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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. Doesn't mean he's guilty. Just didn't want prolonged court proceedings and having the money to settle it quickly, did so.
  2. Thanks for this video! Awesome. I was watching a stream at work and missed the intentional grounding penalty and 10 second runoff. Wow! Makes what these guys did even more impressive. Jeez. Huge drive.
  3. Also, against the Texans it was a clear PI on Woods on the game-ending INT. If that's called, we're down around the 20 with time to score. Could have been another comeback for him. But he's a smart guy, he's going to learn from Orton and come back a better player. I want EJ to be like Favre and try to break his WR's fingers on every throw (other than the required finesse ones, obviously).
  4. Against Dallas they were still getting away with a ton of illegal contact and holding in the secondary.
  5. Didn't you know, Matt, that winners win and losers complain???!!!! The Pats are just so much more disciplined and smarter and such a perfect organization.
  6. If this generic virtually non-applicable statement is the extent of what you can add to this discussion then no one can open your eyes. Thanks for the insight!
  7. Yeah it's incredible. Truly. Billy O'Leary was really the only person to push the investigation into Spygate. Because the NFL is so big it influences the media outlets easily. Bringing this to public light is not necessarily about discrediting the Patriots, it's about trying to bring football back to where it was and preserve the game that so many people love. Like you said, right now it's closer to WWE than real football.
  8. Thanks so much for summing this up. Something I wanted to do but just didn't have the energy. Sucks. Really shows how far the league has fallen. You've got the makings of a great article here. Maybe with some more investigation you could get this published somewhere or maybe a website could be made to create some more awareness of all this. Just tired of not doing anything about this.
  9. I found this part odd. So Gilmore has the option to have a 10 yd cushion? I feel like this is something a coach would specify
  10. Keep believing this is the important aspect of this issue, not timing and type of penalty
  11. I'm still referring to the timing of several critical penalties. Duke's play in the end zone was one of the biggest bone headed plays most fans have ever seen.
  12. I agree with this fully. But the timing of our penalties and the crushing nature of them EVERY time we play the Patriots is, imo, one of the main reasons we lose to them. And especially lately, as we've closed the talent gap, and I believe we've actually overtaken them in that regard. Blame it all on coaching, lack of heart, etc, but I disagree.
  13. Must be the dominant physical specimens they trot out there at WR that are virtually uncoverable.
  14. I think this is just as much 'pathetic whining' as what anyone else has said in this thread. Well people like MarkAF are why this stuff continues to happen. It's this attitude that there's simply no possible way the refs are doing this that just keeps the status quo. I don't think anyone would try to argue that we are not routinely outcoached by Belicheck, but this bias is real and the evidence is there. Open your eyes. It's actually quite obvious.
  15. Exactly. In the Bills/Pats game, the Pats ended up with 1 more total penalty and what roughly half the yards. 60 to 110 or something. But did you hear any announcer question ANY one of those Pats calls? No, but the Bills calls became national news (almost). The timing of the penalties is far far more important.
  16. If you look at the Bills game, they get little calls at generally non critical times. The Bills get crushing call after crushing call, esp when playing them. It's almost as if to make it look less obvious what is going on. I know. It's becoming so obvious to fans of the other 31 teams. I just wish something could be done about it. But there is no doubt in my mind Kraft's influence plays a role in helping the Pats stay in the limelight every year.
  17. I agree with him. It was one of the main reasons we lost to them. Several of those penalties totally changed the direction of the game. Agreed. There's a huge difference between giving a nod to a WR as to whether he is lined up on the line of scrimmage or not and preventing a HUGE penalty at the most critical point in a very important divisional game. They are now 32-0 at Gillette Stadium against AFC teams in the regular season. That's more than just being a great team. That's the team of the most influential owner in the league getting beneficial call after beneficial call at critical moments, as well as being a great team for an extended period.
  18. I agree with this. I think college coaches sometimes have trouble with this. But it's not like Marrone hasn't spent time in the NFL before. Wasn't the majority of his coaching time spent in the NFL and not in college? He should know better.
  19. So frustrating though when our #1 and #2 corners were both drafted in the top 10.
  20. Haha one of my favorite movies. So good. Are you sure though? Just saw this graphic about the 31-0 against AFC teams like last week during a telecast. But if we are playing for the division at Gillete and Walt Coleman is the head linesman I would honestly bet every asset of mine on a Pats win. Mortal lock of the century
  21. Seriously, as of right now it is impossible, and that's not hyperbole. They are 31-0 against AFC teams at Gillete Stadium
  22. Uggs for men. Actually happened to see an ad in a Golf Digest. Almost threw up.
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