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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Exactly, the same way Soros makes the douchebags on the right apoplectic.
  2. Of course, they also have one of the smartest coaches in the league along with Brady. And the best possession receiver in the league. And a load of high draft picks to replenish their roster.
  3. Just two brothers livin' large. Koch Industries
  4. I wouldn't bet against Wanny's ability to make the current Bills LBs a whole lot better come next year. He's that good a coach. An impact LB high in the draft would just be a bonus.
  5. Clay Matthews is white too. And didn't come from the SEC.
  6. For those giving the FO grief for supposedly "rushing" the Spiller pick in last draft, come on man. After the months and months of scouting, interviewing, and analyzing these players, do you really think that the couple of minutes alotted to the teams to get the pick in really matters? They decided long before draft day that if Spiller was available when they picked, he was their guy. Unless, as Nix said, their consensus top guy is gone, or are entertaining trade offers, what is the point of waiting a couple of minutes to hand the card in? It may seem to some of you as rushing; it doesn't (on its own) suggest they're myopic or don't know what their doing.
  7. It's amazing how many threads are starting here with crazy trade down scenerios. I know it is more likely this year compared to others given the labor situation but it's just not going to happen guys, sorry. Just like the dumb threads dedicated to signing players like Harris or Soleil, you are all living in some sort of fantasy land where the Bills are going to wheel and deal like New England. It's not going to happen. Never been the Bills M.O., never will be until they get a new owner. And Locker sucks.
  8. Sure all that PUB! as you say would be a welcome change for the team if they take Newton at the draft. But i'd venture that coverage would die out if Newton took the reins and didn't win any games. If the Bills want lasting coverage, they need to turn down the suck and start winning many more games than they have been. Doesn't matter if Newton is piloting or Fitz is.
  9. Ho hum... That's Rex's M.O. and it isn't going to change as long as he is a head coach. Players around the league seem to dig his bluster though...he's still ranked as the coach they'd most want to play for.
  10. NCAA violation aside, I am intrigued by Quinn's size and speed combination. His stock will rise post-combine guaranteed.
  11. 32 years covering the league, Czarnecki should probably get his facts right. Or at least have a lowly intern fact check his columns. Sorry but it smacks of plain laziness, regardless of the size of the Bills' fanbase.
  12. Kudos to you OP for coming back and revising your idea reasonably after so many replying posters flamed your original post. I still don't agree with your overall idea, but your revised version is a lot better.
  13. Says the guy that didn't even bother to spell the author's name correctly. Yet you are so certain of his ignorance...interesting.
  14. World history infused with bigotry amuses me. Tell us more OC.
  15. Yessir december 2007
  16. A pack fan considers lambeau the best and dumps on Minneapolis? Shocking. Anyways, out of the handful of stadiums i've been to, Cleveland was the worst, but there was a blizzard going on at the time so that had something to do with it. Fans were, for the most part, jackasses.
  17. But wait, what about all those posters that said we were going to sign him and david harris and then everything was going to be alright? WHAT HAPPENS NOW??
  18. I understand the governor's need to restructure the pension funds, etc. in order to try to get the state solvent again. But why package those provisions with one taking away the union's collective bargaining rights? How does that save any money? Of course, there are a few unions, the local police, firefighters, and state trooper labor organizations, who are exempt from the law and whose bargaining rights will be unaffected. Those unions just happen to be the ones that supported Walker in his campaign last year.
  19. Ngata was tagged wasn't he?
  20. So when rachel maddow makes a snide face and says we can't "shoot another bullett out of the sky with another bullett? she is BSing me? Goddam liberal media letting me down again : )
  21. Not the exact thing i read earlier Albany, but that's the gist of it. Thanks for linking.
  22. In hindsight, maybe it was a little funny...
  23. I'm sorry, was OP's attempt at a funny funny? No.
  24. Fair enough BigSkoob, but Ryan not really the best example for your point, since he was very good his rookie year. Slumped a bit as a sophomore, and came back strong this past year. Granted his rookie year he had a great michael turner with him. You can say none of the qbs this class are going to be as good as Ryan was as a rookie, but you really dont know that, and neither do I. The 2012 qb class are also unknowns (with the possible exception of Luck).
  25. In green's case? Washed up. But others? There may be something to that. Saw something today about UFL already having some money troubles, so that destination may be unavailable to free agent vets trying to stay sharp. Sorry can't find the link to that right now.
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