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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. I think most bills fans (especially the ones like me who spend around a grand every year on season tickets) understand exactly how pitiful the draft record has been billsvet. It's really sad, and there is no good excuse for it. I, like you and the OP, knew all along players like Harris wouldn't be available to the Bills this year, but this board is where some of the less informed like to post their pipe dreams.
  2. Classic crayonz. Classic
  3. In the 1st paragraph OP says drafting a qb is bad news because qbs take years to develop. (and then cite Matt Ryan as an example of this, WTF?) In the 2nd paragraph then cite all the qbs next year we could take, as if those qbs are exceptions to the rule of the 1st paragraph? And implying there aren't defensive prospects in 2012 we could take, just like this year? So we what, are better off delaying our rebuilding another year? I dont get it.
  4. Funny, but in reality he probably would beat you into the concrete and then take your wife or gf home for some fun.
  5. He hasnt done anything professionally yet, but Newton is a Heisman winner and a national champion already. He's already associated with UA through their deal with Auburn. Seems like a good deal for both parties to me.
  6. So a team, say Buffalo, drafts someone like Cam Newton high in the draft to groom him for a season or two while Fitzpatrick starts. But the day after the draft some other team that really wanted Newton can just claim him? Buffalo esentially loses a first round pick (the one they spent on Newton) and has no qb to develop? Um, no. This idea also assumes there are more than a few teams out there with more than one starting caliber qb. There isn't. There is maybe 1 (philly) right now. No other team has that situation. Parity does exist, especially in the NFC. A different team has represented the NFC in the superbowl for the last 10 seasons. The two big spending, "marquee" teams in that conference, Dallas and Washington, aren't in that group of ten.
  7. Arthur Moats is already better than Kelsay.
  8. The prison workout does wonders.
  9. Stiff hips just means a guy struggles to transition from his backpedal to pursuit at times. A CB has to do that many times a game.
  10. The workouts/combine evaluation help the guys who may be borderline physically for the league. A QB with a purportedly weak arm or slow feet could benefit from a great workout in front of scouts and media. A guy like Newton, on the other hand, doesn't have much to gain from events like this since his physical skills aren't really in question. The most important evaluations for Cam will be the coach interviews.
  11. That's why this board exists my friend. And thanks.
  12. +1 good sir. Bravo
  13. The biggest issue with newton is, as with many college qbs these days, his pro-readiness. It's not, as the OP states, his happy feet. Many, many of newton's run were, as previous posters have pointed out, designed runs. There's nothing wrong with that on its face, auburn was just taking advantage of his obvious altheticism. But that fact reflects back on the big issue with newton. He was never asked to progress through reads like most pro qbs are forced to do. So it's not as if he can't (potentially) do it. His system was hinged on him hitting a (wide) open receiver. He was excellent doing this. His passing accuracy backs up this fact. If none of his primary reads were open (rare in auburn's case) then he ran the ball. Very effectively. If (it's a pretty big if) newton falls into the right system, he'll be effective in the pros. If (an even bigger if) he's amenable to learning a pro system and adapting to it, he can be an elite qb in the pros and worthy a 1st round pick. I think he can learn a pro system and flourish. Some may not think so. In either case, he's not a "run-first" qb who should be dismissed outright.
  14. All kidding aside that little nod to our past greatness and idealism amongst a 4 hour orgy of beer and doritos ads was a classy touch by fox. I don't think the meaning or motivation behind it needs to dissected to death.
  15. Damn Joan that's cold. It kills most of my soul to defend a pop singer (i always liked the pixies) but the girl went through a lot this past year - divorce, flop movie, flop album, now flubbed national anthem. Poor Xtina.
  16. I blame the broncos and the miami hurricanes for those fuglies the Bills have been wearing for the last 8 years. Piping over every seam? Stripes up the sides that go nowhere? Check those teams' unis for 8-9 years ago, someone in the Bills org thought that looked cool.
  17. Anything will be better than the last 9 years, but i like your idea and applaud your effort. Everything looks nice. I think the impetus to put some modern twist in the new unis will win and we'll get some weird scripting on the numbers or something...but overall i think your idea is very close to what we will get.
  18. At least he resigned quickly...it looks like the republicans are finally taking the lead from democrats with hetero sex scandals. I suppose that makes them just a tad less hypocritical than before. But now I have no congressman! Well, that means only one thing - DrDankenstein for Congress. I'll set up the PAC.
  19. Football was cutting into Shaun's eating time anyways.
  20. I suppose the phrase "barely legal" applies here. I doubt the league would like one of its players associated with that phrase, given its internet connotations. Still funny tho.
  21. Clearly, Sanchez should've demanded to see at least two forms of valid ID from the girl before getting jiggy.
  22. Which also isn't that large of an age difference, in the grand scheme of things.
  23. +1 What Dank said.
  24. Week after week more stories are surfacing about Mallett having a sense of entitlement, is lazy, and stupid to boot. Yet he is still on OP's list. But Newton and Ponder are "complete wastes of time". Sure.
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