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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Just such a joke. Refs ruin this league
  2. Ok, thanks! Had forgotten.
  3. I remember people saying we could have had Benjamin without giving up an additional 1st like we did with Sammy. So wasn't he really good his first couple years with Carolina? Or am I thinking of Deandre Hopkins with the Texans?
  4. Lol where are you guys getting this? He's barely fricking played yet.
  5. This is an embarrassing thread. Please delete it.
  6. The Pats are straight up turd burglars
  7. McVeigh was just one part of a black operation. The narrative that he 'snapped' is easily refuted.
  8. I still don't agree with the notion that our WRs are awful. Kelvin, Zay, Kerley, Clay (Receiving TE), Reilly, Ray Ray Mcloud, Coleman. A lot of if's there, but we could have 5 Randy Mosses and it won't matter much because of the oline
  9. It's ONLY my love for the Bills, sparked as a 5 or so yr old when I--unlike everyone else I was watching with--wanted the team currently losing the Super Bowl (Bills down to Cowboys) to win. I'm more removed from the game emotionally, but only as it pertains to the other teams and the NFL as a whole (excluding the Bills). Feel the same way about the Sabres.
  10. Yikes. What a bad rookie year and then of course the offseason incident. I didn't think he'd play football again when I saw that video. Crazy, because I loved what I saw of him in college. Thought he could be dominant. Let's just hope year 2 is the opposite of year 1 and we all forget about it asap.
  11. I used to say it like that when I was 4 or 5
  12. Isn't he like 6'5" 250 lbs? That's pretty darn big for an NFL linebacker these days
  13. Does the no new threads during a game not apply to preseason? These threads are so annoying
  14. Next draft needs to focus on more O-line talent. Just keep building up that wall around Josh.
  15. Pretty sure Boller didn't have that level of arm strength though. Really no one has but the tops ever. Elway, Farve, Vick
  16. 15th overall?? Wow. Don't remember him. Interesting.
  17. Actually not at all. I was just adding on an aspect of the original post.
  18. And people act like this term has been around forever. Obviously propaganda has been around forever just about, but this term started very soon after Nov. 2016. If anyone wants a little insight check online impressions that correspond to the online impressions made by the term 'fake news.' It wasn't coined by Trump, and it wasn't a direct response to anything Trump has said/done. It was introduced into mainstream in order to cover up something else.
  19. That is all they do, but the views on their page(s) and eyeballs on their asses and everything else is what advertising companies look for. Even though anyone can view whatever they want for free like you said, a huge amount of people are still going to look. And that view = potential money to an advertiser. I think it's the most ridiculous 'occupation' in the world, but unless people stop 'following' and 'liking' these people and their social media pages, it won't change. It's embarrassing imo.
  20. The tweet thing was so blown out of context and proportion it would be hard to believe if our media wasn't one big op-ed
  21. Those graphics are insane! Wow.
  22. Not to mention it was taken completely out of context and blown out of proportion and no one seemed willing to correct public perception.
  23. Like a Leinhart 2.0 or is Darnold a significantly better prospect? I feel like Leinhart must have had ridiculous numbers with those stacked teams and had all the physical tools besides maybe a rocket arm? But he had at least a solid arm. One person's words doesn't debunk anything, especially when that person has to lie on a consistent basis (ie. an NFL GM esp. around draft time)
  24. I found this very interesting. If this is accurate, the Josh Allen 'racially insensitive' tweets incident was incredibly blown out of context. This is representative of how terrible most of our major media is--quoting a tv show and a rap song is VERY different than actually making racist comments. Until I watched this video I had been led to believe that he made racist tweets not that he was quoting with a buddy from mainstream culture, very possibly in a joking as well. Again if this is accurate, it's absolute absurdity and so irresponsible of media to frame it in a manner that fits today's hypersensitive social victim mentality.
  25. JP was starting to get it and was looking pretty darn good until Fat Vince dove into his knees.
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