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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. sign up Daunte he's his own agent we can convince him to switch from QB to Sam LB come on!! I want more overreaction I haven't seen enough yet! come on Trolls!! say it with me: DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I am hudella's source: "I'm all up in ur Rosterz.... Hobblin' allz ur LineBackerz!!!"
  4. The Hawks say: We're all up in ur Secondareez... Linin' up all ur Backerz!!! And Keith Ellison starts to cry....
  5. Our starting QB was "knocked out of the OL"? Don't really know what you're talking about here, but the linemen had nothing to do with TE banging knees with Lynch. Losman bruised his thumb, so what? All five of those OLmen last night were fringe players, second, third, fourth stringers. I don't know why I keep getting sucked into reading your long-winded posts -- I guess I'm expecting at least some profundity and wisdom in such a long post; alas, I never find any.
  6. Wow I hope you aren't serious. Don't get mad and jealous just because you can't grow facial hair.
  7. Agreed. Listen I never was a JP supporter but everyone around here pretty much agrees that he was jerked around by previous Bills' administrations. He can admit to being a little bitter and confused no problem, as long as he isn't a distraction to the team and he keeps working on his weaknesses and trying to become a better QB.
  8. Yeah I think some may have been confused because Ellison (a weakside backer) was actually filling in for Crowell at strongside during some series in the preseason games. But Kawika is a natural weakside pass-rushing backer and Crowell is a sam backer.
  9. Yep that has been JP's biggest problem since coming into the league. His pocket presence leaves much to be desired -- he just doesn't have the gameday awareness to be consistently successful. Not his "fault" exactly, some guys just don't have it and can't develop it for some reason. His best (and, IMO only) chance for consistent success is to go to a team with an excellent offensive line and a coordinator that will let him take off and run whenever he pleases.
  10. True about Dorsey, did you see Braylon's catch though? He's nasty
  11. Yes people! kat strives for the best! In his world success (how he defines it at least) is everything! Logic and coherence mean nothing! Get on the bus, b*tches, kat will make us winners!
  12. Ha! how did I know it would be only you two responding to this ridiculous thread I started...Obviously I side with eball on this one (as I do on most issues) but I seriously respect posters like Bill who express well-grounded and researched opinions, unlike some others that shall remain nameless. I joined the board because of people like u two, kudos to you both; I knew I'd get you both with this one though!
  13. I agree...not really worried too much about the O line anymore, D and RB is more of a concern for the Jest. If Favre comes, we may be talking split instead of sweep
  14. eball and Dan..you are the reason I stopped reading and started posting two years ago...Kelly too, even though he's recently lost his mind
  15. It's the medical term for removing a blood-sucking dumbass agent from your vocal cords and anus at the exact same time...
  16. THE END...and thank you Dan for the compliment earlier in the post...I think this debate has been debated to death by now 6 pages later, I know I don't post much...I'm a believer in quality over quantity sorry. Obviously there's going to be folks just in love with Peters (kat, BillinNYC) who don't give a **** what stupid friggin moves he does in the off-season - we NEED him, bottom line. Speaking practically I really can't disagree, no one of our possible replacements for Peters comes close to his overall skill, agility, etc... I tend to look at the big picture; I don't care how sweet any one (1), I'll repeat that, ONE, player is on a 53 man roster, you never cave to the BS Peters' agent is pulling right now. Some think the Bills are gambling by doing this and heads will roll if we don't have our signature OT: newsflash --- it won't. What also won't happen is Peters holding out for a full season. This whole thread of posts will be committed to the dust in less than a week when Peters reports to camp sometime next week. Hey, I don't have anything against Peters - he's a great LT, a revelation at that position for the Bills. That doesn't change the fact he's got a BS agent who doesn't really know what he's doing. Peters might as well hire Master P.
  17. Kota stop making sense and explaining how teams run their businesses in the real world -- kat's brain will melt.
  18. No not backpeddling at all. And no my point is not moot. Do do know the definition of that word? What's moot is this "risk" you keep spouting about. That risk is already present in front of the minds of all parties involved: Peters, Parker, the Bills, everybody. It's present because it's already occurred -- he was injured last season. So I guess you're of the opinion that the Bills should assume 100% of the risk in Peters' case, because he had one great season? I got ya...the Bills assume all the risk and shell out a mint to this guy and Peters' should assume none of it, because he *might* get re-injured in camp? Like I've said you would make one savvy businessman...and your obviously a great Bills fan too. By the way, this FO did not let Williams or R. Brown "walk"
  19. ...you done? Blow it out of proportion to make your point, go ahead. Never did I suggest that the injury was career threatening. The injury doesn't have to be career threatening to make a team (justifiably) hesitant to just hand over money to a guy who ended the previous year on IR. Maybe Peters is fine, 100% and ready to go. Maybe he's even stronger and quicker than last year. Show me then, Jason. Show your teammates, show Brandon and Jauron you are. Go to camp, practice, and get your money. At least kat will shut up then for a couple of days, until he finds another reason to bash the FO.
  20. You show me his med records post-surgery indicating he's 100% and ready to play. YOU show me video of Peters in pads lining up anywhere near a practice field post-surgery. Sh*t, show me a picture of him in gym shorts breaking a sweat since his surgery and i'll be happy. YOU are the one assuming buddy. You want the team to hand a guy top-5 OT money after one (one!) great season AND coming off an injury that required surgery to repair. Oh, and you want the team to do this without even seeing the guy practice even once. You are dense. "a distinct possibility, regardless of the chances" - OK that statement makes no sense and contradicts itself; but besides that, it is not "a distinct possibility" Peters holds out a season. Even if it was, I say let him. He won't get paid, his value to other teams drops, his agent is exposed for the fool he is. Maybe that's why you support Parker and Peters so much, you're on their level intellectually.
  21. If kat ran a business the way he's advocating the Bills deal with Peters, he'd be shuttered in less than a week. eball is right, Parker's tactics are mystifying to me and anyone else who has even casually followed NFL contract disputes the past 5 or so years. Holding out, trying to strong-arm a club just doesn't work, ask Drew Rosenhaus. If anyone has noticed, DR has tempered his act in recent seasons, and is now quietly the best agent in the NFL. Why the hold-out? Kat and others assume they know the answer: obviously Peters feels slighted by the Bills for being grossly underpaid and is demanding a new contract. OK, that's part of it. But holding out of camp and making literally zero effort to reach out to the team? Sounds strange to me. Is Parker a d-bag and trying to make a name for himself as a "tough" negotiator? Probably. Is Peters grossly out of shape and knows he would struggle in camp? Maybe... Is he still injured/recovering? I have I feeling I'm getting warmer. Either way, the Bills aren't going to shaft Peters and not pay him; they have plenty of money just like all 31 other teams in the league due to TV/revenue sharing. But for Peters isn't gaining any admirers pouting because Dock/Walker make more money than him. Of course they do; they were free agents signed just last year. Everyday he holds out Peters sounds more and more like a b*tch to me. Oh a kat mentioned Evans as another one of the Bills' elite players "slighted" and not getting paid. Well, Lee is in camp right now practicing with his teammates, exactly where Peters should be. And Lee only has one year left on his deal, I think he is a bigger priority than Peters currently. Keep doing what you're doing, Eugene. You're not doing your client any favors.
  22. No J.O. they didn't do the "same thing" with Dock and Walker. The first instance was extensions of players under contract, the second was signing free agents on the open market -- two entirely different situations. I don't think you should be throwing around the term "idiocy" when you obviously suffer from it yourself quite severely.
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