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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. No one said it's an easy job! (Aside from a few of the resident genius posters here, of course).
  2. I think another thing we as fans have to consider is that we were finally in a position to actually have an aggressive offseason like this in which big names would be a part of it. When your roster is devoid of talent in so many areas like post Donahoe, it often is stupid to make FA splashes and dole out huge contracts. You're simply not ready for that. Big name 'stars' should produce and contribute, but when the rest of the roster isn't great, they get minimized pretty easily. It's why the Redskins kept looking foolish. They're overall roster was mediocre, and spending big on stars wasn't going to get them over the hump. So my point is, until probably the offseason we snagged Mario, our seeming lack of 'aggression' in FA shouldn't have necessarily been viewed as being cheap or not caring, but just wasn't the right time. Anyone who follows the Bills somewhat closely knows how talented this roster has become over the last three seasons especially. I think some credit does need to go to Buddy Nix for this. Some here viewed him as asleep at the wheel, but he had the thankless and necessary job of building the overall talent of the roster. He basically rebuilt the car's engine and then handed the keys to Whaley. Now, if Marv hadn't done such a terrible job during his tenure as GM, Buddy could have had the opportunity Whaley has had. We've all dreamed about an offseason like this, but it really wasn't possible until this one. We finally had assets to deal and a base level of talent to build on that was frankly nonexistent before.
  3. I remember that well. I never felt the need to lambaste Overdorff simply because I'm obviously not privy to what's truly going on, so why even comment. I guess with me it's more that I trust Whaley's and the Pegula's trust in Overdorff more than I do. And that's only really because Overdorff is a behind the scenes guy, so one can't really get much of a read on him other than second hand commentary from others in the organization.
  4. You just have to be smart about who you give that cash to. As the Redskins and Dolphins have shown, just going after big names for the sake of it is not the best approach. I trust Whaley and his team and Overdorf to formulate an exact plan and do their best to execute it. Sometimes that includes a big name or two sometimes it doesn't.
  5. I don't think it's that at all. Like Rex said, Shady wasn't going to come cheap, and Kiko is a great player. But it's just much higher odds Kiko will have future injury trouble given what's happened to that knee twice now, so that is something that had to be factored in when choosing who to deal to the Eagles.
  6. Hopefully the Cigarette smoking man stays dead, but I bet they'll bring him back.
  7. Uh...what? I said the poster was thinking about what Sharper did from the point of view of someone who has a normal brain, the poster, not Sharper. Because he (I'm guessing) is normal, he can't really wrap his head around why Sharper would do the things he did.
  8. You're thinking about it from the POV of a person with a normal brain. He obviously has deep psychological and physiological issues, because like you said, it doesn't make any sense.
  9. Part of that Sports Science involved making the throws under pressure
  10. Nice cherry pick. What if Gilmore doesn't drop an easy pick 6? (yes I know Nelson slapped at him but it was still an easy play for him to make)
  11. Yeah it's just awful. I think it's a result of the social media age we are now in, and ESPN has really led the way with sports reporting. Sports writers no longer have to work hard for a good story and let their writing shine, they just have to spout the loudest, brashest opinion.
  12. They identified two great QB prospects and pulled the trigger, then actually allowed them to develop. Idk why everyone is acting like it was total luck. They traded for Favre and drafted Rodgers where others passed. Obviously there is some luck involved but THEY made the moves.
  13. Is he/she an actual fan? Because the average Pats* 'fan' can only name as many players on their roster as they have fingers.
  14. Did you even read the article? The writer easily cites numerous roster changes involving players of many races that Stephen A decided not to mention. I doubt anyone on the Eagles thinks anything like that.
  15. Yeah he should be a great complement to LM, and FJax of course will give us good reps. And Boobie.
  16. Yeah I know, people were saying he found out ON the air. It was short notice, but he found out before, that's all I'm saying.
  17. No, he found out just before he went on, which is what he says, I don't know why people on here are saying he learned of this on the air. He received a phone call from Bills management before going on the air.
  18. Haha I actually did. That did inspire my comment a bit--Rex seems to know that Stephon has some stone hands. I think this can be improved, and if Gilmore does get better at this he will add an added dimension to his game. He reminds me a little of WInfield--really good cover corner and physical but just never hauls in the picks. Heck, Gilmore should just have some private lessons with Sammy on how to catch a football with his hands. Couldn't hurt. At first I, like everyone else, thought Nelson would have gone untouched into the endzone. But rewatching it, there's definitely a chance AW trips him up, but then again, there's definitely a chance he's just out of reach and Nelson scores. Either way, anyone acting like this drop decided the game is completely ignoring Gilmore's gaffe. Gilmore read the play like a top NFL corner but executed it like a clumsy high school bench warmer. Yes, Nelson did slap at him, but if Gilmore catches it with his hands that's a pick six.
  19. Roger has proved time and again, however, that he does what he wants when he wants.
  20. I think more than Nelson slapping at Gilmore was Gilmore trying to catch the ball with his chest. If he just catches it with his hands it's still an easy pick six even with Nelson hitting him on the shoulder. I hope Rex makes Gilmore catch 1000 balls a day this off season.
  21. This is true, but then again, quite a large number of dogs will eat poop without a second thought. This is the way I felt about us during the Levy GM years especially regarding draft picks. TSW consensus in the first round produced far better selections than our front office. Just a case of trying to be too smart when the obvious is right in front of you.
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