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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. I've heard them being openly questioned/criticized in quite a few other non-Bills games this season. Then Mike Terry will pop up on the screen and try to explain what just happened. There were times where it was clear he didn't know what they saw. People with these blinders on are why this sh*t continues. You must be a whiner, sore loser, and/or a conspiracy theorist to question the amazing NFL officials. Gimme a break
  2. Don't forget covering up Spygate and destroying the video tapes
  3. What is so mind-boggling is when the call is so blatantly wrong you don't know how the ref ever even got it in his head to pull the flag out. What was he thinking? Why pull the flag at all? It's calls like this that give fuel to the 'game is fixed' fire.
  4. That's the thing. How else are you supposed to take a guy like that down? Also, emphasis on head shots has made guys go low more often. This was brought up last year or the year before when the Texans guy tore up the Dolphins' TE's knee in the opener. How else is a 5'10" 195 lb guy supposed to take down a 6'5" 260lb guy esp when head shots are a huge point of emphasis?
  5. Isn't that what they're saying Gurley did?
  6. It's been mentioned many times in pretty much every other thread on here.
  7. Me too. Show the players that you won't let their efforts be in vain and that you won't take this bull anymore
  8. Great summary. I believe this is it in a nutshell. Very similar to what the NBA is like. Everyone who says "just win and then we'll get the calls", well that's all fine and dandy but back breaking calls at the worst times against teams standing directly in our way from becoming a winning team is helping to keep us down.
  9. well, his stats as a young WR in Tampa show he was trending in that direction, as a possible #1. Production wise. I'd put him at a perfect #2
  10. Our QB's are apparently coached not to throw to guys and just let them make plays, like every good QB you ever watch does. No, our guys have to run perfect routes or be wide open or be 'the mismatch'. Watch any top tier QB/WR combo, they just toss it up there and let the guy's make plays. Eli Manning made a living chucking it up to Plaxico and Nicks, and also Cruz. Romo lets Dez do all the work. Guys like Mike and Sammy and even Woods CAN DO THAT TOO. Throw them the damn ball.
  11. I don't think it's as selfish as that, for lack of a better word, I think he wants to be on a team that has a plan that makes sense, in addition to knowing he'd do better individually
  12. Come on, keep it in the other thread where it belongs
  13. Isn't just a wee bit more likely that he's frustrated with the joke of an offensive scheme we employ week in and out? Then gets benched for a college lacrosse player in the biggest game of the year? Yeah, he's a narcissist.
  14. Looks like it. Probably was between Whaley and Marrone with Brandon trying to keep the peace. Brandon should have let Whaley hire his own damn coach, wtf. Whaley is bringing in guys to help execute his vision and he's working with a coach with totally different ideas.
  15. Marrone and Whaley are simply not on the same page. And I would side with Whaley at this point, because this is so bizarre--the regression we are seeing on offense is ridiculous. I still maintain this roster is top tier, or at least approaching--no one has no weaknesses--so the pathetic offensive outputs are inexcusable esp when you have guys like MW, SW, Woody, CJ, FJ
  16. I bet it'll come to Whaley or Marrone (and his staff) who have to go. They don't seem on the same page, and as Whaley didn't hire Marrone, he has no allegiance to him. I'd rather have Whaley and let him choose his next coach. Would be an attractive job with the Pegulas and their record of at least spending and how loyal they are (too loyal to Regier, but I think they've learned).
  17. In one of his pressers a couple weeks ago he made a comment that worried me a bit. Something like "Talking with my mom on the phone and she's like darn, Mike, last year you had 80 catches and this year you have 3!" And then he goes on to say how his main focus is just the team winning. I got the sense the frustrating was building with him not getting enough opportunities. Of course the next week he caught the 80 yd bomb from EJ. But seriously, what a joke. He's a serious weapon and this team has no clue how to use their talent on offense.
  18. Just unreal. I'm so mad bc I can see the game I grew up playing and loving to watch fall apart before my very eyes and devolve into something I hate. People will say, "well then why are you here, why do you watch". It's hard to change something that's been a huge part of your life, to just turn that off.
  19. I don't disagree, but it will contribute to the slowing down of the game that we are already seeing. Goodell's rules changes are killing the game, but no big deal, he's still helping to draw in casual fans with 5 second attention spans and raking in cash for the owners so it's all good.
  20. Me too. In reality, the way they played the WR's should be how you can play them. That's a bit closer to real football. But the big problem is that was completely different than what was going on in the Bills/Pats game. Sherman was ALL over Dez, and the officials basically just let them play. Which again, is what I'd like, but Gilmore gets his hand near a receiver and he's flagged. It's just like the NBA now, it's sickening. Star players and teams make the officials adjust to them not the other way around, and the Bills are just the losers that feel the full brunt of the rules changes and just grab their ankles and take it. They haven't. I've been watching them. Tons of hand battling, hands around the WR's waists while reaching in the other hand, lots of bumping, contact well after 5 yards. Maybe Leodis and Stephon aren't the best CB's ever, but I feel bad for them because their jobs are infinitely harder by playing for Buffalo than if they were Patriots or Seahawks.
  21. I love the announcer on this "these are those critical penalties, when your team gets a huge stop, that are going to get lost at the end of the game". This sums up why so many of us are so beyond pissed. These penalties affect the game so much, but aren't there on the box score to point out, so everyone just shrugs their shoulders and says "sore loser" or "conspiracy theorist" and of course "same old Bills'. F*** that. This is a joke. This is a great point. So...ok the NFL isn't fixed, alright, well why the f**** isn't the person or persons in charge of officiating held accountable for the horrible garbage we see not only in Bills games every week but in almost every game????? I think all of us would agree that if we did our jobs this poorly for this long we'd have been fired long ago.
  22. A SF fan did this for the Sea playoff game last year. I don't think anyone would disagree with this. The problem is, since this is the case, the refs essentially choose when and on who to call the flags. So they really are directing the games.
  23. Not necessarily. At least not Marrone. Have you heard his pressers? Never heard a coach p****** out more when he has a chance to call out officiating that directly affected the outcome of the biggest game of his life. Even mentioned the fact that he wouldn't want to say anything that would get him fined. How much does he make per year? Call those sh*t refs out and Goodell for letting them suck so bad and show your team you actually give a sh*t
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