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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. You realize that the point of only rushing 3 is TO force the underneath throw right?
  2. Lol, if Gilmore could learn at all how to catch with his hands and not let everything hit his body... That still would have been a pick 6 even with Nelson slapping at him. Guess that's why he's a DB though I don't really get this. Maybe it was the Bills defense that CAUSED him to have a bad day? Maybe he would have had a good day against a different defense? I think it takes away from how good our defense played.
  3. Yay, so more casual fans with 5 second attention spans will buy some jerseys and tune in periodically when they don't have something else to do...
  4. When he's allowed to be physical, ie. real football, Gilmore definitely is. Rodgers is just so used to this brand of p*ssy two hand touch garbage where he can rack up 50 points without breaking a sweat because no one is allowed to touch his receivers. QB's like Manning, Rodgers, Brady, and Brees are obviously awesome, but the rules changes have made it a joke with how jacked up their stats are. If they had played in the era of real football they might not be quite the gods they think they are.
  5. Me too. At first I was kind of wondering why Marrone never acts like that and gets in the refs' grill, but then it definitely did come off like Mccarthy wanted to say to the refs "do you know who we are? And do you know who they are. They're the Bills! We should be getting those calls." I guess when you're conditioned to get those calls you're genuinely PO'ed when it doesn't happen.
  6. Unless it could possibly help them play the Bills the division round, because they'd surely love to play Buffalo at Gillette knowing their dominance over us
  7. Yeah, he had that pretty solid season, and most people were excited for the next year, then I believe that's when Wilfork did a belly flop right into JP's knee. Then Trent came in looking decisive and whatnot and we were all enamored with him until Adrian Wilson scrambled his brains. Injuries Plus that wide load's hit on JP was sooo dirty
  8. Not really, more just considered an unknown commodity because he hadn't seen the field.
  9. Dude this is the part we NEVER do. All the scenarios are great, and yeah, possible, but we seriously never hold our end of the bargain.
  10. Get Marrone the F*** out of here and bring in Harbaugh. Would instantly jolt this franchise back into relevance.
  11. It was the play of a mercenary, not someone who plays for the love of the game like Fitz
  12. He's failing to take into account that a large part of the Bronco's offensive gameplan was to not give our Dline time to get to him. Shorter routes and less called passes. The defense did very well. Offense failed yet again.
  13. The NFL.com highlight videos have become unwatchable. Or at least you need to mute them. It makes me want to throw up listening to Michael Irving and those other idiots constantly trying to one up each other with stupid jokes and hyperbolic, nonsensical statements. The art of a great commentator/analyst has been lost completely. The idiot on the Bills/Browns highlight doesn't sound like a football guy. Didn't know enough to even realize that the call was totally botched.
  14. It's a joke, but the NFL is so powerful that they really don't have much incentive to overhaul their current system.
  15. In theory this would be better. But I truly do not trust the bigwigs in the NFL one iota, so I think this would just make it easier for them to control outcomes altogether. My least favorite part of the consistently terrible and bizarre officiating is the absolute lack of accountability. We all know the refs get graded and that determines how many games they get and if they officiate the big games, but what about the horrible crews? Shouldn't they get canned. I feel like every crew is subpar at best, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Yeah, it's pretty clear the NFL added the former head linesman commentary aspect only to have him agree with the calls and spin even terrible calls in a positive way. Their one mistake so far is letting Carey speak while the call is being reviewed. I wouldn't be shocked if all of a sudden Mike Carey from now on doesn't add his 'expert' opinion until the call on the field has been made, ie. don't make the NFL look bad in any way.
  16. The funny (sad) thing is, happening almost simultaneously in the Jax/NYG game, Jax sealed their win by sack/fumbling Eli, and it was a tuck rule scenario! Very very similar plays and the officiating crew in that game apparently got the memo that the tuck rule is no longer in effect in the NFL, and so confirmed the call on the field of a fumble recovered by Jax.
  17. I just don't get why it's so hard for people to comprehend that it's not just Belicheck or Brady, it's the two together. They both contribute, equally it seems, to the success of that franchise.
  18. How can you say this? The one year alone with Matt Cassell proves it's not all Brady. Cassell is decent at best.
  19. Just a mind boggling no call there. Woods was absolutely mugged and held the entire time Sammy had 2, MW had a big one on a perfect ball, and either Chandler or Hogan had the other.
  20. He did last year, but like all the other WR's, he too was also showing frustration with EJ this season.
  21. Really don't know where people get off saying this. The guy's put in his time, worked in a variety of positions with different teams, at different levels of the sport. He has had multiple coaching legends voice their confidence in his ability to become a great coach and turn around Buffalo. Even the great Belicheck had to get his lumps in Cleveland. You don't step in day one at your first NFL coaching job and become great. It generally takes years, possibly several different teams and multiple demotions. I'm really reserving judgment on Marrone because it's only his second year as an NFL head coach. He was, and remains, a solid option.
  22. Really good point. I'm constantly surprised how callous so many posters are about players. These are real, live people. Yeah, they get to play a sport for a living, but it's usually short lived and they have a lot of life to live after the game is over.
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