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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Did you not see the other thread on the main page with this exact subject...?
  2. Haha. Were the 'obviously's' and 'You know's' brought to his attention at some point?
  3. You ever think they did this on purpose? Maybe, just maybe they have an evaluation process in place and are not worried about what people on message boards think.
  4. Oh really? Damn, because it could've become a 3rd rounder. But it could actually end up being a gigantic win for us if Bryce Brown becomes as good as some think he will be. Also, people need to understand that this interview put Stevie in a very tough position. He doesn't want to badmouth either his old team or new team, so he had to be careful. Any subtle jabs or whatnot definitely weren't planned out beforehand. We all know he never had much chemistry with EJ, who favored Woods, and was also injured, so of course he's going to be high on his new QB.
  5. Yeah, that seemed obvious to me. I think the quick, harsh responses were by those who only read the thread title and maybe skimmed the first couple lines.
  6. Watching it at work. Really tough to hold back the tears. Wished I could have watched it at home by myself.
  7. Same here. Just so bizarre that Bradham got a suspension on this.
  8. Was Bradham actually arrested or just pulled over? I just read an article that said he had such a small amount he wasn't arrested. But that might be inaccurate.
  9. This just makes no sense in my opinion. If there are no charges, or they are dropped, it's as though the offense never happened. At least in the eyes of the law, and that is what Goodell should go on.
  10. I'm just really confused about this whole Bradham suspension. How can you be suspended--even under the conduct policy--for a charge that was dropped? Isn't that essentially the equivalent of it never having happened? Also, is anyone else frustrated/concerned about how Goodell gets to act alone or has the final say on punishment? I feel like it should be a commitee decision.
  11. Can someone please, please explain to me how Marshawn Lynch has not yet been suspended? It's truly mind boggling. I mean, I get that his trial has kept getting pushed back, but this is his third strike and apparently his case is pretty open and shut for authorities. At what point does the league say that there's no more pushing a trial back, you're going to face discipline? We just lost our starting weakside LB for something that was totally dismissed. I seriously don't get this.
  12. I'm with you man. I can't stand Goodell and think he's a greedy p.o.s who is ruining the game. Watching highlights on NFL Network of the best return men in the game's history, I was livid because kick returning (arguably the most exciting play in football) has all but been eliminated. In the name of safety? These guys all know the risks of playing football at this level. You could be paralyzed on any play, not just kickoffs. Whether it's slightly more dangerous than other plays doesn't matter--it is an integral part of the game with it's momentum changing ability and has been part of the game for most of its history. Changing that is a slap in the face to football fans. The safety issues bother me. This game cannot be made safe. It is modern day gladiator fighting. If you want to make millions and millions of dollars and possibly be a public icon/celebrity through being in the NFL, there is a safety risk. They should all sign a waiver that they understand the risks of bashing their heads against one another and the ground for years. And changing the helmets won't do anything. It just makes them more reckless. Take away the helmets if you want people to stop throwing their bodies around like missiles, just like in rugby. And Goodell with the Spygate situation was just plain disgusting. Destroying evidence? Seriously? Burning tapes? Literally no reasonable explanation for such an act. Those tapes should have been preserved and allowed to be reviewed for the rest of time. It just shows he is a greedy p.o.s who was more concerned about $ and the damage Spygate should have had on his product than being honest and taking cheaters to task. Most people don't even know the extent of what Spygate was about...BECAUSE of Goodell. Read Spygate: The Untold Story if you want to know more. The only sports reporter who actually dug into it is the author. Goodell has turned football more into product than sport, and that sucks imo. The NFL may be more popular than it ever was, but it's at one of its low points quality-wise.
  13. I love internet/message board experts. Do you honestly even know what constitutes 'good' mechanics at the quarterback position? If so, what are your credentials other than watching from your couch and playing Madden? And don't say you coached/played HS football. There isn't one look that shows a quarterback has good/great mechanics. It's a range and also depends on body type/size. It's similar to golf--two golfers can have good mechanics but can look totally different. Throwing a ball, no matter what the sport, is more about efficiency of body sequence than where the ball is positioned in relation to the body. EJ's mechanics do not 'suck' and I'm sure whatever he needs to work on in that regard is being addressed by those who specialize in working with NFL quarterbacks and by EJ himself. Stop parroting what other uninformed fans/viewers spout ignorantly. One thing is certain: you do not know enough to criticize any NFL quarterback so harshly.
  14. This isn't a serious post, right? Not sure, sometimes I really don't know on here
  15. This term makes me shudder haha. I'm scarred from the time back when our whole defense was made up of 'high motor' guys. Nothing wrong with a high motor but when that's your only attribute it becomes an issue. Glad KW has way more than that.
  16. Same here. I was totally bewildered as to why the game was over. If I were on the Rams I'd be LIVID to not even have the chance at a miracle kick return or to ground it and then try a hail mary or hook and ladder.
  17. I think it actually is a special ability to turn screens into big gains consistently. Screens are far easier for QB's to execute, being such short passes, so it's a good quality for a receiver to have.
  18. It sucks though, because they're not doing their jobs then. I always think of the Music City Miracle--it was obviously one of the closest calls in a big time NFL game ever. There are still people on both sides of the fence on that one. I feel like where the game took place had a big impact on that outcome--in Buffalo it's probably called a forward pass on the field bc it sure looked like it as it happened--only on close review did it become clear that it was almost too close to call definitively. But since the game was in Tennessee, there was no way in hell the refs were going to go against them.
  19. That might be the most impressive highlight video I've seen for any WR. Wow this guy has Calvin Johnson/AJ Green-like talent.
  20. Exactly. I don't why people keep saying this--this wasn't a future-mortgaging decision at all. It was a decent price to pay to move up to select a top notch prospect. Whaley and co. may be more inclined to use future draft picks in deals than other front offices given the Bills owner situation, but in no way is he screwing up the team's future to get better instantly. He's being aggressive, and still building a long-term contender. People just LOVE to parrot what the dumb dumbs on ESPN and other networks say. So annoying.
  21. There's a difference between working on the mechanics of a guy who has been in the league for a while like Fitz, who was what, 28, when we hired Lee? I'd consider EJ to be refining his mechanics not necessarily changing them. I mean, look at Brady. He considerably increased his arm strength throughout his career and tightened his mechanics. It's a process. I don't think anyone believes mechanics are perfected in one offseason, but you have to work at it. Good for EJ.
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