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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Just curious as to why you used a misleading subject line. You know, since you were "just curious".
  2. Thanks for the report. I missed the invitation to the conference today so anyone else who heard it and could report their feedback would be appreciated.
  3. Ever since "Cool Runnings" i am partial to bobsledding. That counts right? Wait, what were we talking about again?
  4. Ugly as usual. I hope it's not a relection of the new uniforms.
  5. Doesn't seem like his case is ripe yet.
  6. I'm not getting into this race debate again after it was beat to death earlier this month. But as far as the Wonderlic test goes, I have a question. If the SI report is correct, and all these anonymous quotes from coaches, scouts, and GMs are true, then why do they still administer the test at all? If the exam score doesn't correlate to football success, as so many of you point out, it 's totally pointless to keep giving it to kids. Yet year after year it's still administered.
  7. Why don't you guys take this **** to PPP. no one wants to read your uninformed political opinions on the football board.
  8. If the pick is Miller then he's instantly our best linebacker. So no downside there either.
  9. I'm not trying to pile on T master, but you're just digging your hole deeper with your replies. As good as your suggestions or opinions may be, if you spell like an 8 year old, you're undermining yourself. No one is going to pay attention to your opinions if he or she is laughing at your dumb spelling mistakes. Don't take it so personal.
  10. Maybin's lack of bulk is secondary. His work ethic is garbage. He came in, found out how much harder it is in the NFL to produce, and gave up. He gave up and hasn't put any effort in trying to get better. That's his biggest problem. His lack of heft isn't prohibitive on special teams is it? Of course not. 99% of Aaron's problems are upstairs.
  11. I think at least 70% of season ticket holders (me included) want the preseason reduced to 2 games so i don't have to pay extra for those meaningless games. That doesn't mean I want 18 regular season games.
  12. Why is this still being talked about? Ownership took it off the table early in negotiations. Players didn't want it; most fans didn't want it. Problem?
  13. I am not convinced. Use more !!!!!! and maybe I'll believe you.
  14. Who is this guy? I notice that Fairley is still his #1 pick overall; that doesn't seem very likely to happen anymore.
  15. I'd trade levi brown for tebow. Anything more than that and the bills are getting ripped off.
  16. Is the OP serious or trolling? I can't tell.
  17. He'll be cut regardless of whom they draft.
  18. For someone proven to be somewhat less than durable of late, this probably isn't a very good idea for Merriman. Then again, if Snooki can do it, I guess anyone can.
  19. Who cares what they think?
  20. The lockout is just a procedural step at this point. The decertification is a "sham" in a sense because it is only a way to force the labor dispute into litigation. Once there, with both sides fighting in court and trying to gain bargaining chips through discovery, the impetus the settle and hammer out a new CBA becomes much stronger.
  21. If it happens, we're DOOOOOMED! i love when the pessimism begins in early March, it reminds me I am a Bills fan.
  22. Serious question: does the NFL allow the owner of a team in one of the 3 other major sports leagues in the US buy a NFL franchise? I thought i heard somewhere in the past that that was not allowed.
  23. Yeah, and i was called a coward in response. I have already apologized for using that word. The original post was framed to incite a race debate. In 7 pages of posts it has been debated. No one is trying to chill discussion of the topic. Somehow my (and others) disagreement with the OP's suggestion that white players enjoy the studying aspects of the QB position more than black players has turned into me shaming this discussion to death. I did no such thing. I just disagree with a blanket statement like that on principle and agree that the real reasons why there is a racial disparity among QBs in the NFL begin a lot earlier on, as other posters have said. I witnessed it firsthand in high school, and i have little doubt the same thing happens all over the country
  24. I did aplogize in my response Edwards'. And yes, the OPs response did clarify a lot of what he said in his earlier post. I acknowledged all this. He also did call me paternalistic, which is more insulting than being called a coward. I don't know what else is owed.
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