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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. That's a fair assessment, and it's Brady's own fault for creating that seed of doubt and making football fans question his ability and wonder how much of his accomplishments are due to his own merit and what was helped by the cheating.
  2. I agree that not cooperating and almost definitely lying added to the penalty, and rightly so. And I find it funny that anyone seriously thinks Brady would take this to the court of law, especially Pats** fans who think this is guaranteed if Roger doesn't exonerate Brady completely. Brady would be deposed I believe and actually HAVE to hand over relevant texts/messages on his cell phone. He would no longer have the option. I hope Roger calls Brady's bluff because there's no way he takes this to real court.
  3. This is my argument. You can't view this act of deflating a football as one isolated act when there is evidence that strongly shows the Pats** have been deflating footballs since 2007. If you want to argue that deflating game balls one time, despite being cheating, isn't a gigantic offense, I'd be inclined to agree somewhat, although games are turned on one or two plays many times and having those plays go in your favor is huge. But who seriously thinks the Colts game was an isolated incident? When viewed over a period of 8 years, systematically deflating footballs is a monstrous offense. I totally disagree with this, respectfully. Deflating footballs makes it easier to throw, catch, and hold onto the football. Just because there is one anomaly, Aaron Rodgers, who likes them hard and blown up, doesn't refute this fact. I seriously don't get how anyone can downplay the act of deflating game balls. Just pure cheating. There wouldn't be ball handling rules and a system if this wasn't something important to regulate.
  4. I know what you're saying, but just say Brady is/has cheated (no matter the scale of cheating) his entire career. All those wins and that good quarterbacking were partly a result of the cheating. That body of work is tainted imo, because we will never know how much the cheating contributed to that good quarterbacking. Whatever anyone wants to say about Tom Brady, the man is not stupid. I don't think he gets involved in any sort of premeditated cheating if he doesn't seriously believe the benefits outweigh the risk of getting caught. So I simply disagree, respectfully of course, with anyone who thinks Brady was/is just so damn good he didn't need to cheat and still would have had the amazing career he has had. Deflating footballs and Spygate--the enormity of which I believe was concealed--may not seem so significant when viewed as just the act itself. But added up over an entire 15 year career? That cheating had a MAJOR impact. And while stats are hard to prove simply because they can be twisted to fit one's agenda fairly easily, there is evidence out there that Brady started deflating in 2007, the year that the Pats** started an impossibly low run of fumbling, especially at home.
  5. So you don't think winning four Super Bowls has anything to do with him being considered a first ballot HOF quarterback? They won all of those games by the skin of their teeth. He loses those, and then he's not considered a first ballot HOFer. The smallest of margins separate who wins NFL games, as we have seen all too many times with the Bills, who seemingly could have been 10-6 many times instead of 6-10. Brady and Belicheck cheated in order to get that edge, the edge that could help ensure they came out on top time and again.
  6. Why do people keep saying things like this? The Pats** won their four Super Bowls by a combined 16 points. Obviously Brady and Belicheck believed everything they did was necessary, including the cheating.
  7. I highly doubt that. He seems far too arrogant to think like that. If anything, he felt he was smarter than the Bills FO and wanted out to somewhere he could have more control and be revered for his 'genius.'
  8. I'm still kind of surprised they won the SB last year honestly.
  9. All it took was for one team to figure out that stunts/twists could beat our Oline every time.
  10. He also would give shoutouts to players on the Sabres quite frequently too. I remember him posting a picture of him at a Sabres game. I hate even contributing to this thread because it's so unnecessary but I feel I have to defend EJ on this one.
  11. So untrue. When he was on Facebook, he would talk about the Bills and community quite a bit. He got rid of it so he wouldn't have it as a distraction in his quest to become a better player. I hope this thread is closed quickly.
  12. "People can say what they want, but they don’t know the kind of work I’ve put in to help myself get prepared for this." Man, this is why I love EJ. I've had confidence in him since the beginning, because in my own life in trying to improve at things, it takes time. It's the hardest thing to learn and accept. Yeah, everyone wants to be a wunderkind, but that's just not the reality. I'm sure Tyrod and Cassell work hard as well, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if EJ has been doing more work and study than any other QB prospect in the league the last few years.
  13. I think we all like the internet as far as being able to get info faster and talk to people all around the country and world. Things like twobillsdrive and Bills message boards are awesome. But is anyone else starting to really hate blogs/social media? Apart from being absolutely inundated with information these days, the internet allows for EVERYONE to have a platform to speak their mind. This seems good in theory, but to me, it's just a reminder of how dumb most people are. What I hate the most is how little credentials you now need to be a sports 'journalist.' Pre-internet, but especially pre-social media, you actually had to earn your stripes and produce good content in order to get your voice heard. Now, all you need is a cell phone and/or computer and an internet connection. I think the fact that everyone has a platform now means we are getting less high quality content, and this is very evident in the world of sports reporting. There's also the 'shock' factor that these people go for. Because there is so much more content coming out constantly, one needs to make stories out of nothing. I think the tweeting and blogging regarding the OTAs is a great example of this.
  14. In one of the Bills roundup videos they said Lewis is hurt.
  15. By all accounts, Hogan isn't a try hard Rudy Ruddiger type guy who is just the hardest worker ever, he's actually really athletic, like crazy athletic and very strong. His main issue was he didn't start football until late at life, having focused on lacrosse until his final year of college. I think he could be a Wayne Chrebet (not just saying that bc they're both white) type guy.
  16. How are we thin at the WR position? As it stands right now, we'll have to cut a good player/good prospect in Goodwin or Dez
  17. I'm honestly expecting 12-14 wins this season. And yes, I am prepared to be possibly wrong, but that's what I think. I believe EJ can be a top 10 QB in this league and I also think Taylor, if he wins the starting job, will astound with some of the plays he makes.
  18. I understand the 'window' but I think we're all hoping that Whaley is the real deal, and with the Pegula's on board, we are building something long term. It can be done. There's no reason to think that in 4 years we are back to the Jauron days so we better win it now. I know what you mean, though. This defense is so good that we have a legit shot to do some damage if things come together on offense and the QB position. But by being a great drafting team, and having a guy like Jim Overdorff managing the cap situation, we should EXPECT that the young guys we draft will one day be stalwarts commanding the big contracts. I mean, cheating aside, the Pats** have been contenders for 15 straight years. The Steelers have been great for a while. Ravens, too. I think we are in a good position and I honestly expect us to be building a team that will compete for a title every year from now on.
  19. Maybe in straight away speed, but he closes fast! A testament to his great anticipation as well.
  20. This is more media driven than anything. They purposely stoke fires to get headlines they can twist and work with. I think everyone knows his race charge is probably unfounded, including Mccoy not that he'll ever admit to it, but the media continues to bring this up and will keep asking him about it. I don't think he at all goes out of his way to keep this going with Chip or anything, he's just answering questions. Hopefully at some point the media will get tired of this and/or he will stop interviews if they ask him about it and he can just move forward.
  21. Seems like he wants to prove that it's him and his system that produces his success, not the players. I mean, that's pretty much how I feel about the Patriots**. Maybe Chip wants to build that type of rep too.
  22. This has been shown not to work. Rhythm and timing is important to how an offense operates. Doing this just disrupts all that. Not saying it's impossible; I'm sure someone could make it work one day, but I'm not counting on it.
  23. Yeah that's what I think is the coincidence of this situation. It would be crazy though if some of them are leaving because they'd rather not play at all than play in SF. I was so jealous of my friend who's a fan of them for how well that roster was built and they seemed like the next Pittsburgh type organization. Crumbling fast. We should be ecstatic to have such a foundation for our sports teams in the Pegula's and Whaley. Murray seems solid too but the jury is still out on him.
  24. I would chalk this up to coincidence over a protest of some kind against the organization. Add to that how players are starting to realize how messed up the rest of their life can be after just a short career in the NFL.
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