physical blitzing D's. Against good defense's our offense was stifled thoroughly. EVERY TIME. That's why we only beat winning teams like 2 or 3 times when he was here. I love Stevie, and think he's great, but let's say Stevie never allowed himself to be jammed. So what--the D's can still key on him throughout his whole route while the other WR's are still trying to break free from physical man coverage. Gailey didn't adjust to this. Could've used more motion, maybe more bunch formations. Either way, he was far from an offensive genius/guru. And if Hackett needs to improve his offensive philosophy, there are about 100 coaches I'd want him to study before Gailey.
  6. I disagree. The QB has nothing to do with WR's who couldn't break DB's jamming them at the LOS. I'm not saying Gailey didn't do anything right offensively, he definitely did. But I think people need to make a concerted effort to separate themselves from what each regime did. Hackett might have a completely different philosophy. We need to stop comparing him to Gailey. Hackett may have different ideas on screens and rb draws, etc. Give him some more games to show if he is capable of adjusting. 3 games is nowhere near enough. It's ludicrous. And for the people who say with complete conviction that Hackett can't cut it in the NFL after THREE games, I say, take a deep breath and maybe try meditation or a yoga class to get rid of that anger that's making them so short-sighted. Yes it's been 13 years, more than likely 14 without playoffs. But 13 of those years won't be Marrone and co.'s fault! Stop blaming them for the ineptitude of the other regime's.
  7. What is people's fascination with Gailey. His offense was figured out about a third of the way through the season. Yeah he used screens well, so what. How does every forget how stagnant and terrible our offense was once teams started pressing our WR's and taking away the quick hitters, which were the only ones FItz could do consistently? The offense was absolutely stopped in its tracks once teams got physical with our WR's.
  8. I don't understand how people can just mix and match coaching staffs and say "if we had him at HC, him at OC, and him at DC then we'd be 3-0." That's not how coaching hires work. This is a COMPLETELY different staff than Chan's. What were we going to do--fire Chan as HC but make him OC? Then hire Marrone and tell him "we already have your OC, now hire a DC" ? What is wrong with you people? This is like Madden-style thinking but with coaches, not players. Does anyone think Chan would've accepted a demotion? Hell no. No coach would do that, especially when a whole new staff is coming in. Does anyone think Marrone would've wanted to come somewhere where his OC was already chosen for him? Does anyone think Chan would've been able to get Pettine as DC? Jesus people, use your frickin heads
  9. Actually no, our 'fans' have become embarrassing. To act like complete babies after every loss, pretty much every bad play. Ridiculous
  10. 2014 could be crazy exciting after we likely target G, TE, OLB, and possibly CB depth in FA/Draft
  11. Before anyone goes any FURTHER, it was clearly PI, and yes, the ball was catchable. It had nothing to do with us getting retribution for the ridiculous blown call on the punt holding which was insane. If anything, should have been 4th and 13 but calling it as the holding starting before the kick was too close and in that situation it's a joke of a call.
  12. Yeah, it still doesn't make sense, though. There are countless instances of coaches who do better as coordinators than head coaches. It's not a slam dunk that he'd be good as HC, or even better than Marrone will be.
  13. There was nothing iffy at all about that call Haha, seriously, literally NO idea what he's talking about
  14. Who's to say Pettine will make a great HC? I don't understand these posts. There's a huge difference between being a great coordinator and being a great HC. It really is pretty dumb to even suggest, whether it's a serious suggestion or not, to make Pettine head coach next year or the year after to keep him here. Hopefully Brandon will shell out any extra necessary cash to keep Pettine in Buffalo for at least 3 years, hopefully more. I know Pettine will be a HC candidate likely after just this year, but no one knows how good he will do as one. Yeah but Williams is SS, and and Byrd is FS, so this doesn't really apply. Byrd and Williams would be on the field at the same time, which could be really good. But Searcy has looked solid, too. Hopefully he keeps improving. Someone suggested in another thread we try and trade Byrd for a good TE. If this is possible, it'd be great, imo.
  15. More like BB has the other team's signals translated by Ernie Adams and made adjustments based on that
  16. They actually had a lot to gain, strategically. It's pretty good odds to force a team to drive 80 yards for a td with about a 1:30 left and no timeouts. Especially when you have a good defense, like the Panthers do. It was the high percentage decision on Rivera's part. But sometimes, the other team is able to overcome poor odds, which luckily, we did.
  17. I saw many people post on this in the shoutbox. It seems clear that this 2013 Bills team is much more talented than any we've had in the past 15 years or so. Kudos to management. We should've crushed the Pats last week, and this week we should've won by 10 + points imo. So if that's the case, what's holding us back? Penalties and turnovers. But especially penalties. We've had around 100 yds of offense negated by penalties. Now, we've definitely been hit with some Zebra phantom specials, but I'd say most are legit calls on us. So, how to fix this? Marrone has had refs at practice all off season and I believe still has them. My thinking is that it's youth/inexperience coupled with the fact that, at least on D, the guys are being asked to fly to the ball and be super aggressive. Can this be overcome? If we can fix this, it's not far fetched to believe this year's Bills team can push for the division. But the question is: is it simply experience and time that will help correct this issue or is it coaching? Might Marrone introduce fines for bonehead plays like Aaron William's today? What can he and his staff do?
  18. I wouldn't be against drafting TE's in rounds 1 and 2 or 3 and spending all additional picks on oline, and maybe use one pick on BPA at a different position for depth. If we get our hands on some Gronk/Hernandez type TE"s, watch the heck out.
  19. TE and Oline should be top priority next offseason in FA and draft. I'm sure they will be
  20. Byrd probably won't play for at least another few weeks, given that he HAS to be 100%. Plantar Fasciitis can be bad, I know, but he's a world class athlete getting world class treatment. WTF. I had/still kind of have PF a little bit. This could/should have been fixed during the offseason. What the hell was he doing? You need rest, stretching, possible massage, anti inflammatory's, maybe some cortisone shots. THey also make socks that stretch the arch all night to help with healing. How is this not fixed? Gilmore is October at the earliest
  21. Weird how a better coach can bring the best out in a player, huh? Haha. That's what pisses me off about people--they write guys off without understanding how important scheme and coaching is on a player's development, and production in general. Someone sucking or playing good on one team or with one set of coaches doesn't at all mean it'll be the same result with another
  22. Agreed. Damn. Just imagine when Gilmore is back. And Byrd, too, though S play has been good so far w/o him. We can't forget Leodis was what, 9th overall? That's serious talent, no matter if it's a slight over reach. We have two potentially great CB's now. Young, too.
  23. I think Cam had like 230 yds or close to that
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