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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Ah little Jeffy, didn't mommy and daddy ever tell you the devil is in the details? Learn how to spell I don't want you to grow up and end up like Jason Peters: "They don't think it be like it is, but it do."
  2. For writing about being a bad golfer? Good for him. Actually, maybe he should just stick to golf....
  3. Yes he did Pete. He was scheduled for 9:30am. The hosts commented at about 9:50 that they were still trying to get him on the line - no dice. Maybe Sully was too hungover from Easter dinner. What a professional huh? Like I said, he is a illiterate P.O.S. and his column is a waste of ink.
  4. I don't have a problem with commentary per se, nor do I think negative opinions of the Bills should be suppressed. I think the problem with Sully is the fact that he sensationalizes all his opinions on the team, and doesn't really own or back up what he says. He is smarmy on the radio (when he actually shows up, as I said he missed his segment this morning, not the first time BTW), and his actual writing is horrid even when judged against Buffalo News standards. Read the D&C guys, they are much better.
  5. and Ol' Sully has officially been bumped from his segment. I agree with most of you including Mullet: If you think this hack has any real chops you're disabled. Whatever amount of integrity and/or creativity Sully may have once possessed went bye-bye a long time ago. He is the Sean Hannity of Bills reporting.
  6. As of this post he is also 20 minutes late for his Sirius NFL segment...guess he's too busy being "talented"
  7. The guy has skills but I worry about the combination of all that new comfortable guaranteed money, the lack of anyone to throw to him, and the hot Tampa sun beating down on K2's swollen head...
  8. you mean Xanax? sure moron will do. What happens in two years? If Stafford is a relative failure you are going to contend that you and that joke of an organization were right all along, based on the kid wanting to protect just a little bit of his privacy? Wow I thought SKOOBY was irrational. Good luck in the fifth grade kid.
  9. Yeah we will. Because you are advocating the same psychological over-analysis B.S. the Niners are, I think we will all see that you and that clueless organization are both full of it.
  10. Get used to it. Singletary=Legendary linebacker. But I predict a steady flow of bizarre episodes emanating from the bay area this season between Mike and Al.
  11. What is with the recent influx of wanna-be comedian retards?
  12. Great first draft kid. You obviously put some thought into it and made good points. Light years ahead of some of the older buffoons on here. BTW when you get your license next year you must inform SKOOBY what you end up driving.
  13. thank you nucci I agree: Crowell, June and Keiaho are still out there and any would probably help us out immensely more than friggin Joey Galloway. Also, good news Tip they are all under 35 years old so the Pats won't be interested.
  14. Good for you on your Miami "prediction" last year; way to put yourself over. OK genius if you think the Bills are sitting on their hands and not going signing all these great FA's like Joey Galloway, then let's hear some names right now available that Brandon and Co. should sign. We entertained Galloway and Coles, then signed another WR with better production than both put together. We signed a C/G to compete with the fatties we already have. We signed a backup QB to replace Losman. We are trying to re-sign our LT right now who will obviously demand a lot of cash, whether you agree with it or not. So come on Tip (or anyone else that wants to chime in) don't just whine who is out there I am all ears.
  15. No point presenting facts to Tip, I really don't think he even watches football. Galloway got hurt three separate times last year and can barely run anymore (see I actually watched Buc games last year Tip, how many did you catch?) Pay no mind to present day reality, however. Joey was a big name wideout at one point in his career, so the know-nothings who watch ESPN all day want us to snatch him up.
  16. We just used a mid-draft pick on a TE last year. You want to use another 4th on a TE two years in a row? If you want a significant upgrade at the position through the draft you have to pull the trigger a bit earlier. These trade-down tirades are tiresome. You can't just force someone to take your pick; another team has to be absolutely sold on a guy that they are 100% sure will be unavailable to them at their slot. Top tier 1st rounders are becoming more of crap shoot every year as their guaranteed money expands. People seem to think that the Bills need to hoard draft picks to be successful. Why? "cuz that's what the patriots do." News flash, it has a lot more to do with the guys making the picks, not the # of them.
  17. Kiper's hair reminds me of a dead badger covered in axle grease.
  18. Love the avatar dib. Fact is if you trade him for a 1st, you have to overpay another rookie who hasn't proven anything yet. Might as well pay this fat sack now, and send him off to the gym so he can actually get in shape this year, unlike last.
  19. Hopefully, on draft day you are in a weekend remedial English class learning how to form complete sentences.
  20. A Bills-Patriots primetime game seems logical to me with Brady, Moss, and Owens on the same field. Maybe a Bills-Phish Monday nighter as well, with the whole Parcells angle.
  21. Amen. T.O.! Go ahead tear up your tickets, douchebags. It is time to win, this move obviously underscores that fact. 37 tds in the last three years a-holes. argue with that.
  22. His actual plea, verbatim: "nuh nuh nuh...guilty. Gone!"
  23. Gotta add T.O. to that list of geezers now too! Also, I could be wrong but I believe Galloway suffered 3 separate injuries over the course of last season. He's a risk for sure. What I'd be doing - roll with the wideouts we have now (Johnson will be starting by week 6) and push hard for Scheffler, if indeed he is on the block.
  24. If he does leave STL, chances are he goes to Big D unless Dallas trades for Boldin.
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