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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. This is 100% wrong, complete fantasy. Amazing what some people can cook up in their minds.
  2. If by "blown" you mean completely tore, I don't believe that is the case with Merriman this past year. From what I heard the surgery he had that necessitated his trip to IR was partly preventative in nature; it was something he needed for a while to prevent his achilles from tearing, but he waited (wisely) until the Bills paid him. Again, not sure if this the case, anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. I agree, it is sad comparing the two teams, but that's unfortunately where we are. The Thomas deal was just one example I gave; of course other players' deals, especially recent ones, will be cited. I don't mind if the Bills overpay Stevie a bit, I suppose that's where the disagreement in this whole thread lies. The Bills always seem ready and willing to extend their mediocre players like Pears and Kelsay, it seems odd to me they would play hardball with one of their better, most popular players. And yes, I think $5-6 mil is a lowball offer for a player with Stevie's production.
  4. Man, you really, REALLY, like Ryan Tannehill. I'll take your word he's good - I don't catch a lot of Aggie games. Anyways I like RG3 but I don't see him becoming another Cam Newton. Buffalo's public statements suggest they're committed to Fitzpatrick anyways. I vote Blackmon.
  5. I'd like to know how you came up with the number you think SJ is worth. Maybe you are a NFL talent evaluator, maybe you negotiate million dollar contracts daily. If you do, that's great. I know I don't. But I do know that the people that do these contracts use other players' contracts and performances to establish a value for their player - the existing market establishes the baselines for negotiation. It's really the fairest way to do it. So again I bring up Mike Thomas of JAX, who signed an extension in October. He resigned for $18 million total, 9 guaranteed over three years. Now, Buffalo and Jacksonville are comparable as franchises - both aren't marquee teams, both are in similar cap situations (way under), and both teams' receiving corps could be seen as hindered in recent years by mediocre to low QB play. Both have excellent running backs who factor into the passing game. In 3 years of full time action(-1 game), Thomas has 157 rec for 1690 yards and 6 TDs, with 10.8 yds/catch. He's missed 4 games over those 3 years. In 2 years of full time action(-1 game), SJ has 154 rec for 2037 yards and 16 TDs, with 13.2 yds/catch. He's missed no games. SJ has thoroughly out-played his counterpart in Jacksonville, surpassing Thomas's three year totals in two years. He should be making double the amount Thomas just signed for. That's fair in my book. Now you can make up any BS excuse you want about how the Thomas deal doesn't compare, shouldn't apply, etc... But I guarantee the people in the room actually doing the negotiation will be using that recent contract as a comparison.
  6. I know - playing through injuries, playing up the team and the city, giving fans prizes and interacting with them online, not pouting about his contract like Jackson, what an a**hole attitude he has.
  7. Yeah I couldn't find any info on his escalators; I'm sure he's hit all of them.
  8. Thanks for the link. Welker made a base $2.15 mil this year. It's safe to say he'll be getting a substantial raise.
  9. Ho man, his financial troubles must be no joke. link
  10. SJ turned out to be better than Evans, yeah. Going into the year Lee was the Bills #1 WR. Stevie blew Evans' numbers out of the water. He's having a comparable year this year, without Lee's speed on the opposite side (Really without anything on the opposite side, besides Nelson for spurts.) But some claim he's not worth what he (reportedly) asked. I contend that's stupid. $5-6 million a year, which is what some think he's worth, is Mike Thomas money. Stevie is better than Mike Thomas. It's not even close.
  11. Well Evans was the nominal #1, yeah. So you think SJ is a #2 receiver and $7-8 million over 4 or 5 years is too much? But he is still better than Lee. Does that mean Evans was drastically overpaid by Buffalo? A guy who is going to average 80 catches and 8 TDs over the past two seasons isn't a number 1? Just asking these questions to try to help you out. You seem to be herping and derping over your own argument.
  12. What about last year, when he had even better numbers and wasn't the best WR in the unit?
  13. But concession revenue would skyrocket
  14. What JW said +1. Pesky facts! Dont you just hate them OP?
  15. All true Thoner. I'd only add that Cam Newton does it much better than Tebow, yet receives 1/100th of the accolades and coverage.
  16. I agree that Gruden is for the most part unlistenable, but I have to take exception with Pereira's tweet as well. Gruden incorrectly criticizes correct calls at times, for sure, but also points out asinine non-calls and wrong calls as well. NFL officiating was downright poor at times under Pereira's watch, and Pereira was always there to offer some bailout excuse for his officials' calls. Very rarely did he admit his refs dropped the ball, and when he did he usually did it through a league shill intermediary like Peter King.
  17. I certainly don't think CK is the primary problem on the team's defense - there's still holes at every level of that unit and the DC looks lost. But CK is part of the problem. He's a average (at times) 43 DE, and a bad 34 OLB. He doesn't even approach being an acceptable hybrid DE/OLB. Kelsay's defenders always crawl from under their rocks when he throws up a decent game twice a season. That's fine; I expect it. But over the past 5 years or so I've seen quite enough of CK completely whiffing on sacks/tackles, over-pursuing and taking bad angles toward even the most immobile of QBs, getting blocked 15 yards up-field out of the play, etc... Yet we should all "give the guy a break" since we have no one better to take his place? That's a failure of the front office, and has nothing to do with and should not excuse Kelsay's low level of play. Give the guy a break? Should we do that with all the other players on this team who perform badly simply because their replacements aren't here yet? Are Fitzpatrick's bad performances absolved simply because he's Buffalo's best QB on the roster? No, we don't cut him, or McKelvin, or anyone else any slack for bad performances simply because "well, there's no one better." No, it seems to me that the reason so many want to cut CK slack is because he fits some tired, old-school, BS archetype of what a "football player" should be. You hold on to this in spite of Kelsay's diminishing returns and general sh**iness. But yeah, skewer the guy who's already light-years ahead of Kelsay because he was benched a couple of games early in his ROOKIE season; and let's all give the poor 9 year veteran a pass.
  18. Not when it actually applies. When you start 5 different threads in a day all attempting to make the same lazy, childish point, that term applies.
  19. Ugh...i don't think any of your ramblings here qualify as "ideas" in the formal sense. An idea usually involves some rationale or introspection before expression. What you do is either a dull form of trolling or a particularly sad form of message board diarrhea.
  20. + perhaps Pears on the line.
  21. Kelsay plays better out of the 4-3 for sure. He's still a trainwreck of a OLB. Tebow does tend to dance and wheel around in the backfield a lot, so that may have helped Kelsay out as well.
  22. I disagree with the OP's decision to give up going to games since I believe it was a county decision, not the team's, to eliminate all smoking inside the stadium. That said, she still brings up a great point about the double standard in effect for press members smoking inside the stadium. Of course that point was lost on many of you replying in this thread, who sound like stark raving mouthbreathers tearing into the OP who was making a sound, albeit unpopular, point. Seriously, some of you (jumbalaya, georgeedwardsteeth) sound less educated and more unreasonable than the people arguing about religion on PPP. I don't smoke and the ban has made the situation worse in the stadium for nonsmokers, not better. Visit any restroom now during the game and it smells like smoke - not the case when there were designated outdoor smoking areas before the ban. As far as smoke "wafting" towards me from a smoking area 40 yards away through 2 or 3 concrete walls, sorry, i've yet to experience that, probably because it's physically impossible.
  23. Here's a possible reason he's not called up and playing: He's so physically and mentally unprepared at this point to play pro football that inserting him into a game would put himself and his teammates at risk. But nah, you Jasper fans are right - See big fat man, must be good football guy. Give it a rest.
  24. You dont have to change your thoughts, you can just continue being wrong.
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