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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Whoa first thread ive started that actually has legs. Anyway, i was at the game today, spiller ran hard, ran well, and scored. I only point this out because there are no shortage of people on this board that have 100% dismissed this guy as a bust, gadget player, etc... He's not. He's a legit running back and there's at least 20 other teams in the NFL that would love him on their team.
  2. Not so much it seems...
  3. UConn got it right - Buff can't make another design overhaul this soon. Nike will put their own design flair into everyone's unis, but they won't mess with the Bills overall design. I do like the idea of Nike designing pro-combat styled uniforms for NFL teams to wear once a season. They would sell a boat load and while the pro-combat styles haven't always worked, some of those one offs (TCU comes to mind) have looked great.
  4. I've heard Ralph Wilson called every insulting, derogatory thing in the book - this is the first thread I've read calling him a slut though.
  5. I agree with all this. I would only add that you can tell that Patriot fan to go pound sand, because they couldn't give away tickets to Foxborough before the Brady era began and they got their new stadium. Trust me, if NE was in the midst of a decade of suck, they wouldn't be selling out either.
  6. Well, this is unwelcome news. Not surprising, though.
  7. One of the rare threads where all of you are right. The WRs, offensive line, LBs, DB, and yes even the QB need to be upgraded. That, or the current players on those units need to markedly improve.
  8. I don't know who's saying that. I have no idea how Jones is going to turn out as a pro. I just think wondering "where's the love" for this guy is a stupid question when he's thrown 5 picks and 0 TDs in his last three games. He don't deserve no "love" right now.
  9. As others above have pointed out, he gets no love because he looked like s**t the second half of this past season.
  10. Maybe. You're an irrational hater and a joke (unless you're being sarcastic, and i dont think you are.)
  11. Really. Chang and Keenum are exactly the same size. "REAL leader"? That just sounds like some vague Tebow-speak to me. He's just another gimmick QB with monster numbers like Chang or Harrell.
  12. No more mid- or late-round QBs. If a premiere QB is there in the first, then take him. If not, then focus somewhere else. Keenum's numbers are all system. I suppose you would've drafted Tommy Chang as well.
  13. Excellent. Hopefully NBC fires this douche so I don't have to listen to him on Versus anymore.
  14. Turbo and K9 are right about Kelsay being the best option at this point (which is really sad). I disagree though about playing him - even though he's better than moats and batten at this point in their careers, the Bills should throw those guys in there anyway. Especially being out of contention at this point of the season. Kelsay's no world-beater at OLB, so they might as well give the two young guys more reps. The Kelsay contract certainly doesn't handicap the Bills cap-wise. That doesn't mean they are justified in doing it. CK never came close to earning either of his last two contracts based on production. For whatever reason, he's dialed in with the higher ups in the front office and was rewarded for his "intangibles," whatever that means.
  15. You're absolutely right. Of all the suspect front office maneuvers from the past couple years, the Kelsay extension was the worst. There's obviously very little left in his tank, and you're right - he was much more effective as part of a DL rotation. Schoebel on the opposite side didn't hurt either. "High motor" is just a euphemism for "under-talented white guy" anyways, and Chris Kelsay is the perfect embodiment of it.
  16. This is 100% false. Well done.
  17. Don't forget Denver's run game! Seattle blocks well for Marshawn. But ML also seems to bust off at least one rush per week where he breaks at least 5 tackles. Oh well, I guess i just miss the guy. The Seahawk fans seem to have embraced him.
  18. Are there any concrete reports out there even suggesting Fitz is hurt? Just wondering since it seems like a very popular theory around here. I think the opposition simply cracked the code on Gailey's offense once the Bengals showed the rest of the league how to do it. Makes me think there's some truth to the phrase "copycat league" the talking heads use all the time. Combined with the offensive line injuries, that sounds like a more realistic reason for his downward spiral than a phantom injury (or a lack of bicep curls).
  19. Agreed. And all your points about the stadium and facilities are correct; Lambeau is old, like the Ralph, but it's a historic stadium and receives significant renovations regularly. Equating the two as the other poster did is inaccurate.
  20. All the same questions we've been asking each other here...
  21. Or six straight great games...
  22. Choice had 1 carry yesterday. He is solely a backup.
  23. Kelsay is not very good...but Maybin is still worse. You can't compare Maybin playing around the Jets defense with Kelsay playing around the bills. Never thought Kelsay should've been extended, but he's not the worst starter on this defense this year. That's saying something (I guess?)
  24. He is very fragile. I wouldn't want someone clapping me on the back of the neck either if my bones were made of glass.
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