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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Really? You aren't concerned about Spikes slowing down due to age and his recent injuries? You are really that confident in Ellison and Crowell, considering their mediocrity, especially in the Tampa 2? You think Fletch has a number of good years left in him? OK just making sure.
  2. Because, quite simply, we are a BAD team, despite what all the optimists say. And I say we are bad because at the pro level, showing "flashes" of progress, or development, or talent, or whatever you want to call it just doesn't cut it, period. "GOOD" teams are good for one reason above all others: they are consistent - the coaches consistently gameplan correctly and the players consistently execute on the field. It has been a long time since the bills possessed this quality.
  3. No they don't have that much to do with it when the run defense has been consistently terrible every game all year. It's our front 7, period.
  4. It has become PAINFULLY obvious over the course of the season that the bills need a substantial overhaul on the defensive line and linebacker core. Personally I say keep Shoebel and Fletcher for sure but everybody else has either been inconsistent or just plain sh*tty. Some decent players in those units, like Crowell, don't look like they're comfortable in the present scheme (Cover 2). The Cover 2 just puts too much coverage responsiblity on the young secondary unit to allow them to offer the front 7 the run stopping support they seem to constantly need. Tripplett was a waste, Kelsay and Denney really don't consistently close gaps, Williams is young so hopefully he will get better. It kills me to say this because i'm such a fan but Spikes is injured and old and probably needs to go. The rest of the LB's (besides Fletch of course) look rather mediocre. My dream come true: we focus at least 2 of our top three draft picks on these two units and pick up a stud free agent LB. Tampa 2 essentially requires a stout front 7 with at least one (preferably 2) fat ass mean bastards at the DT positions. If the bills are committed to staying with their present defensive philosophy, I hope they address these units immediately this off-season. That's my Christmas wish.
  5. Look up "gloat" in the dictionary first before posting.
  6. Is this Canada-bashing supposed to be a joke or are you just an !@#$? And as far as those morons on FSN, so sorry we WNYers have to rough it up here in the hinterlands, but I guess the same could be said for Detroit, or Seattle? I mean, Canada encroaches on them too don't it?
  7. Not a big fan of clayton either -- he has made little attempt to hide his distain for the bills and Ralph Wilson in the past. He whined when Wilson and the Bengals owner voted against the new CBA last year. Plus he just looks and sounds like a friggin weenie.
  8. Law does not apply to online auction sites, however. In NY, ebay users cannot resell tickets for above face.
  9. Young and Romo... both have only played around half a seaon... both made it (I believe Romo is a starter)... the pro bowl is a farce... ahh well nobody watches anyways.
  10. Sooo.. why would these rivalries develop exactly? I don't see any real REASONING in this little spray of brain diarrhea. Because the cities of Buffalo, Pitt, and Cleveland are "similar" new rivalries will develop fast. Well sorry to spoil your party, but our biggest current rivalry (albeit not as heated as it once was) flies right in the face of this argument.
  11. JP is just now starting to come on and produce consistently and you're ready to extend his contract? Losman has enough people on this board polishing his knob already. He has only played the equivalent of ONE season starting -- it isn't time to lock him up for another 6 years because of a couple of good games.
  12. That's great What is your point? Who on this board criticizes losman's charity or humanitarianism? Anyone who does is obviously full of sh-- because they don't know him personally. The valid criticism, the criticism I have, is with his on-field play. This article is nice, but doesn't amount to anything you knob.
  13. Sorry but I went to BC and #32 Kiwanuka is going to be a total f*cking bust -- you are already seeing shades of it the past 3 weeks -- 2 bonehead plays 2 consecutive weeks. Sure he has got the physicality, but he has NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP upstairs. He is goddamn stupid for a defensive lineman, and that is saying something.
  14. Luckily it isn't as simple as all that. There are numerous costly hoops a potential buyer must jump through before the league as a whole will sign off on an ownership sale.
  15. The biggest obstacle to the Bills moving, i think, is the actual dearth of viable markets for future nfl teams. I studied this problem the past year in my Sports Law class at UB Law. It was the opinion of many (including my professor's) that the west coast market (including LA) is incapable of supporting another franchise. The past LA teams failed to generate sustained interest, the (real) people just stopped going. Move up the coast (portland) and there is even less clamor for a team. Also, the majority of the league (east coast) hates going over there. The texas market is dominated by the cowboys with their national fan base, so i don't think san antonio is a viable option. Sure our economy sucks here, but even in "hot" economic zones in the sun / bible belt, the teams there (titans, panthers) are marketed as regional teams to generate interest, much like new england. Best case, the team stays put and eventually we get some stadium money as well, at least enough for renovations to generate more revenue. Worst case, I see the Bills perhaps attempting to embrace that sort of "regional" identity that more and more teams are using. They could move somewhere closer to the center of the regional fanbase, i.e. Hamilton, St. catharines or even toronto. Who knows what you would call the team then, but the southern ontario peninsula seems like a "buzz" area right now for sports franchises -- remember there is presently talk of also moving a NHL franchise to hamilton as well.
  16. I am not too familiar with the region's tremenously wealthy, outside of golisano, so I don't really have any ideas for future owners. I do have a question however: Does anybody know of / heard of Golisano ever expressing (in public) any level of interest in buying the bills? I only ask because it would seem that he would be an ideal owner for the team as far as keeping them in the area.
  17. Might he end up deciding on baseball? I'd rather take a guy with only one pro option.
  18. Decent points but you forgot the biggest one, IMO, that won the game for the bills today: DISCIPLINE. Only 2 or 3 penalties all game --> that is how you win and win consistently, by not fielding a squad of boneheads. The coaching staff has finally got these guys playing hard AND smart. That's key.
  19. Don't have a youtube link yet, but just saw the video of the Mexican legislators punching, kicking, throwing chairs at each other in the Congressional chambers. This all on the eve of the new mexicants' president's swearing in. Hilarious stuff. If anyone finds the link please post -- you will have a laugh. Found it: ] [/url]
  20. WOW?! I've only been on this board for a little while but if its people like mv chiming in with sh-- like this maybe I should go...buddy you need to calm down. Standing up the whole game (or even most of the game) is not only a waste of energy, it's idiotic. I'm only 25 with no kids but the earlier poster was right man you've got to show a bit of courtesy to those shorter than you..especially children. God willing these are the people who will be buying tickets to see the bills 25 years from now when you are too rickety to stand the entire game anymore. Get over yourself you don't prove you're a die hard fan by standing the whole f'n game and ruining the experience for those behind you who very well may be at their very first bills game...And people wonder why we don't sell out recently (sabres have something to do with it). I tailgated next to a father..single parent from canada last game (jax) who was there with his 7 year old. It was their 1st football game EVER. Luckily I saw them in the parking lot after the game and they said they had a great time and I encouraged them to come back to the Ralph...needless to say, I'm glad they weren't sitting behind YOU. = D-BAG
  21. My point, and maybe I didn't make it clear enough, is that King's metaphor was just totally ridiculous and indicative of the complete hosing the bills consistently receive by king and many others in the national football media (Berman excepted). king is no scribe, he is a windbag with connections in the league that allow him to break stories early. And last I checked (I lived in Boston for 4 years) Gillette had some pretty consistent brutal winds as well, and soldier field can't be a picnic to punt in either. So save the gruesome attempts at symbolism, pete, and just tell us who is making trade inquiries for jake plummer or whomever.
  22. Thats great but at this point the predicting is getting really pointless. Look at just this past month: miami beating chicago? tennessee beating ny? The BILLS almost beating Indy in Indy? Chances are the Bills aren't going to win out, but i wouldn't rule out any of these games as hopeless for the Bills, who are playing quite well right now.
  23. While commending Brian Moorman's so-far record setting punting this season (ave. over 40 yards a kick), King, a tremendous D-Bag with an ego as large as his ass, underlined his point about Moorman by commenting that he punts in the "Hades of NFL environs." WTF? I realize the Ralph isn't state of the art and the weather can be bad, but do the Bills really play football in a dump comparable to Hell? By the way Peter, it was 60+ degrees yesterday for the game here in Buffalo. Sports Illustrated
  24. Weather shouldn't be a problem, the league can just have Reebok whip up a topcoat for Coach and he'll be set
  25. The 2 coaches who decided to take advantage of the new rule and look professional and classy on the sidelines both won decisive victories this past weekend. What with all the head-stompings (2 already), wife-beatings, and illicit cough syrup selling going on in the NFL this year by the players, the new suit rule injects some sorely needed class into the league, and every coach should take advantage if the league allows them. A little advice to Couch Jauron though if he decides to suit up: Stay away from the black suit / black tie Dick, people may mistake you for a spooky old undertaker with that mug of yours.
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