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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Totally agree with San Jose and that's the issue I tried to express earlier - the problem isn't Tebow himself. At the end of the day he's just another guy with marginal pro QB skills trying to make a living in the NFL. The problem i have is with his fanatic supporters who seem to be multiplying like rabbits and are all insistent that the guy can do no wrong. These people jump to call CJ Spiller (for example) a gigantic bust after one season. But the same slack you are so eager to yank away from guys like Spiller you are eager to lend to a guy like Tebow, simply because you're in love with the IDEA of Tebow, not the actual player. His image, fostered in large part by his very public Christianity, makes his supporters swoon. It's a double standard of the highest degree. His supporters are eager to cite predictions from "experts" about Tebow's long term viability in the NFL, and that's fine. But those experts, even ones like Mike Mayock, are wrong as often as they are right. I'm interested in the present. Presently, Tebow is playing like a third string quarterback, and a bad one to boot. I'm not saying he won't improve, but I'm certainly not saying he will either.
  2. Whether you believe he'll improve or not, Denver would be foolish to cut ties and trade him away. Unless they want a full on fan rebellion on their hands.
  3. He wasn't a complete dumpster fire last year in his 3 starts. He made plays with his feet at times. But as Kelly said, the throwing issues were obvious. He had his best performance against Houston, who had one of the worst defenses in recent memory last year. The following week, against a good defense in san diego, he regressed badly.
  4. Tebow's place is currently on the bench.
  5. You're right - there's probably no better place to get into football shape than training camp. Of course, that's not what Beerball and i were talking about. Tebow is attempting (and failing, so far) to completely overhaul his throwing motion. You do that one on one with a dedicated QB coach. Training camp is not, as you said, for that. Training camp is for getting into football shape and learning your position within your unit. Training camp is about competing for your place on the roster.
  6. I didn't miss Mayock's prediction, I just disregarded it because neither he nor anyone else can predict the future. I also don't advocate giving up on Tebow - I don't know where you pulled that from. He "might" be a better winner than Orton? So Tebow should get the nod based on that notion, even if Orton thoroughly outplays him in camp? How fair is that to Kyle? Tebow was 1-2 as a starter last year btw. Kyle Orton doesn't have a good win/loss record. But he was the least of denver's problems last year.
  7. The minute after Tim Tebow played his last collegiate game, he started working on a new throwing motion. That was over a year ago, before the 2010 draft. Guess what? His delivery is still a mess. I'm not saying he'll never learn to throw like a pro qb needs to, but it doesn't seem like he's improved his delivery or accuracy at all yet. That's a problem when I assume he's been working at it non stop for over a year now, given his great work ethic. The Mayock quotes aren't persuasive. He simply said the things we all concede about Tebow. He's athletic. Well yeah, i don't think anyone would deny that, even his detractors. He has a strong arm. Again, i don't know anyone who would deny that either. Tebow's trouble isn't a lack of arm strength. It's a lack of accuracy and a slow, telegraphing delivery.
  8. For all his "winning" attitude, Tebow can't really do any actual winning when he can't get on the field to actually play the game. I don't hate Tebow, I just find the legions of his fanboys embarassing. I think they are in love with his image, and shout down anyone who dares look upon him with a critical eye. The fact is, currently, Tim Tebow is a 3rd string quarterback. He is lagging behind not only Orton, but also Brady Quinn - another guy who got loads of irrational praise simply because he went to Notre Dame. I get it. Tebow has a "winning" smile, loves Jesus and is lily white and that causes a tickle in your collective pants. None of those things will help him develop into a pro quarterback. My advice to Elway and the Broncos is quit wasting time, covert him to fullback now and let him block for Moreno.
  9. Expect PK to tweet something along the lines of: "Fun fact - Bills QB Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard! who knew?"
  10. Jeez Detroit may lose their first round pick for a long time and we're complaining about Marcus Easley being nicked up?
  11. But will Lardy find a starbucks close enough to training camp? And if so, will the barrista make his triple mochachoco cinnamon latte correctly?
  12. I think use the search function - this is being discussed already
  13. If kelsay gets 6-8 sacks this year "dukeybomb", i will eat my hat plus any other semi-digestible objects within arms' reach. That will never, ever happen. Despite NaPolian's constant irrational defense of the guy, he's had it. Kelsay didnt look like he belonged on a nfl field last year. When u have your annual beer with Kelsay this year NaPolian, do us all a favor and beg him to retire.
  14. Kelsay, who had some decent years opposite schoebel, is now the biggest liability on the defense. He is not going to get better, only worse. Even an upgraded defensive line in front of him isn't going to aid him at this point of his career. His extension, IMO, is the biggest screw up so far by the current regime.
  15. Jesus can anyone pinpoint when all these friggin whiners infected this board?
  16. Ha yeah one can dream. Again i wouldn't take it as gospel; just something i heard quickly on the radio.
  17. Rumor was Graham was leaving as espn afc east blogger and returning to the buffalo news this fall... No link, i heard something to that effect a while back on WGR.
  18. It wasn't lost on all of us Numark : )
  19. Luckily for you, no. You haven't shown anyone you know a thing about football. A poster provided you with a couple of facts about Morrison and you announce you're going to hit something. You're just a crybaby fanboy who likes to defend their favorite players to the death, and proven incapable of any objectivity.
  20. Three different insults in three replies? You must be perilously close to exhausting your caveman vocabulary. I am obviously a much better judge of sarcasm than you, to answer your question.
  21. No, it didn't really qualify as sarcasm, not good sarcasm anyway. You should look it up and get back to us. Try harder next time.
  22. Funny it seems like you don't, based on your comment.
  23. As a coach, genius. A HoF coach. Should canton kick him out for being a bad GM?
  24. Replay officials will buzz the on-field crew within that 45 second window between a score and extra point if that replay official deems the scoring play close. That buzz will cause the on-field crew to stop play for review. Yes the new procedure will add time to some games and yes some will grumble about it. I am more concerned about getting calls as correct as possible -- i know Bills irrelevancy has been going on for a while but when the time comes and the Bills are contending, if they lose out on playoffs on a pivotal blown call everyone will be clamouring for better replay procedures. I think this new policy for scoring plays is a step in the right direction.
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