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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Haha told my friend who is a 9ers fan the same thing Woods too, big time
  2. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get hotter than mid 80's in San Diego
  3. I actually don't think it would've made much of a difference.
  4. Supposedly the child already had a scheduled doctor appointment (checkup/unrelated issue).
  5. So...you're a fan again? What if we lose next week--will you freak out?
  6. Ok, got it now. Didn't know he claimed some form of self-defense.
  7. I see what you're saying, but didn't Rice admit to knocking out his fiancee in the elevator? Isn't his statement to police and to the NFL evidence? This is just video confirmation of evidence Goodell already had (Rice's verbal statement of what happened), so I don't think it truly qualifies as new evidence.
  8. What I don't understand is why this video even matters? This should have been the original outcome of the Rice incident. He admitted to assaulting her and then obviously the first video shows him dragging her unconscious body across the lobby. But...how did everyone think she became unconscious in the first place? Why did video matter? It was established he knocked her unconscious based on the first video. This doesn't change anything in my mind. We all knew this is what happened.
  9. I actually took a peek on Da Bears board a few hours ago. Kind of surprised at the lack of respect for our team. But I tried thinking about what I truly know about other teams. Personnel, front office, coaches, changes, etc, and I do know more than the average fan, but not all that much--except our divisional foes. I guess you can't really expect Bears fans to know or care about the turnaround that most of us have been witnessing here for the last several years. Other team fans only see the final record and know the last 14 years. Still annoying though. The Bills have a damn good roster 1-53
  10. Seriously don't know what HBO was thinking. Buffalo should have been the clear cut choice for Hard Knocks this year.
  11. So you're watching the Seattle/Green Bay game, saw Russell Wilson throw a couple good passes, and then thought you needed to start a thread rehashing this subject. Nice.
  12. I'd rather have Aaron Williams.
  13. It goes back way farther than that . You just have a short memory that's right i got you now . They say all the great ones have short memories good for you !! further I just love a English major on a sports blog !!!! an
  14. You have absolutely no idea what was really going on with Cohen. Like you said yourself, you are not a football expert. What we all might be overlooking about Cohen is that it's possible on several (or many) of the plays where he got great penetration, he was not doing what he was supposed to do. Maybe he left someone out to dry. There were a bunch of plays where he got right in the backfield and made a tackle. But there were also a bunch where he penetrated right away and left a large hole that resulted in a 10 yard run by the opposing RB. For all we know he was sacrificing the scheme (as vanilla as it was) for a chance to shine individually. Maybe Schwartz knew this--I mean, he coached the guy in Detroit. He knows his game. So yes, at a glance Cohen seemed to be doing great. But then again, he may have been ignoring his assignments at times for a chance to make a big play. Just throwing this out there because while I am also a bit bummed he didn't make the squad, none of us know the real deal, so there's no reason to criticize the front office about this particular issue.
  15. Totally agree. Don't think they get it though. Check this out if you haven't seen it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfsG63-lbyc
  16. Since this is an annoying waste of a thread, totally unnecessary, I will try to be constructive. The thread title should be 'If I were the new owner' not was. Good day.
  17. Well you're ignoring a huge factor--it takes most players, especially QB's, time and experience to develop into franchise guys. So your plan is to draft several guys every year, let them play in the preseason and get them snaps during the first year, then dump them if they aren't the 'guy' by that time? That's not allowing them much of a chance, is it?
  18. You're cool, dude. ...that's what you wanted to hear, right? That's why you started this awesome thread?
  19. Why? How often are franchise QB's found in the 1st round? Seriously. Not having a 1st rounder is not a huge deal. This team is loaded w talent. I think the bigger mistake was not bringing Josh McCown in.
  20. Not trying to be a jerk here, but weren't you extremely optimistic about this team as of a few weeks ago? Like predicting a very successful year? You've seem to have done a 180.
  21. Already a thread on this
  22. Actually made me laugh. Good one OP.
  23. Exactly. Gives the wrong impression of what is and what is not acceptable, no matter the circumstances, in our society. The NFL shouldn't want someone representing them that is capable of certain acts even just one time.
  24. Didn't Cassell go 11-5 the year Brady got hurt and play great?
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