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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. I think it just makes more sense to say that there simply is no weakness on our starting DLine. All of the guys are essentially on the same level.
  2. What bothers me about this is it takes away from the huge achievement it is to write a good book. I'd say a lot of people realize 99% of athletes and celebs do not write their own biographies, but I'm sure quite a few people do. It's kind of a slap in the face to people who write for a living to have the idea exist that someone like Rob Gronkowski wrote a book. And it takes away from people who have actually written a great autobiography.
  3. Forgot Fitz's beard
  4. "He also writes at length..." There's no chance he wrote a word of this book. Most definitely ghost written. I hate when clearly stupid athletes and celebrities come out with books people actually think they sat down and wrote them. Maybe a few notes jotted down and given to the actual writer, but not actual writing.
  5. Stuff like this has to absolutely burn up guys like Tyrod and Manuel, if they happen to hear it. I believe Manuel when he says he doesn't pay attention to that stuff, but it's human nature to have your hackles raise when some a**hat writes you off. These guys are ridiculous competitors for the most part. As much as I dislike Brady, he was so motivated and pissed off about being passed over so many times his draft year. I would love it if Tyrod or Manuel were able to channel that like he did. Another thing--these people reporting about sports on television are so laughably bad at their jobs. Any other industry you'd be fired for such incompetence.
  6. Relax dude no one cares either way
  7. This doesn't at all take into account whether the QB would have succeeded somewhere else, with different personnel, scheme, coaches, opportunity, etc. I don't think all players that failed in the NFL would have failed no matter where they ended up. Some team situations are so screwed up (Raiders, Bills, Browns, 2000-2010 for the most part) that no one could succeed there. You could argue that certain players did poorly even after leaving a bad situation, but they may have been so damaged by their experience that they had no chance to resurrect their career.
  8. Well he's a defensive end so that'd be rare anyway.
  9. How is it inconsequential? Tired of hearing that. Brady wouldn't have done it if he didn't feel it gave him the advantage he was looking for. He's not an idiot. He weighed the risks vs rewards and thought it was worth it.
  10. But but but but how can we be 100% sure??? It's not fair otherwise.
  11. I think many people assumed his passion he displays on the sidelines would carry over into the rest of his life, including interviews and such. He came off like an arrogant, disinterested a**hole. Almost like he was too good to "sell his program" as Cowherd put it. I never liked Harbaugh, but I can see some people not knowing much about him expecting a much better interview, or at least a much better effort.
  12. You can keep quoting from people all you want, but again, it's still just opinion. Maybe the Pats** were able to decipher far more than just 1 or 2 plays, maybe they were able to do most of them. Who knows. But quoting someone who is just also giving their opinion isn't really something of value. Yes, they have more knowledge, being in the NFL, but they're still just guessing. My main point was that I wouldn't be surprised if something came out at some point. I don't necessarily believe this to be fact. Just speculation.
  13. How would taping be useless when the signals taped were broken down during the game they were taped? This is where the mysterious figure Ernie Adams comes in. The Pats** would apparently tape the signals during the 1st quarter and 2nd quarter and this guy was/is able to break them down incredibly fast and help Brady and Belicheck devise the proper strategy to employ during the 2nd half. We're not talking about taping signals during training camp or earlier games, but during the actual game being played. This may sound farfetched to you, but the theory has been floated out there.
  14. I would hope it wouldn't ruin the sport for sure. But if it ever comes out that there was a whole lot more to Spygate, that would likely incriminate Goodell pretty badly. The commissioner destroying evidence and covering up wrongdoing that affected outcomes of games for a long period would be somewhat comparable to the NFL rigging games intentionally. And I want to make it clear that I hope I am totally wrong here, but I can't shake my gut feeling that Spygate goes way deeper than the public knows.
  15. If it were proven that a team won 4 Super Bowls, played in 2 others, and dominated a league for 15 straight years through a systematic approach to cheating, that might make a lot of people question whether being a fan is worth their time. I personally think that Goodell downplayed Spygate quite a bit, and is also pissed that the Pats** kept doing shady things after he helped out his buddy Kraft back in 2007. I think the Pats** had/have some very smart and talented people in place within their organization and roster, but I think cheating helped them dominate. Maybe they rationalized it to themselves as 'gamesmanship' or whatever, but still cheating. I think it is absolutely impossible for a team to be as dominant in a league otherwise filled with parity for a while now. 40-something and 0 against AFC opponents at Gillete in the regular season. Seriously? I don't buy it as them just being good, especially with many of the rosters they've put out over the years. Some were definitely very good, but others were decent and yet the dominance continued. What astounded me over the years were the ridiculously perfect adjustments the Pats** made seemingly EVERY 2nd half over this stretch. This has been chalked up to great coaching, and yes, I think Belicheck is incredibly intelligent and a great coach, but their adjustments were too perfect for too long. These adjustments were key to their constant success, and the video taping and signal break downs happened during half time and allowed Brady to dominate in the 2nd half because he knew exactly what to do. I think the Pats* dynasty is a combination of decent talent, intelligence, and systematic cheating that gave them an edge in every game. It's not a black and white issue. No I do not think they won every game strictly because they cheated, nor do I think they won their games through having better football players or players who played smarter. Belicheck, Brady, and Ernie Adams were a perfect storm of intelligence, will to win and push/break the rules, and a brilliant system of cheating. And obviously this is all just my opinion, so don't ask me to back any of this up. Clearly I can't. I just won't be shocked if the halftime 'adjustments' of Spygate come out one day, plus the possible misuse of radio signals aiding Brady on the field.
  16. If Spygate ever gets blown wide open, I could see this happening. Could actually ruin the sport. Which is why Goodell did what he did.
  17. You probably would have done better than Hackett
  18. I find it funny that Hogan hearing Hogan described as a lunch pail type. He's really anything but. People underestimate his actual talent and ability as a WR, but I think what he has lacked so far is simply polish. And by all accounts he works very hard. He just hasn't played football that long. I'm not like a "Hogan is amazing" advocate, just pointing this out as I see it. I'm very happy to have him on this team and think he will play a solid role in this offense.
  19. How did that Ravens team even lose 4 games? I wonder if the losses were to other great defenses who were able to overwhelm the Raven's offense and keep it close. Let's see after this year! Who knows, maybe Rex really is as good as advertised and can take this D to a level like that.
  20. Wow. I'd be interested in a comparison of their defensive players that year, starters and backups, compared to our projected defense this coming year. Just to discuss who has the edge player for player in our opinions. Those numbers are incredible, yet I can't really think of who they had at the time on defense. Lewis, Reed, Bart Scott (maybe?) come to mind. I don't think they had Ngata yet.
  21. We need to groom someone to take over for Roman, whether it's for next year, the year after, or the year after that, etc. Hopefully we find an assistant or already have someone that will take the opportunity to learn from him and prepare to be a great OC. I'd rather have that continuity than have have to go outside the organization.
  22. He will never take this to court. The threat of that is simply posturing on his part. But I wouldn't put it past Brady to have some connection or a fan at the phone company he uses who would be more than willing to alter his phone records.
  23. It's actually mind-boggling how many people are confused over this. It's pretty darn simple.
  24. This is something Pats** fans and the general public just simply cannot grasp.
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