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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Reggie Corner will be the nickel CB game1
  2. I'm glad all you soothsayers took time out of your obviously busy lives to tell us how the season is going to pan out. You can make a lot of money with that talent.
  3. Please title your threads so as to give members who would like to read your BS at least a general idea of what your talking about. "Why" followed by extraneous punctuation is not sufficient.
  4. He has said it before, but Ross Tucker summed up Peters again this morning on Sirius NFL Radio in response to a Philly fan complaining about JP. When Tuck played with him (in 04 and 05), Peters was still in transition from TE to LT, his technique was horrible, but he still beat EVERYONE in one-on-one drills. Raw talent the guy is off the charts. He also noted JP was playing at 320-25 then. Tucker noted he looks closer to 340 with the Eagles and isn't going to stay healthy playing at that weight.
  5. This is outstanding news. Plax is a world class idiot. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he earlier reject a previous plea deal that would've involved less time? Bravo Plax, bravo.
  6. Yes and no. The crazy B.S. going on with Crabtree deal is giving the remaining picks' agents pause, as Crabtree is being overly outlandish in his demands as well as dealing with a San Fran front office that is notoriously flaky and clueless. The other picks' agents recognize this and are scared to death to pull the trigger with Crabtree still hanging out there. One perceived bad deal can cost an agent a lot of business down the line. However, besides this there really isn't any reason these remaining players besides Crabtree can't sign today if they chose to - the money is fairly easy to figure out at this point, but their agents are agents for a reason and have persuaded them to stay put.
  7. Listen if the Bills head coaching job was vacant and you gave me the choice between Fisher and Jauron, I would choose Fisher, as would 99 out of 100 other random Bills fans you could ask. But that situation simply isn't the case. You and anybody else can bemoan that point all you want. I personally don't see the point in whining about it for years on end. I was responding to the OP's contention that the "fun-factor" was missing in last night's game, and in Bills games in general. I personally enjoyed the game - seeing T.O. work as a Bill for the first time, looking at the rookies and seeing how they played against a live opponent and whatnot. I enjoy almost every game I attend or watch; I wouldn't pay over $900.00 a year for season tickets if I didn't. If you or the OP or anyone else need trick plays like on-side kicks, triple reverses, flea-flickers or what-have-you in order to have "fun" watching the Bills, it's my opinion you don't really know much about football and should maybe try another sport or activity. I also highly doubt Fisher was laughing "at" us from the other sideline.
  8. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and you're probably right about Omon - our backfield is crowded. But you are going to have to describe this "fun-factor" you speak of in more detail. What does that mean? Trick plays? Throwing out our best returners in the preseason on the off chance they might take one to the house? The main points of these exhibition games are: 1) To evaluate the roster in order to make the right decisions when the staff has to cut the roster down to 53 in a few short weeks; and 2) to see how the offensive and defensive schemes are working in live game situations against novel opponents. "Putting on a show" is way down on the list and not just for the Bills - every team.
  9. Whew...where to start. 1. Why would the team attempt a surprise onside kick in a preseason game and give every other team in the league a look at your set-up/formation on such a play that depends on surprise/trickery? (BTW, the Bills have executed surprise onside kicks during Jauron's tenure; look it up). Coach Fisher explicitly stated that he would probably never run such a play in the regular season - that's why he used his backup punter. 2. Even if Jauron did coax Coach April to show his hand in a meaningless game, it would have sent absolutely NO message to the rest of the league, besides, as I've said, providing them with some notes on the play that may hurt the Bills when it matters. 3. Return plays involve some of the most violent collisions in the game. Why risk injury to a premiere returner in the first preseason game of the year? B. Hall was used because he's nothing more than camp fodder who will probably be cut relatively early. To be fair to Hall, the coaches threw him in as the returner in order to give the kid a fair shot to show the coaches what he has; which is to say, unsurprisingly, nothing much. You are way too fired up after one meaningless game 2 weeks into camp.
  10. I sense a banhammer falling in your near future...
  11. All due respect to Filiponi, I trust my own eyes more. Could've been an impostor in his jersey whiffing blocks? Anything's possible but I don't think so.
  12. Great stuff as always WVU. I agree about Bell, playing against the 1st team Tennessee defense he looked pretty good and I hope he continues to improve. Nic Harris looks like a man out there - he's bigger than I thought and aggressive. I hope he's on the field more often than mot. Bryan Scott continues to impress. I am really getting sick of Schouman - I don't see the coaches fascination with him.
  13. "One trick pony" - That is your uneducated opinion and every dumbass in this country has a right to one. But that opinion doesn't address the poster who pointed out to you that your previous uneducated opinion - that Maybin will be the highest paid defensive player on the team - is almost certainly not going to be the case by showing you actual facts, namely the figure Stroud stands to earn this year. You tried to address that point by pulling out your calculator and informing us that 35 million over 5 years is, indeed, 7 million a year on average. But you didn't realize that 8.5mil is, in fact, greater than 7mil. I am beginning to think your reading comprehension is almost as horrid as your spelling.
  14. Exactly you moron which is LESS THAN the 8.5 Stroud is being paid - hence he wouldn't be the highest paid defensive player - an idea you just plucked out of thin air like all your others. He's not going to get #7 money at #11. Don't you go back to med school soon? Not soon enough...
  15. Ans is right - Stupes is listed as 4th string TE on the team depth chart, right behind Nelson.
  16. I look at the poster/avatar first. Sometimes, if the avatar is a chick with big boobs it's the only thing I look at.
  17. I agree. It will most likely pan out just as the Vick situation did. After he completes his bid on the farm, he'll be conditionally reinstated by the commish, with a few more games tacked on.
  18. For your entertainment: 1st Round Pick Status
  19. Not stupid, just stubborn. IMO, the logjam of unsigned picks between Dirty Sanchez and Orakpo is due to a couple of factors. One is the enormous amount of money that Sanchez received at 5, being a QB. The other is the Crabtree situation, which is unfortunate given the fact that he immediately precedes Maybin in draft order. Crabtree, by almost universal consensus, was the best WR available by far. The Heyward-Bey pick dropped him down to 10, but Crabs obviously wants money on par with DH-B, picked 3 spots higher. It certainly is a clusterfizz. Also, the only DE picked higher than Maybin, Tyson Jackson, remains unsigned as well (although TJ technically plays a different position as a 3-4 DE.)
  20. Oh yes no further explanation necessary, except perhaps explaining to us idiots how you can predict the future and know which NFL players are going to be arrested. Also, "chico"? Wow, a med student and bilingual! Now all you need is some Hooked on Phonics tapes and you'll have all your bases covered.
  21. The two year plea deal is absolutely off the table now. This is more on Burress than his attorney - It was reported that Plax was unwilling to take any more than a year in prison on a deal. There is no leeway with mandatory minimums, especially involving weapons/drug charges. Plax was screwed the minute Mayor Bloomberg spoke out strongly against him shortly after the incident - his speech definitely put pressure on the prosecutors involved.
  22. Your posts are truly astounding. Each one better than the last. One question: Can you clarify the "thug/punk" classifications you cleverly used a couple posts back in describing Segal's clients? I've never went to Med School so naturally my feeble mind is having trouble understanding the distinction.
  23. Agree with that depth breakdown. When it comes to those last 2 or 3 roster spots on the final 53 man roster, the players who establish themselves on special teams usually win out. Lankster may be one of those guys, Alvin Bowen as well.
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