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Zulu Cthulhu

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Everything posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Anyone who found and read this know the author's name?
  2. What do you mean one of the NFL draft's lead writers? He or she works for NFL.com then? If so then the article should be posted on some other legitimate site. Of course you could mean one of bleacher report's lead draft writers, in which case it's not legit at all.
  3. Shocking how many genius-level intellects we have on TBD criticizing Stevie's intelligence.
  4. Exactly. There is no point, other than to bait people and rile them up.
  5. Man this place gets wacky after the Bills are done playing for the year.
  6. Probably Kelly, as sad as that is. Flutie was a good story but not really that great. No one wants to burn Fitz in effigy. I just want him to go away. He got his chance after a few promising games in 2011. He regressed, and got his coach fired as a result. I'm sure he's a great guy, and I wish him well. You don't need to dredge up his stats, compare them to Bledsoe's and sit back and say "See? He's alright." Practically anyone could've put up decent numbers in gailey's offense. But he failed in the clutch, he failed on deep throws, he showed bad decision making at the most inopportune times. He hasn't looked the same since his injury against Washington. If you aren't baiting, then look back through your thread and answer some of the questions other posters have asked you. Or don't. But either way you should let this defense of Fitzpatrick cause go.
  7. And that's the problem with your thread OP. You begin by throwing out their respective numbers in buffalo (2 guys that played almost 10 years apart here btw) and just sit back and say let's discuss. Well, people have been discussing. Repliers to this thread have asked you several follow up questions to these raw numbers you posted and you have yet to answer any of them. You started this to bait people. Because you are still a fan of this complete failure of a starting quarterback. And no, not everyone thought Bledsoe was the team's most recent good QB. He had one good year statistically with Moulds and Price. The rest of his time here was as embarassing as the last 3 have been.
  8. Bleacher Report posted a list of something? I am shocked. Next you'll be telling me they posted it in slideshow form.
  9. Thurman himself said recently that today's teams need 2 running backs. I tend to agree and there many teams using committee backfields. That said, I think there's a very recent trend of elite guys getting more and more of the workload. Foster, Peterson, Richardson, Bush, & Morris (he especially surprised me) all come to mind. I have little doubt Spiller can be as good, if not better than all those guys (except Peterson) with an increased workload.
  10. Whaley's cred comes from his time in Pittsburgh. That, and he's not 75 years old.
  11. Geno Smith and grab Orton to back him up.
  12. I would welcome giving Whaley the job immediately as well. Only 2 small disagreements with your post: I still hold out some hope for Carrington; he seems to be improving a bit this season, and I wouldn't call Anderson a bust yet since we've seen so little of him here before he got injured. Other than that, spot on.
  13. Could be. I don't really know when they quit on him, but it has happened. Unfortunately it's time to start over once again. They won't be selling too many tickets with Chan running the show next year.
  14. Are people here and elsewhere really hating on fred jackson? I still think he's one of the most beloved on the roster (for good reason.) He's just not the best RB on the team anymore. Not a big deal really. A much younger, top 10 draft pick should be outperforming fred at this point.
  15. It's easier to understand why Tagliabue simultaneously (rightfully) vacated the players' suspensions while also covering Goodell's ass the best he could when you realize Goodell is also Tags' biggest client.
  16. The onus is still on gailey to work around CJ's (only?) limitation and keep him on the field more. Perhaps more designed runs? Or maybe more 2 back or H-back formations? Less spread sets? Any of those might help ameliorate Spiller's pass protection struggles. Spiller's increased struggles this past game might also have been due to the patchwork line the Bills had to trot out there.
  17. Then don't listen. Problem solved. Obviously you felt strongly enough about expressing your point on their show to call in. Then you felt slighted and felt strongly enough to come here and vent. Who's being unreasonable again? I loathe Peter King. He writes like a 3rd grader. Guess what? I don't read his column anymore. I feel better now. Stop listening, and you will too.
  18. Can we close the book on this guy now?
  19. I can't honestly call Fitz "average" because i don't believe he can make all the throws NFL QBs are expected to make anymore. He's a below average game manager who throws too many bad interceptions. An average QB with Buffalo's running game would be able to pick apart most NFL defenses. Fitz does not do that anymore.
  20. Hmm. Ok internet tough guy. So after Spikes is completely incapacitated and immobile you'd stroll up and spit on him? Wow. I admire your courage, especially sharing it anonymously with all of us. You can always easily spot the people who've never played the game before around here - they say things like this guy.
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