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Zulu Cthulhu

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Posts posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. The amount of stupid in this thread is astounding. No one, not even Tasker's Ghost, knows what this kid Wilson is going to do in the NFL yet. You can not, CAN NOT, draw anything from the fact that clueless Pete Carroll is starting him over some other no name QB (2 whole starts!) this week in PRESEASON. Wait till the kid actually performs in some games that matter before you start furiously polishing his knob.

  2. Actualy, He (Sparano) pulled David Lee aside on the flight home after a loss to the Cards and started asking him about the Wild Cat. It was David Lee's baby but some how Tony got credit because he was the HC. So you guys having someone on yer staff who knows more about the Cat than Tony does. Im sure Chan will use that knowlege.


    Good post phins fan. It's funny how many times "logical"'s posts have very little to do with actual facts, which would obviously make sense, given his pompous user name, and more about his off-the-cuff opinions, which, of course, have no basis in reality at all.

  3. Thanks for another great writeup. I can hardly express how appreciated these are.


    And welcome back, Cotton.


    Agreed. Uncle Flap should go to camp more; one of the best recaps i've ever read on here.


    VY at least has a decent excuse for sucking so far - he's never run a offense like Chan's before. Thigpen can't say that, he has no excuse for his performances.

  4. Denver at #10 is a joke. There sure are a lot of people drinking the Peyton Kool-Aid.


    Not here.




    They made the postseason and won a playoff game with a limited passing game. Manning is a tremendous improvement over tebow if he stays healthy. Their defense was pretty great down the stretch (except for the Bills game). 10 seems alright to me.

  5. Actually, nobody does care. If he was available and we didn't draft him, maybe there would be a point to this thread.........A few days into camp probably wouldn't be the time to anoint any player better than another one, but at least it would make more sense than this thread.


    Exactly. The OP thinks our secondary was "deep"? Even after florence gone? Um, no. We have an old, oft injured cornerback (mcgee), a CB with little to no ball skills and awareness (mckelvin), an unproven 2nd year guy (williams), etc., etc...


    Yes Dukey, no one really cares besides you about a LB that we had no chance to draft at all. Not at this point.

  6. Everyone knows the Redskins are the perpetual offseason champs. ?


    In all seriousness, the Bills are probably one of the most improved on paper right now. But it's mid July. Just as injuries to Fitz, the OL, kyle williams, Fred, etc. derailed a promising start (along with later opponents adjusting to Chan's scheme), they could just as easily take down players again this coming season. Let's wait at least until the team puts on pads.

  7. So now it's down to Chris "Baghdad Bob" Brown to convine us of Kelsay's......"decentness"?



    Bumping your own thread after a month? End your crusade eball.


    Again in eball's Chris Brown quote I read buzz words like "leadership" and "work ethic" regarding CK. I'm surprised "high motor" wasn't tossed in as well for good measure. Very rarely do I see anything talking about actual "performance."


    If Brown's quote was accurate, and Kelsay was a well-rounded DE who just didn't get the sack numbers, I'd have no problem with him. But too often I see a CK that disappears for games at a time, a CK that gets blown out of plays off the snap and still, after 10 years in the NFL, still takes himself out of plays by taking undisciplined bad angles to the ball carrier and/or the QB.

  8. Wow. You guys really like to attack don't you? I thought the interview slanted a bit negative and I outlined my reasoning and then asked if you thought I was off base and all of a sudden I am super sensitive and looking for negative things to say? For the record, Tim Graham is my favorite Buffalo sportswriter. I read all of his stuff and I agree he is objective and a very good writer. If you go back in the timeline you'd see that I regularly sided with Tim when he used to post here on the board. The ONLY thing about my post I would change is the title, which states the article was negative. I should have put a question mark at the end.


    Nah, not trying to attack you man. I just thought his responses were measured, not negative. And as far as his Fitz comments, i agreed with all of them.


    I do think much of the fanbase is excited this offseason based on the Williams, Anderson, and Stevie signings, so i disagree with Graham on that point.

  9. I'm not quite sure what the OP's beef is with a couple measured (and accurate) comments from an otherwise positive interview. Is Graham supposed to be a cheerleader now that he's at TBN?


    I completely agree with TG's comments about Fitz. In my view he's shown very little to suggest he can become some breakout star QB. Yes he's shown flashes of elite performance. Until he produces like that consistently and leads the team to the playoffs, though, it's probably smarter to keep a measured opinion of him. I don't think a new QB coach is going to change his game any more than Gailey already has. Staying healthy behind a healthy O line for an entire year might, though.

  10. It bothers me that people are idiots. "Oh, kids are bad and an old woman's crying. Money'll fix it."


    You're right - the idea that throwing money at any problem will fix it is way too prevalent.


    In this situation, the gentleman that started the fund claims he was bullied in the past and wanted to raise a modest sum to get her a vacation. For a widowed senior making 15 grand that doesn't seem too outlandish a sentiment. The media attention fueled the fund to the level it is now.

  11. Sorry man, it's just too absurd for me to feel warm & fuzzy about. It sucks that she had to sit through that, but if that's the worst thing that ever happened to her she's had a pretty sweet life. The lack of perspective on display with runaway emotion leaving logic at the starting point bothers me.


    It bothers you that thousands of people, many of whom were probably victims of bullying at one point or another, felt bad for her and kicked $10 her way, ostensibly for a vacation so she can get away from that rolling hell pit for a few weeks?


    The whole point of this story is the emotional connection it elicited in such a large number of people. It is neither about, nor does it require a cool headed logical analysis by the people donating THEIR OWN money. You suggesting they complete a comparative study of the myriad charities out there before deciding to give this woman a couple dollars?


    Funny how all the conservative wonks from PPP are suddenly so interested in how other people spend their own money. Wounded vets OK, emotionally abused elderly widow grandma not OK. Get over yourselves.

  12. And Easley went from 48 yds to 893 yds/8 TDs playing in a balanced offense as opposed to the pass-happy Kentucky scheme. Yes, it wasn't the SEC, but it wasn't cream puffs either (Baylor, North Carolina, Cincinnati, Notre Dame, Pitt). Most teams weren't particularly impressed with Stevie's "4th in the NATION" stats and "BREAKOUT" senior year given his draft position.


    Easley's career may or may not amount to anything. But it's too soon to label him a bust given the limited amount of reps he's been able to put up over the past two years.


    I'm certainly not calling Easley a bust yet. Even if he did turn out that way, I wouldn't be too bent about a 4th rounder not working out. My only point in my initial response was towards those here who seem unhealthily obsessed with this guy, who has done absolutely nothing, nada, to help this team in two years. Yet every week another Easley thread pops up. And in every thread there's someone predicting this guy is "going to be elite" or something along those lines. Really? Based on what? Sorry, the fact that he was drafted in the same round as Andre Reed is not compelling.


    June optimism is great, I'm not trying to p*ss all over it. But why all the obsession over this guy? Why not talk about players who have actually given us REASON to be excited? Like Dareus, who was dominant at times in his rookie year? Or Spiller, who showed flashes late last season behind a busted and broken offensive line? Or even someone like Justin Rogers, who steadily contributed more and more as the season went on last year and could turn out to be another 7th round gem? Those are the guys I'm optimistic about. Not some guy who: a) wasn't dominant in college, b) suffered a serious injury and a serious illness in the two years he was here. Honestly Easley seems at this point to be a long shot to even make the team, and I can't say I'd mind if he got cut. At least his fan club would stop talking about him for no reason.

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