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Everything posted by ko12010

  1. They were before this game, but they had several key guys go down during.
  2. Profound.
  3. What the heck are you talking about? And Sammy has never ever once had alligator arms.
  4. Haha. Love absolute statements like this. Newsflash: you're opinion is not fact.
  5. When fully healthy, we looked pretty darn good on offense.
  6. I think it's simply a natural fear of someone like him who has finally gotten his chance. It shows he's smart enough to know what can happen when you sit out with an injury. And I think he does know the QB competition was close and sees the same hunger in EJ that is in him. I've seen Rex's quote thrown around quite a bit "Tyrod is the present and EJ is the future." Is anyone else somewhat confused by this--EJ is 25 and TT is 26. We're not talking like an established 35 year old vet and a 25 year old 3rd year player. They both want to be franchise QBs. Like in Highlander, there can only be one.
  7. Huge difference though between an injured player whose adrenaline is pumping at the end of a game gutting it out and finishing strong and starting a clearly injured player. Also the swelling and soreness usually gets worse in the days/weeks following the game and injury.
  8. I don't think Cassell adds anything He probably said in private, "Bucky, you're the epitome of what is wrong with sports journalism these days. Leave me alone you parasite."
  9. He's on the list because it's clear the only thing Parcells knows about him is that he is a young 1st round QB pick in recent years who hasn't yet stepped up into a franchise role. This is pretty clear. Reading any more into it is giving Parcells too much credit.
  10. This a monumental opportunity for EJ, and will shape his NFL future whether here in Buffalo or elsewhere. I hope he takes advantage!
  11. I'm seriously surprised anyone would honestly want Cassell over EJ at this point, especially after EJ's solid preseason. I'm assuming Bucky and the other news outlets are just taking advantage of material to use for articles. That's all.
  12. What the heck are you talking about? You are so off base to even indulge Parcells including EJ on that list.
  13. It's so bizarre. People seriously get off trying to be the 'first one' to call what is going to happen, especially negative predictions. Newsflash to these people: NO ONE CARES WHETHER YOU ARE RIGHT OR WRONG. Just shut up and enjoy each game as it comes.
  14. Don't start new threads during the game! Especially horrible ones.
  15. I just hope we can break the W L W L pattern. I'll have much more renewed hope if we take care of business against the Titans and then come home and beat a great Bengals team. If we go down to Tennessee and whoop them like we did with the Dolphins, then sh*t the bed like this past Sunday, I'll be frustrated.
  16. I like this. It's not as if Brady is a real threat to take off and run. If they're split 4 or 5 wide with no RB, unless one of our DT's bursts through the line untouched, get a bead on Brady and everyone get your hands up. At the worst it will obscure his field vision some and possibly force him to adjust his trajectories and throwing lanes.
  17. Reminds me of "Hack a Shaq" that a lot of NBA teams employed
  18. Anyone think that Rex is setting up Belicheck for the 2nd meeting/playoffs? Seriously, I understand how whacky this sounds, so no need to say it, and I'm not necessarily saying I'm considering this as a possibility. But did this thought cross anyone else's mind? A week 2 win against Bill and Co. while showing your hand and throwing the kitchen sink in an all out effort to win isn't so great if you lose the 2nd meeting and/or playoffs. Could Rex be going with the long con? The only reason this thought even entered my head was because playing the DB's off the WR's all game when NE was throwing 95% short passes legitimately makes zero sense, even to people like us. And I'm not suggesting Rex intentionally threw the game, just that he tried something different/played vanilla/tried to lull Belicheck into a false sense of having the upper hand going forward. We still almost came back and won.
  19. What's kind of funny is that last year I believe Jerry Hughes had an almost exact same play where he came around the edge and hit Brady while Tomahawking at his right arm where the ball is. Last year, Brady miraculously held on. Like it seemed impossible that he could. This year, ball comes right out when Jerry chops down. Obviously Jerry may have slightly missed on the chop last year, but they were very similar plays with different results.
  20. Such a dumb, misinformed statement.
  21. This is what blows my mind. It's unreal. Not only does he do that, but he turns these players into stars or back into stars. It's just hard for me to wrap my mind around. How the heck does a team dink and dunk 50x in a game successfully? They'll throw those few seam routes and long wheels/fades periodically, but we're talking dink city time and time again.
  22. Honestly, this just sums up how I feel as well. But it's one of those things that will likely never be proven. Someone seriously involved with whatever the Pats do would have to turn on them fully. But there's just a feeling with the Patriots--there's just something going on with them. Whatever they're doing they've likely justified to themselves as 'gamesmanship' or whatnot, but I truly believe they're cheating.
  23. Good one.
  24. What was weird was that one of the announcers mentioned that the crowd was fairly quiet at one point, or had quieted down a bunch. I think some time in the 3rd.
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