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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Maybe, but luckily in this country we don't have to care what they (or anyone else) thinks smartass.
  2. If his criticism in the original post was fair, clearly expressed, and supported by facts of any sort then my reply would have been less harsh. But calling our biggest pickup a "train wreck" and informing us that the team "blows" in June when our record, like everyone else's, is currently 0-0 smacks of ignorance. Personally I will take a train wreck that has 27 TD receptions in the past 3 years. Everyone has a right to an opinion, and everyone who expresses theirs in public should expect others to not respect or agree with said opinion. That expectation should be heightened when you don't even know the difference between "are" and "our". BTW, there are several teams around the league that operate without a titular "General Manager" - New England being one of them following the departure of Pioli.
  3. You're a troll that can barely speak English. How's that? In a way, I believe I am helping you realize what a total douchebag you are.
  4. Yeah, according to him: "perfection ruined"
  5. Good find I read that buffoon's "open letter" too. It's clear this mook still doesn't understand the irony in bashing T.O., while simultaneously showing that he obviously doesn't follow the guy's career, or sports in general. The storm surrounding T.O.'s Super Bowl performance was a huge story following the Eagles loss. The great performance by T.O. coming off the injury, T.O. pointing out McNabb puking in the huddle, etc. This reporter should rub his two brain cells together, or *gasp* do some actual research before busting out the Crayola's to scribble another critical letter.
  6. "whatever": the great fall-back counterpoint by the beaten and ignorant. OK zaz we will check back in November as long as you agree to crawl back under your rock until then.
  7. I would say the odds of that are slim. We have a true FB on the roster still in McIntyre (unless the current roster is wrong) and once Lynch comes back after 3 I think the team will split the carries with whoever (Rhodes or Jackson) established themselves during his suspension. I also don't think the Bills will use many dual RB sets this year with all their receiving options I would bet on a lot of spread formations with singleback sets.
  8. Look up the YouTube video of him hurdling a high jump bar.
  9. Based on his long history or being a blowhard and a shameless homer. Of course I'm distilling his statements a bit and not quoting him word for word Faustus, but you are a smart guy and aware of overall tone and slant aren't you? King is affable enough to his insiders of course, those connections allow him to keep his job. I just think he's a slob, his style is grating (HE O-VER E-NUN-CE-ATES and talks slowly to try to sound informed and intelligent) and is too obvious a homer for someone who is supposed to be covering all 32 NFL teams.
  10. Yep and look who he picks #1. I love reading King's BS opinions based on nothing but his gut (which is ample). In this single meaningless "list" article King is absolutely sure Brady's knee will be 100% and will return to his golden god form and is equally sure T.O. will implode and not offer an iota of help to the Bills, even though history suggests otherwise. Also, I want to take a 3 wood to his cranium every time I hear him singing on Sirius NFL radio. Typical New England obnoxiousness.
  11. Thanks for the free prognostication Nostradumbass.
  12. Adam Schein on Sirius and NFLN is also more than fair to the Bills - he gushed over our Maybin pick a couple weeks ago. I'm surprised no one brought this name up yet: Marshall Faulk - he dumps on the Bills all the time.
  13. 1. No Bruce never played at that weight. 2. Don't be stupid and compare the two ever, ever again. They aren't the same kind of players and they never will be. Stop thinking with your brain stem.
  14. Orakpo falling to 23? Who is Herward-Bey? Someone call this guy's mom and command she take his keyboard away.
  15. You would think with his retirement this year EA would break recent tradition and put the fat man himself back on there for one year.
  16. It's called "search" my friend. Learn it. Love it. Live it. It will save you much grief. (or just scroll down a bit)
  17. True, but he is the most consistent old timer I have seen in a while, despite playing on dogpile teams the past couple of years. I hope Don Banks is right and Philly goes RB as he predicts, Pettigrew getting nabbed by Philly would make us look like stooges.
  18. Again, why do people under the impression that the Bills coaches and executives have any say in the team's schedule? It's just not true. There is a period of time that teams can voice concerns/conflicts to Katz and the rest of the schedule guys about things like concerts, construction projects around the stadiums, baseball concerns, and other potential conflicts/inconveniences. Katz and his team try to keep those things in mind when making the schedule, but obviously can't ever accommodate everyone. The only surefire way the Bills could have avoided this situation was to write a provision into their original agreement with Rogers et al that stated: "divisional games are exempt from consideration" or something to that effect. It is way too late now, and any whiny outrage by Brandon, Jauron or anyone else in the FO is just posturing for the Buffalo fans.
  19. Mungo Feliz, Punter, Universidad de Veracruz.
  20. 1. The Bills FO can state their preference of no division games in TO 'til they are blue in the face, ultimately they have zero say in the matter. 2. The Bills' Canadian partners I assume would be livid if they knew Jauron, Brandon and the rest lobbied the league to give Toronto a relatively inconsequential contest, given their substantial investment and their troubles already selling tickets. 3. Not sure I get the primetime point. It seems that divisional games would be the obvious choice for primetime, since those contests mean the most and Buffalo doesn't have any significant out-of-division rivals.
  21. Schien was referring to Buffalo's FO reactions after the Miami snooze-fest last year, not their reaction to the Jets announcement yesterday. Schien said that, "in theory", Brandon and Jauron would prefer not to play divisional games in Toronto. He qualified his report with "in theory" twice, emphasizing that it really doesn't matter what they prefer, the Bills front office has zero say in the schedule at the end of the day. In any event, all of you complaining and skewering the league calendar-makers are way off base. This was Ralph's sweetie deal and I, as a season ticket holder, blame him 100%. After swindling $75 million from his out-of-touch Canadian partners, he can't really turn around and mandate that they only receive dog of the week games for 5 years. Given what those poor saps up North are paying for a seat, they deserve meaningful games.
  22. Not sure but he minored in urinating on millions of dollars.
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