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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. With Lebron gone, Clevelanders needed someone else to rally around. Their plucky white tailback seems to have filled the void. I expect productivity in cleveland dropped this past month, with everyone in the city glued to the EA website voting for Hillis.
  2. Riiiight.... Haters gonna hate. It's clear your biased against the kid for whatever reason is rattling around in your head and that's cool - post it in the newton thread.
  3. It's just weed.
  4. I don't believe you.
  5. Thanks for your insight. Always great when you stop in.
  6. They may not be exactly what i or others envisioned, but they are a great improvement over the previous uniforms. That's good enough for me.
  7. Thanks for linking that. Strange that AJ Green is down at #8, after all the noise about him this off-season. Figured he be top 5.
  8. Again, you guys need to stop begging. Leave the guy (or gal) alone. If your intention is to drive another great source of inside information away from the board for good, then keep it up, idiots.
  9. Sure boy i would apologize. I don't necessarily need Buffalo to draft Newton either. I'm just kind of sick of the kid being demonized over a stupid quote that was reported without context by hack Peter King.
  10. Nice handle "Pisschunk". Wonder how that one slipped past the filters.
  11. How many heads would explode if Newton became a great pro quarterback and Andrew Luck turned out to be the next Matt Leinart? I'd expect apologies and admissions of ignorance, but would probably receive none.
  12. The 2011 draft hasn't even happened yet, and everyone is wondering about Luck and the 2012 draft. The board is averaging 2 new threads per day about andrew luck and none of us, least of all the geniuses starting threads about him, have any idea about what kind of pro he's going to be. Get over it. Just write a strongly worded letter to tom modrak and buddy nix urging them to trade away all of our draft picks for the next 10 years for the 1st pick next year. Problem solved, and then we can stop talking about trade scenarios for andrew luck, who apparently has already been inducted into the HoF without ever taking a pro snap.
  13. Sure Buffalo could be picking 1st overall. So could a lot of other teams. Point?
  14. There are more than "6 or 7" teams interested in drafting a QB, especially one with as much potential and hype and andrew luck. That's the problem with your scenario. If Luck is so good that Buffalo should be mortgaging their 2012 draft to get him, chances are the team picking #1 next year isn't going to be interested in passing on him and trading down.
  15. I was waiting for someone to catch that comment.
  16. I'd agree with you. Let's hope he has the talent to go along with the right attitude if the Bills pick him.
  17. No one negative news item about Mallett is particularly damning. I think the compounding of all these stories, combined with his evasive non-denials are what is hurting him. He's an immature kid, for sure. Probably no more immature than most of us were at his age. But whoever pulls the trigger on Mallett better expect some drama once he gets that first huge check.
  18. I like how the guy who dumps on Newton for accepting endorsement deals because he "hasn't done anything yet" also defends and expresses his love for Tim Tebow on the same page of the same thread. Explain to us Champ what Tebow has done in the pros to warrant an endorsement from Jockey. He had a decent start? Has he took his team to the playoffs? Won a playoff game? A superbowl? Made the pro bowl? All-pro team? No, none of those things. Yet Timmy still gladly took Jockey's money. But you always wanted Tebow on the Bills and after seeing him play you want him even more. Wow. But Newton shouldn't have an endorsement because he hasn't "done anything." And Cam talking about the endorsement deal is "terrifying" to you. What a double standard. No wonder your opinion is being attacked.
  19. That is all well said Tipster, but still the question remains - who should the bills pick? Which guys have that mentality?
  20. Fitzpatrick is a veteran at this point. Palmer sucks and has sucked for some time now.
  21. This guy also says that the DL is aged. Maybe he missed last year when the Bills drafted two D linemen in the first 3 rounds. Troup and Carrington may be unknowns so far, but they're certainly not aged. Horton may also be unaware Stroud is not on the team anymore. Dwan is a vet at 29, but isn't out of his prime yet. I agree with the OP, the author doesn't seem very up to speed.
  22. I've said it before but just a reminder - reading Bleacher Report only makes you dumber.
  23. +1 Sometimes i wish it were possible to un-read something.
  24. Actually obama's debt proposal will only fire up tea partiers more. And the budget bill was enraging to them as well. The leadership tweeted about primarying boehner just for agreeing to it.
  25. 1 word for you sir - premature. No one has won anything yet, and all but one of these current sabres were on the team BEFORE Pegula took ownership.
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